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Unhandled stream error in pipe #14

Closed chilijung closed 11 years ago

chilijung commented 11 years ago
      throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe.
Error: ENOENT, open '/Users/lijung/Documents/Project/twangry/public/compiled/css/loading@2x.gif'

我用 node app.js 跑起來後,開啟 localhost:8080 會出現這個 error。web server 就掛了。

jimyhuang commented 11 years ago

哪一個頁面? url?

chilijung commented 11 years ago 網站開起來的同時,node server 就掛了。 可以看的到畫面但是感覺是 load static picture 有問題。 因為我在畫面上看的到 timeline 但是看不到 picturs 像是箭頭之類的 我的畫面: 2013-07-27 11 24 04

jimyhuang commented 11 years ago

我猜,Browser中輸入的網址應該要是 ~~~

chilijung commented 11 years ago


jimyhuang commented 11 years ago

疑,我看你畫面沒錯,你的node版本是? 我這裡沒辦法重現,用chrome的develop tools看request,都是正確的

chilijung commented 11 years ago


jimyhuang commented 11 years ago

我的測試環境都是 v0.10.x XD


chilijung commented 11 years ago

XD 那我待會來更新一下好了

jimyhuang commented 11 years ago

先標示won't fix ~ 更新後若ok,再來關掉這個issue

jimyhuang commented 11 years ago

剛剛重啟,突然就生出Error .... 不過最神奇的是,開 還都正常

events.js:72 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

chilijung commented 11 years ago

我 update node 也沒用想說晚點爬 code,感覺是 node 讀 static file 出問題。應該跟之前是用 nginx 那邊轉過來有關吧?

jimyhuang commented 11 years ago

got it. 你能正常開啟頁面/開發嗎?如果真還不行的話,我開server account來讓你直接進去好了~ 我有弄個簡單的develop env

chilijung commented 11 years ago


chilijung commented 11 years ago

我的電腦少了 loading@2x.gif 所以我複製了 loading.gif 做出了 loading@2x.gif 就好了~~