g2glab / pg

PG Tools
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pg2pgx uses underscore in property #23

Closed shota-matsumoto-lm closed 3 years ago

shota-matsumoto-lm commented 3 years ago

Current PGQL does not allow underscore as property name (ref.), while pg2pgx uses '_label' property.

ryotayamanaka commented 3 years ago

It seems the current PGX allows _ but not documented so.

ryotayamanaka commented 3 years ago

pg2pgx will be replaced to pg2csv, so _label does not needed.

However, we still need to check if PGQL allows underscore in property name.

ryotayamanaka commented 3 years ago

This queyr is allowed in the PGQL syntax and works (tested on Graph Studio)

insert into test1 vertex v labels ("_label") properties (v."_prop" = 1);
ryotayamanaka commented 3 years ago

We don't need to maintain pg2pgx anymore, anyway.