g3w-suite / g3w-client-plugin-qtimeseries

Time Series plugin
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Timeseries bug with WMS external #4

Open dotsLand opened 1 year ago

dotsLand commented 1 year ago


Subject of the issue

I have publish two different projects, both of them have layers with WMS services with the TIME dimension:

1. In the first project, the TIMESERIES plugin is not displayed at all:


the layer which has the TIME dimension is fwic and is configured as an external WMS, in the api/config JSON data are almost identical as layers from other project (for any indicator for start plugins):


In this case, even when I deselect WMS external, the navigation in TIME (TIME SERIES plugin) is not displayed.


In this case, WMS Service is provided by GEOSERVER version 2.22.2

Also applying a opacity in External WMS is not working from G3W-Client

2. TIMESERIES is appearing in the second project:

and is identifying two layers with TIMESERIES:

In the case of selecting the FWI or BUI layer, FWI is missing the ENDDATE field (see the picture below)


in the case when I select only BUI ENDDATE, it is presented correctly.


these two layers, even though they are configured as external WMS services in the QGIS project they have selected "Publish WMS/WMTS data source uri", in G3W-Admin it is not giving us the option to select it as WMS External, but it works as Internal through qdjango until the JSON data in api/config is as follows:

for the BUI layer


for the FWI layer


In this case WMS Service is provided by THREDDS Data Server unidata/thredds-docker:latest (5.4)


Steps to reproduce

I have provided you with the details above, since do not have the same layers, it is a problem to defining reproduction steps


Link to your project

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volterra79 commented 1 year ago

@dotsLand thanks. We let you know

volterra79 commented 1 year ago

@dotsLand can you provide us project and data? Thanks

Raruto commented 1 year ago

can you provide us project and data? Thanks

.. and some real world links where anyone else could see these bugs easily reproduced would be really appreciated 😄

dotsLand commented 1 year ago

@dotsLand can you provide us project and data? Thanks

I dont have public IP for web but let me see what data can I provide you

dotsLand commented 1 year ago


here you can find a simple project with this WMS, i published geoserver url, can you check access

volterra79 commented 1 year ago

@dotsLand i can't load fwi layer:

Screenshot from 2023-04-07 13-58-58

dotsLand commented 1 year ago

@volterra79 published through pagekit.me here is link: http://dotsgeo.pagekite.me/geoserver/

dotsLand commented 1 year ago

also for test you can use this links:

volterra79 commented 1 year ago

testtimeserieswms.zip here you can find a simple project with this WMS, i published geoserver url, can you check access

@dotsLand i can't load fwi layer: Screenshot from 2023-04-07 13-58-58

@volterra79 published through pagekit.me here is link http://dotsgeo.pagekite.me/geoserver/


Screenshot from 2023-04-07 16-09-10

dotsLand commented 1 year ago

Here you can find example and some error in timeseries:


In QGIS project you can find vector data for timeseries with field date, also some layer from WMS services.

How to reproduce:

1. Layer event works well when it is only layer in timeseries (see prsc below):


2. when will add new layer as WMS External as below:

WMS external selected

3. then you will see that End date is not reading and in console shows error:


defaultdate Error

4. In JSON there are for two layers stard date and END date:


5. Also when select other layers as WMS External and some of layers WMS Internal are staying then here are creating some conflicts!!:

6. Selecting other layer as WMS External

Select other layer as external WMS

7.Playing with some of these layers, for example turn on layer FWI and checking WMS Capablities and seem ok as WMS External, for second layer modis.hs we will check a WMS Capabilities and also it seems OK and url is Internal (see in picture below) but when turn on layer modis.hs then we can see that request is going as external and taking URL from FWI layers this two layers are diferent URL source (see picture belove)

Internal vs External

volterra79 commented 1 year ago

@dotsLand thanks. I let you know

volterra79 commented 1 year ago

@dotsLand fix with https://github.com/g3w-suite/g3w-client-plugin-qtimeseries/commit/0012f2d6e699477b3cc6135f005ecd42ec8fa3b3

If you update g3w-admin dev branch code it will be fix

dotsLand commented 1 year ago

I updated last version and seems same problem as for defaultdate() and also for layers source in WMS External and WMS Internal

volterra79 commented 1 year ago


Screenshot from 2023-04-14 08-14-55

volterra79 commented 1 year ago

7.Playing with some of these layers, for example turn on layer FWI and checking WMS Capablities and seem ok as WMS External, for second layer modis.hs we will check a WMS Capabilities and also it seems OK and url is Internal (see in picture below) but when turn on layer modis.hs then we can see that request is going as external and taking URL from FWI layers this two layers are diferent URL source (see picture belove)

Internal vs External

@dotsLand about that i don't understand.

dotsLand commented 1 year ago


  • On Detail object image it show details about modis_hs layer

modis_hs is not configured to work as WMS External and its should come through qdjango URL, while in QGIS wms url is https://maps.wild-fire.eu/gwis, request is going through link https://maps.wild-fire.eu/effis (see pic):


  • On develop network panel i see the request url about ecmwf007.fwi layer

request should not be together with ecmwf007.fwi,modis_hsf585647c.........85e bcs they have different source

dotsLand commented 1 year ago


  • On Detail object image it show details about modis_hs layer

modis_hs is not configured to work as WMS External and its should come through qdjango URL, while in QGIS wms url is https://maps.wild-fire.eu/gwis, request is going through link https://maps.wild-fire.eu/effis (see pic):


  • On develop network panel i see the request url about ecmwf007.fwi layer

request should not be together with ecmwf007.fwi,modis_hsf585647c.........85e bcs they have different source

Yet same problem do you have any idea why is it happening!? One of possibility is wrong indexing between index of layers and layer orders index, when push in timeseries layers array!! in this case layers name is going through other host from other layer,