g3w-suite / g3w-suite-docker

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Failure to publish qgs file created with local data #116

Closed desilvarami closed 9 months ago

desilvarami commented 9 months ago


Subject of the issue

Could not publish web services from qgs files created using shp files. I can successfully publish qgs projects created using external PostGIS data in the server. Please advice, if I am missing some step. In case this is not the correct platform to ask questions, please let me know a link to a such platform.

Steps to reproduce


Link to your project

No response

Additional info

Source of the SHP file in Local Desktop which was used to created the qgs project using QGIS Desktop. image

Transfer the same dataset to G3W Server as indicated below. image

When try to publish the project following error occurs. image

g3w-suite log file image

Please provide some assistance to overcome this issue.

wlorenzetti commented 9 months ago

Hi @desilvarami, in accordance with the manual https://g3w-suite.readthedocs.io/en/v3.7.x/datamanagement.html, the geo data must been uploaded in /shared-volume/project_data, not in /shared-volume/media/....

To do that inside the G3W-SUITE there is a file manage to upload data on G3W-USITE instance: https://g3w-suite.readthedocs.io/en/v3.7.x/datamanagement.html#geographical-data-synchronization-on-the-server

desilvarami commented 9 months ago

Hi @wlorenzetti, thanks a lot for the detailed instructions. I was able to successfully publish geo data following your instructions. The possibility of uploading data via the File Manager was very useful. Previously, I transferred geo data to G3W server by using wget command from my GitHub. I guess that caused the problem (with the file format). Because from the beginning I kept a copy of the dataset in /shared-volume/project_data folder as well. Really appreciate your guidance.