g613 / asterisk-cdr-viewer

Simple and fast viewer for asterisk CDRs / recordings
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HTTP Auth required, please configure WEB server ! #37

Open brickrat opened 6 years ago

brickrat commented 6 years ago


I keep on getting the following error: HTTP Auth required, please configure WEB server !

I have tried configuring the conf.d file I added user in .htpasswd file I tried changing the config.inc.php file

and keep getting the error.

Can someone please assist

g613 commented 6 years ago

$system_auth_require = 0; in config.in.php and apache restart didn't helped ?

brickratrsa commented 6 years ago

Hi Sorry for the late response. That worked for me. Now I am trying to link the call recordings. Any good guide on how to get that done? (maybe some dialplan examples) This is my test dialplan I am using

[phones] ;internal 4 digit extensions exten => _XXXX,1,NoOp(Phone From ${EXTEN}) same => n,Macro(recording) same => n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) same => n,Hangup

;Set Recordings [macro-recording] exten => s,1,Set(__MIXMON_FORMAT=WAV) same => n,Set(NOW=${EPOCH}) same => n,Set(DAY=${STRFTIME(${NOW},,%d)}) same => n,Set(MONTH=${STRFTIME(${NOW},,%m)}) same => n,Set(YEAR=${STRFTIME(${NOW},,%Y)}) same => n,Set(TIMESTR=${YEAR}${MONTH}${DAY}-${STRFTIME(${NOW},,%H%M%S)}) same => n,Set(FROMEXTEN=${CALLERID(number)}) same => n,Set(__CALLFILENAME=out-${EXTEN}-${CALLERID(number)}-${TIMESTR}-${UNIQUEID}) same => n,Set(CDR(recordingfile)=${CALLFILENAME}.${MIXMON_FORMAT}) same => n,Set(MIXMONITOR_FILENAME=${CALLFILENAME}) same => n,MixMonitor(/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/${YEAR}/${MONTH}/${DAY}/${CALLFILENAME}.${MIXMON_FORMAT},,)