g992 / flashforge-ad5m-5mpro-research

Hardware and software researches and upgrades for Flashforge adventurer M5/M5 PRO
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Backlight dimming/off #14

Open consp opened 4 months ago

consp commented 4 months ago

@xblax found the IOCTLs and I used them to create a python package to make it more easy to deal with (source).

When available discussion here (still private, won't be long to become public)

Ross922 commented 4 months ago

Discussion link is broken - could you update? definitely interested in disabling the backlight... good thing its not an oled display or burn in would be instant lol

consp commented 4 months ago

Discussion link is broken - could you update? definitely interested in disabling the backlight... good thing its not an oled display or burn in would be instant lol

Discussion link is still private, when the klippermod becomes public (probably within a week) it will become available.

In the source is everything you need. If you have root just log onto the device, update the time and pip3 install ff-ad5m-backlight should be enough. It's a self installing package and then backlight 25 or something equivalent.

The original dtd from flashforge allows for the ioctls to be used. More finegrained control can be achieved by disabling the display pwm control in the dtd and enabeling pwm7 but that is a bit too much for most users.