gOOvER / GuildGreet-Extended

A Greeting Addon for WoW
4 stars 3 forks source link

Error in WoD #15

Closed Excelis closed 9 years ago

Excelis commented 9 years ago

Date: 2014-12-03 21:28:15 ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\GuildGreet\GuildGreet.lua line 2519: attempt to compare boolean with number Debug: GuildGreet\GuildGreet.lua:2519: GLDG_ShowQueue() GuildGreet\GuildGreet.lua:6049: GLDG_TreatAchievment() GuildGreet\GuildGreet.lua:339: GLDG_OnEvent()

  [string "*:OnEvent"]:1

Locals: queue =

{ 1 = "Azerca-ArgentDawn" 2 = "Fadore-ArgentDawn" } total = 2 (for generator) = defined =[C]:-1 (for state) =
{ Fadore-ArgentDawn = "[21:25] " Azerca-ArgentDawn = "[21:27] " Erool-ArgentDawn = "[21:26] " } (for control) = "Erool-ArgentDawn" p = "Erool-ArgentDawn" loc = 2 (_temporary) = true (_temporary) = 88997.503 (_temporary) = "number" (_temporary) = 1 (_temporary) = 2 (_temporary) = "Fadore-ArgentDawn" (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (_temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "attempt to compare boolean with number" L =
{ Remove selection = "Remove selection" List to chat when a player levels up (offline players, printed when you log in) = "List to chat when a player levels up (offline players, printed when you log in)" achievment = "achievment" Use local time instead of server time = "Use local time instead of server time" Enable player context menu (may cause taint issues in raid frame, see tooltip) = "Enable player context menu (may cause taint issues in raid frame, see tooltip)" SubTabDebug = "Debug" Set guild collection = "Set guild collection" has increased his level from %s to %s = "has increased his level from %s to %s" No characters found = "No characters found" Say see you later to guild and channel = "Say see you later to guild and channel" Supress all = "Supress all" Don't put players coming online on the greet list = "Don't put players coming online on the greet list" At %s, %s promoted this player to rank %s. = "At %s, %s promoted this player to rank %s." Custom collections = "Custom collections" List grows upwards instead of downwards = "List grows upwards instead of downwards" Printing information to chat = "Printing information to chat" Say goodbye to guild and channel = "Say goodbye to guild and channel" Selected collection = "Selected collection" ChatMsg/The config string seems to be corrupted. Please generating a new one. = "The config string seems to be corrupted. Please generating a new one." Display your own characters = "Display your own characters" List alt and main names when player logs in = "List alt and main names when player logs in" Current value = "Current value" ChatMsg/Config string not found. = "Config string not found." Using chat frame %d (%s) = "Using chat frame %d (%s)" Write the config string = "Write the config string" Only show level-up for levels above %d = "Only show level-up for levels above %d" At %s, this character came online for the first time during this session. = "At %s, this character came online for the first time during this session." Channel name to monitor = "Channel name to monitor" Test trigger = "Test trigger" (off) = " (off)" Whisper greetings and grats to players = "Whisper greetings and grats to players" Don't put players that get promoted on the greet list = "Don't put players that get promoted on the greet list" coming online = "coming online" Add main name to chat when an alt sends a message = "Add main name to chat when an alt sends a message" Show /who request and response text in chat = "Show /who request and response text in chat" later channel = "later channel" List alt and main names when player logs off = "List alt and main names when player logs off" GuildGreet = "GuildGreet" Configuration options for displaying the players waiting for a greeting = "Configuration options for displaying the players waiting for a greeting" Character reached level %s. = "Character reached level %s." bye char = "bye char" Clear greet list = "Clear greet list" Greet guild when 'Greet Key' is pressed (also applies to saying bye) = "Greet guild when 'Greet Key' is pressed (also applies to saying bye)" Create new collection = "Create new collection" Collection %q = "Collection %q" Only update guild roster on events = "Only update guild roster on events" Whisper level up messages = "Whisper level up messages" At %s, this player joined the guild = "At %s, this player joined the guild" Don't put players that level up on the greet list = "Don't put players tha AddOns: MoncaiCompare, v6.0.2 Swatter, v5.0.0 (<%codename%>) AckisRecipeList, v3.0.8-6-g3ac10b2 AckisRecipeListQuickScan, v6.0.2.1 AddFriend, v3.29 Aloft, v6.0.1 AnsweringMachine, v1.4 AraBrokerGuildFriends, vr70 AskMrRobot, v19 Auctionator, v3.1.8 AutoBar, vv6.0.2.07 AutoText, vv5.1-release AutoVendor, v25 BagBrother, v6.0.16 Bagnon, v6.0.16 BankStack, vv35-3-gaaa7cee Bazooka, vv2.4.1 BigBrother, v4.0.0 BrokerCurrencyflow, vv1.5 BrokerFactions, vr26 BrokerGarrison, v1.2.1 BrokerSmartBuff, v6.0a Capping, v5.4.003 DiscordArt, v6.1.1 DiscordLibrary, v6.0.0 DiscordUnitFrames, v6.0.11 Dominos, v6.0.9 DominosCast, v DominosEncounter, v DominosRoll, v DominosXP, v Examiner, v14.10.16 FauxMazzle, v6.0.12 FishingBuddy, v1.4l GarrisonMissionManager, vv8 GnomishVendorShrinker, v5.0.1.15 GoblinVendorFilter, vv1.0.9-1-g31156a3 GTFO, v4.35.6 GuildGreet, v6.0.5 GupPet, v603.05 HandyNotes, vv1.3.2 HandyNotesTreasureHunter, v1 HitsMode5, v5.0 HitsMode5Options, v5.0 HitsMode5Replay, v5.0 MageNuggets, v4.4.6 Mapster, v1.6.2 Masque, v6.0.0 MasqueSleek, v6.0.0 Misspelled, v1.6.0 Molinari, v60000.34-Release MoveAnything, v15.0.6 Omen, v3.1.9 OmniCC, v6.0.10 Overachiever, v0.81 OverachieverTrade, v0.81 Pawn, v1.9.7 Postal, v3.5.1 Prat30, v3.5.10
Prat30HighCPUUsageModules, v Prat30Libraries, v Quartz, v3.2.3 Recount, vv6.0.3c release SavedInstances, v6.0.5 sct, v6.65 sctd, v6.65 Skillet, v SmartBuff, v6.0c sRaidFrames, vr765 StealYourCarbon, v6.0.0.25 TinyPad, v2.0.3 TipTac, v14.10.16 TipTacItemRef, v14.10.16 TipTacTalents, v14.10.15 Toaster, v6.0.3.3 TomTom, vv60000-1.1.1-beta TrinketMenu, v6.0.1 VEMCore, v VEMDefaultSkin, v VEMSoundDefault, v VEMStatusBarTimers, v VendorBait, v6.0.0.10 xcalc, vv2.74 XLoot, vz20a-release XLootFrame, vz20a-release XLootGroup, vz20a-release XLootMaster, vz20a-release XLootMonitor, vz20a-release BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v6.0.3.60000 (ck=804)

gOOvER commented 9 years ago

Please use for bugs ;)