ga-dc / project3-gallery

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Project-3(Timmy, Jonathan, Jeff) #100

Closed jtfragale closed 6 years ago

jtfragale commented 6 years ago

Link to repo:

Link to deployed app:

Things you'd like specific feedback on:

we know we need to refactor for an updated deployment later for Global Cup 2.0

megmaciver13 commented 6 years ago

Hard Requirements

☑️ The backend API for your application is deployed to Heroku and the frontend is deployed to Surge or GitHub Pages ☑️ The commit history of your repo(s) show a roughly equal number of commits from each group member.

Evaluation Requirements

Back End Technology

Score: Progressing

Overall, your back-end code looks great. Great job incorporating JWT authentication. The file structure is neat and organized, as is your code. I like the way you added comments describing all the CRUD methods in your teams controller to increase readability of your code. You could consider adding comments to the other files for comment consistency.

Technically, your back end appears to have just one non-User model, but I do see that you have sub-documents in your Team model. In order to make each of these a model, you would run mongoose.model(...) for each schema and separate them out into their own files (per convention).

I added a few comments via issues about setting up your schemas and keeping your routes RESTful.

Front End Technology

Score: Performing

Overall, this is well done! You have a sufficiently complex tree of components in your front end, and your components are well organized.

In the future, consider creating an images directory in public to store all images, instead of storing them in a component directory. For the most part, you did a great job naming your components in a descriptive, yet concise manner. Container, for instance, could be a bit more descriptive.

In striving for DRY code, I would challenge you to use reusable components each time you have to present or store data for all ten players. I have included some suggestions/comments on that in specific issues in your front-end repo, as well as some additional ideas for cleaning up the code a bit.

Code Quality

Score: Performing

Overall, both your front end and back end have high quality code. Your back-end is particularly neatly done. As indicated in the issues in your front-end repo, there are a few players where you could clean up your code a bit and make it more DRY. On the back end, be sure to keep your routes RESTful and delineate what your models are.

In the front end, your App.js is rather long, so including inline comments for each class method could help enhance clarity and readability.

Deployment and Functionality

Score: Performing

Both your front end and back end are deployed and looking good!


Score: Performing

Your planning materials in the front-end repo show that you came together as a team to plan a shared vision for your app. User stories can always further enhance the clarity of this vision.

I would highly suggest giving both your front-end and back-end repos a readme to describe all the things you implemented in each (express, jwt auth, React, etc) and then also link to the other repo for more context on the full-stack app. When potential employers visit your GitHub repos, it's helpful to have a readme supplement to explain what each repo contains!


Overall, I commend you guys for working well as a team. You seemed to communicate clearly and have well-defined roles within your group. This experience will be invaluable to draw upon as you interview for positions that inevitably will have a team aspect to them. Your soccer app is executed!