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Handlebars cannot access nested objects #857

Closed Fcarrion001 closed 7 years ago

Fcarrion001 commented 7 years ago

I am sending data from a 3rd party api to my client and I cannot access the nested data This is what handlebars is generating

Api Games


Project CARS 2

Release Date

this is what the data looks like in the console

This is how I have handlebars set up

<h4>Api Games</h4>

{{#each games as |game|}}
<div class="col-xs-4 box">
  <div data-id="{{}}">
    <ul name='games' class='handlebars-fields'>
      <h6>Release Date</h6>

This is the javascript handlebars logic

const showApiGamesHTML = showApiGamesTemplate({ games: games })
  $('.content').append(showApiGamesHTML) = games
  console.log('data ', games)

this is the controller that I am making the request and sending the response with

def gameapi
    # user_key given by 3rd party api
    user_key = ENV['USER_KEY']
    p user_key
    p "route is being hit"
    # headers and get request required by the api in the format that the gem requires
    @games = HTTP.headers(:accept => 'application/json', 'user-key' => user_key)
              # binding.pry
    render json: @games

this is the ajax request

const indexApiGames = function () {
  return $.ajax({
    url: config.apiOrigin + '/game-api',
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
      Authorization: 'Token token=' + store.user.token

This is the event handler

const onIndexApiGames = function (event) {
Fcarrion001 commented 7 years ago

Issue Resolved wrapping the nested data with the name of the parent object allows me access

{{!-- {{#each games as |game|}}
<div class="col-xs-4 box">
  <div data-id="{{}}">
    <ul name='games' class='handlebars-fields'>
      <li>{{}}</li> --}}
      {{!-- <h6>Platform</h6>
      <h6>Release Date</h6>
      <li>{{human}}</li> --}}
    {{!-- </ul>
    {{/each}} --}}