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Last step before redeployment #876

Closed Azinck94 closed 7 years ago

Azinck94 commented 7 years ago

Last thing to accomplish is finding a way to show the newly created meeting: I input scheduledAt and receive a successful post response, but am getting hung up on this last step. Here is what I have for the handlebars:

<div class="card">
<div class="card-block">
    <h1> Name: {{}}</h1>
  <ul> Phone Number: {{}} </ul>
  <ul> Email Address: {{}} </ul>


  **<ul> Meeting: {{meeting.scheduledAt}} </ul>**

{{#link-to 'customers'}}
<a href='#' class='button' type="submit" > Return To Customer List</a>
MicFin commented 7 years ago

Can you go into more detail about what this last step is and what is not going as expected?

Azinck94 commented 7 years ago

sure, I've created a form on my customer handlebars that is supposed to allow for a string called "scheduledAt" to be posted which will represent a scheduled meeting date between a user and customer. My back end is set up correctly and the form successfully posts a new meeting, but I want to be able to display that meeting and am having trouble with that

Azinck94 commented 7 years ago

I was thinking of trying something along these lines:

{{#each model as |meeting.scheduledAt|}}
MicFin commented 7 years ago

I think you need a bound value set up in the .js for that component. What's the .js file for that component look like?

Azinck94 commented 7 years ago

so I just changed meeting.js to look like this:

<span class="list-info">{{meeting.scheduledAt}}</span>
<a href='#' class='deletebutton' {{action 'deleteMeeting'}}>Delete Meeting</a>
Azinck94 commented 7 years ago

and changed customer handlebars to:

<div class="card-block">
    <h1> Name: {{}}</h1>
  <ul> Phone Number: {{}} </ul>
  <ul> Email Address: {{}} </ul>

{{customer-list/meeting meeting=meeting}}

MicFin commented 7 years ago

Those are .hbs files. What does the component/.js file look like?

Azinck94 commented 7 years ago


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  newMeeting: {
    scheduledAt: null,
    hidden: false
  actions: {
    createMeeting () {
      this.sendAction('createMeeting', this.get('newMeeting'));
      this.set('newMeeting.scheduledAt', null);
MicFin commented 7 years ago

@Azinck94 will you write up an explanation with code examples about how you had to:

  1. Add the relationship for Customer and Meetings to the ember models
  2. Add Meeting IDs to the Customer serializer in Rails using pluck

And then close.

Azinck94 commented 7 years ago

Sorry just got home! I added a has_many relationship to the Customer serializer which now looks like this:

class CustomerSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
  attributes :id, :name, :email, :phone, :meetings
  has_one :user

  def meetings