ga-wdi-boston / ember-deployment-guide

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Consider Heroku Deployment for Ember Apps #3

Open soynog opened 8 years ago

soynog commented 8 years ago

I just deployed my capstone project to Heroku, and it was quite simple, and makes redeployment (as far as I can tell) much easier.

I followed the instructions to create this buildpack and deploy:

And I had to follow the instructions referenced in this issue to set up environment variables.

You can test whether or not the app will deploy successfully by seeing if Ember build runs--I was having a merge conflict that prevented this from working, but once I solved that it deployed like a charm.

Anyway point is, Heroku seems about as easy or possibly easier than gh-pages for Ember app deployment; something to consider for future cohorts.

jrhorn424 commented 8 years ago

Thanks @soynog!

gaand commented 8 years ago

I believe @berziiii has some issues getting this to work. Brian, do you have any notes from that experience?

berziiii commented 8 years ago

Yes I did. I didn't have as much mental capacity to dedicate to debugging as I would have liked but in following the above build pack guide, I always had an error once deployed. I also referenced the linked issue.

The build seemed to be successful, however when trying to visit the deployed client, I received an error. Again, I did not dig deep enough into the logs due to GitHub deployment being successful and painless.

IMHO, it may have been some updates to ember/build-pack to cause deployment to fail but no real data to back - take it as you will.

Happy to assist when the time comes to address this guide again.

BenGitsCode commented 7 years ago

I did not make enough time to pursue this alternative, but I think we should try it to contrast and compare the pedagogical value of changing it or not.

BenGitsCode commented 7 years ago

Hello again. Still didn't have enough time to pursue this option (my motivation was also low with gh-pages working so well) but I'm going to try it this weekend, and record the experience here, so it can be considered for the next iterations in lm-01 and 017