ga-wdi-boston / ember-study

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Too Long? #82

Open payne-chris-r opened 7 years ago

payne-chris-r commented 7 years ago

015 reports that this study was 2-3+ hours long. Might need to trim, or split over multiple days. IMO anything over 2 hours (maybe even should be aiming for 90 mins) is too much for one night.

raq929 commented 7 years ago

Also they did not find the wiki article very helpful.

payne-chris-r commented 7 years ago

Ideas on how to trim...

Current to-do list for this study (comments added after <---):

Required Readings

Required Viewing

jrhorn424 commented 7 years ago

The Overview and Sections 1-3 of the Wikipedia page on Finite-State Machines <--- Remove (just skim - don't get caught up on the details)

Fine to remove. This is the single most important image on the article, and exactly what I'm trying to get across.

Please add this to the routing study.

The Overview and Sections 1-4 of the Ember.js Wikipedia page <--- Remove I don't think it's worth their time. More of a NTH

Disagree. Please see the ember talk. Much of the material is a recapitulation of these sections. If it's truly a nice-to-have, then we need to take all of it out of the intro talk too.

IMHO the getting-started piece is about as much as I think anyone is going to pay attention for, and all they really need to know about the ember-cli to get started on day one (and make sure their dev environment is set up correctly).

So "Getting Started" should remain IM(!H)O. :smile:

I think there's value in getting ember-cli installed early. As in, not in the lesson. A la JIT installation a la aws setup guide. Please consider moving the installation instructions from ember into it's own guide (not study).

CascadiaJS 2013 - Tom Dale - Stop Breaking the Web - YouTube <--- this is good. Not sure how necessary it is. I don't think it means as much to them at this point that it does to us now? I think it's a NTH.

Willing to take a firm stand on this. I'd like it to be required. It's nearly all the framing for the ember intro, and framing it this way has reduced the feedback received in the past that learning a FE framework and not requiring people to use it was a waste of time.

MicFin commented 7 years ago

Addressed in this repo (but need to be left open and split up into others) per