ga-wdi-boston / git-github

Lesson to introduce Github, forking, cloning and synchronizing change between team members.
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Should the language be changed? #14

Open MicFin opened 7 years ago

MicFin commented 7 years ago

Editing on Github @nayana487

Under the editing on github section, I'm not crazy about this language: "Wrong! DON'T EVER USE THAT!". It seems too strongly worded and opinionated to me. I like the next line: " Regardless of how small changes are you typically never want to edit ON GitHub. You always want to make changes locally and push them." Namely the use of the word "typically". I agree with this. Typically you don't want to do this, but there are times you might. Personally, I've done this more than a few times with readmes and it's simple enough to update your local to sync up with the remote.

BenGitsCode commented 7 years ago

I disagree with this.