ga-wdi-boston / git-github

Lesson to introduce Github, forking, cloning and synchronizing change between team members.
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ga-wdi-boston/git-github #3

Open jrhorn424 opened 8 years ago

jrhorn424 commented 8 years ago


Using the Github to manage distributed over space and time.


jrhorn424 commented 8 years ago

20 minutes actual

RealWeeks commented 8 years ago

90 minutes

jrhorn424 commented 8 years ago

Will remove exercises and material related to upstream remotes.

berziiii commented 8 years ago

65 minutes ( with break) actual. Touched on Upstream and Updating from Upstream but did not go into details due to time.

RealWeeks commented 8 years ago

90 minutes Including break. Went full detail on upstream.

payne-chris-r commented 8 years ago

180 minutes. Everything went smooth up until upstream (probably 1 unit). Tried going full HAM on upstream. Plane crashed and burned.

jrhorn424 commented 8 years ago

@ga-wdi-boston/core Upstream is over-scoped IMO. See #10, #8, and #5.

BenGitsCode commented 7 years ago

90 minutes 2 actual. Sticking the script and focusing only on the objectives made this go much smoother than the git talk preceding it. We had a strong review session to wrap up. That helped solidify the following concepts: fork and clone pull request and the difference between local repository/branch and remote repository/branch

I think this can be 1 or 2 actual but think both git and git-github should be leaner and shorter than my 016 delivery.

MicFin commented 7 years ago

1.5 actual. 90 mins. Scheduled: 2-3:30pm Actual: 3-4:30pm (10 minute break)

The talk prior to this went over which is why the Actual Time is shifted an hour forward.

This talk also required some heavy white board diagrams. Maybe we could benefit from having the diagrams as image files in the repository or in the README. Of course, there is value to writing them out live with the developers as well.

I thought I was going really slow because of all the diagramming on the whiteboard but we stayed right on schedule.

MicFin commented 7 years ago

1.5 actual. 80 mins. Scheduled: 2:30-3:30pm Actual: 3:30-4:50pm (10 minute break)

The talks prior to this went over which is why the Actual Time is shifted an hour forward.

This talk again required some heavy white board diagrams. I posted the diagrams in slack as I drew my own. It was pretty challenging to deliver in Room 5 because of the lack of white board area.

We diagrammed adding an additional remote branch and talked about why we would do that but the developers did not complete on their own.