ga-wdi-boston / rails-api-bdd

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Make user stories a separate repo? #11

Open raq929 opened 7 years ago

raq929 commented 7 years ago

In 015, I think we could use more focus on user stories/acceptance criteria. I'm not sure it belongs in this repo, though, which focuses on testing. Opinions please! @ga-wdi-boston/core

jrhorn424 commented 7 years ago

In my opinion, user stories are one of those things that should be present in many repos. It currently is present in, at least, this talk as well as js-objects-modeling. It might be present in others.

If it goes into its own repo, I'm not sure where it would fit. Perhaps as a study sometime before the first project?

In any case, I do not think they should be removed here.

The entire point of BDD as compared to TDD is that BDD is based on features. Features are driven by user stories (and their acceptance criteria), features drive units, and units drive code. Please emphasize this in the talk delivery.

gaand commented 7 years ago

We should look at the material Natasha has for User Stories. I saw her presenting to UXDI and at an angle through the glass I was impressed.

raq929 commented 7 years ago

There is a study before the first project, but I found it to be woefully insufficient. Developers are handing in user stories they wrote after finishing their projects. They are not broken down into tasks and have no acceptance criteria. For me, getting through project weeks was very dependent on how well I planned, so I think we should take the time to focus more on planning.

@jrhorn424 I agree that they shouldn't be removed from this repo at this point (I think I opened this issue when I was prepping it the first time for 015), but I do think that 015 developers made it through without really understanding user stories and planning (with a few exceptions of course), and I'd like to prevent that.

jrhorn424 commented 7 years ago

After considering this more, an improved study or a short lesson might be appropriate early in the program. But at the least, it shouldn't be completely removed from this lesson. This talk should either have a lab where the developers generate user stories for the project covered, or the talk should be organized around user stories that consultants write.

Organizing talks around user stories that consultants write might not be a bad idea. For any talk in any sequence in any unit.