User can:
-Sign Up
-Sign In
-Create a survey that consists of multiple true false questions
-Stretch Goals:
-Create Open ended and 1-5 range questions.
-View answers to surveys.
Non Authenticated Users Can
-Get a survey by id and take the survey.
Stretch Goals:
-View a list of all surveys and click to take that survey.
-View a list of all surveys by a certain user and take their surveys.
User can: -Sign Up -Sign In -Create a survey that consists of multiple true false questions -Stretch Goals: -Create Open ended and 1-5 range questions. -View answers to surveys.
Non Authenticated Users Can -Get a survey by id and take the survey. Stretch Goals: -View a list of all surveys and click to take that survey. -View a list of all surveys by a certain user and take their surveys.
ERD and Wireframs