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Cannot figure out how to target my nested collection (posts) for the 'show' action #389

Closed Fcarrion001 closed 7 years ago

Fcarrion001 commented 7 years ago

As is, I have it hardcoded to show a specified post and it works but I cannot figure out how to set up a query where only blog._id === The closest I can get without hardcoding is an array of all blogs

const show = (req, res, next) => {
  // const findBlogId = req._parsedUrl.pathname.split('/')
  // const blogId = findBlogId[4]
  return Blog.find(
  .then(blogs => {
    console.log('this is Object.keys(blogs.posts) ', blogs[0].posts[0])
    return blogs
  // .then(blogs => {
  //   console.log('this is blogs that is being put into map ', blogs)
  //   return blogs
  // })
  .then(blogs => res.json({
    post: blogs.toJSON({ virtuals: true, user: req.user })

I've tried findOne. findById $where Help please

benjimelito commented 7 years ago

If you want to find a blog by id, I believe the syntax would be Blog.find({id :})

Fcarrion001 commented 7 years ago

sure no problem these are the routes

'use strict'

module.exports = require('lib/wiring/routes')

// create routes

// what to run for `GET /`

// standards RESTful routes

// users of the app have special requirements

.post('/sign-up', 'users#signup')
.post('/sign-in', 'users#signin')
.delete('/sign-out/:id', 'users#signout')
.patch('/change-password/:id', 'users#changepw')
.post('/blogs/:id/posts', 'posts#create')
.patch('/blogs/:id/posts', 'posts#update')
.delete('/blogs/:id/posts', 'posts#delete')
.get('/blogs/:id/posts', 'posts#index')
.get('/blogs/:id/posts/:id', 'posts#show')
.resources('users', { only: ['index', 'show'] })
.resources('pages', { except: ['new', 'edit'] })
.resources('blogs', { except: ['new', 'edit'] })
// .resources('posts', { except: ['new', 'edit'] })

this is the curl script


curl "${API}${URL_PATH}/${ID}/posts/${POST_ID}" \
  --include \
  --request GET \
  --header "Authorization: Token token=$TOKEN"


and this is the actual working hardcoded code the code in the original comment was incorrect

const show = (req, res, next) => {
  // const findBlogId = req._parsedUrl.pathname.split('/')
  // const blogId = findBlogId[4]
  console.log('this is ',
  return Blog.find()
  .then(blogs => {
    console.log('this is blogs ', blogs)
    console.log('this is blogs[0].posts[0] ', blogs[0].posts[0])
    return blogs[0].posts[0]
  // .then(blogs => {
  //   console.log('this is blogs that is being put into map ', blogs)
  //   return blogs
  // })
  .then(blogs => res.json({
    post: [blogs].find((e) =>
      e.toJSON({ virtuals: true, user: req.user }))
Fcarrion001 commented 7 years ago

If you want to find a blog by id, I believe the syntax would be Blog.find({id :})

awesome thank you I will try this and report back

Fcarrion001 commented 7 years ago

Update The above code returns an empty array because the params for my request equal the id of post I am thinking perhaps I will try to use .find() to check for blog matching then

.then.(blog => blog.find({id:})
Fcarrion001 commented 7 years ago

'not' .then.(
benjimelito commented 7 years ago

I'm wondering why you are including an additional /posts/:id at the end of your route for showing one blog? Wouldn't .get('/blogs/:id' work fine?

Edit: I see, you're using a nested schema. Got it

Fcarrion001 commented 7 years ago

It is a show on a post which is nested in a blog

cpearce31 commented 7 years ago

Is this resolved?

Fcarrion001 commented 7 years ago

Issue resolved I was putting the wrong id for blog in my curl script Once that was fixed I looped through the post array to find the matching id to show

const show = (req, res, next) => {
  const findBlogId = req._parsedUrl.pathname.split('/')
  const blogId = findBlogId[2]
  console.log('this is ',
  return Blog.find({_id: blogId})
  .then(blog => {
    console.log('this is blogs ', blog)
    console.log('this is blog[0].posts[0] ', blog[0].posts)
    blog[0].posts.forEach(function (post) {
      if ( === {
        console.log('this is post ', post)
          post: post.toJSON({ virtuals: true, blog: })