Closed ckib16 closed 9 years ago
That StackOverflow answer looks dreadful!
You should be able to just use this:
for(label in questionBank){
console.log(label); // q1
console.log(questionBank[label][t]); // 'What is the definition of a "callback"?'
Ok thanks Robin. We just got done with outcomes, I'll try this now.
Robin - I got that to work by slightly modifying. But I can't figure out how to increment over the object so I can act on the first question, then increment to act on the second question etc. I couldn't find anything on how to increment over a for/in loop like you can in a regular for loop.
Maybe change the data structure to a nested array and iterate through that?
for (label in questionBank) {
console.log(label) // q1
console.log(questionBank[label].t) // 'What is the definition of a "callback"?'
It increments for you. It's just another for loop. If you put console.log(label)
inside it you'll see that it's running once for each label
in questionBank
Ok - mine is looping thru the entire object before I have a chance to act on any of the individual questions. So it goes straight thru to the last question before I can get a response on the first question.
for (key in questionBank) {
console.log(key) // q1
$('#questionDiv > p').html(questionBank[key].t)
$('#choiceDiv p:eq(0)').html(questionBank[key].c1)
$('#choiceDiv p:eq(1)').html(questionBank[key].c2)
$('#choiceDiv p:eq(2)').html(questionBank[key].c3)
So instead of a for
loop, you need to increment a different way.
Consider something like this:
var myArray = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
var arrayIndex = 0;
$("button").on("click", function(){
if(arrayIndex == myArray.length){
console.log("You're done!");
return true;
arrayIndex = arrayIndex + 1;
OK - I got the iteration. But I'm can't figure out how to interpolate the [arrayIndex] into the JQuery line
$('#questionDiv > p').html(questionBank.q'[arrayIndex]'.t)
Full code:
var myArray = ['1', '2', '3']
var arrayIndex = 0
$('#nextButton').on('click', function () {
$('#questionDiv > p').html(questionBank.'[arrayIndex]'.t)
if (arrayIndex === myArray.length) {
console.log("You're done!")
return true
arrayIndex = arrayIndex + 1
Hm. I'm not entirely sure what you're going for here, but to interpolate strings:
var name = "Chris";
console.log("Hey there, " + name + "!");
My questions & answers #1-3 live under the following structure: questionBank.q1.whatever questionBank.q2.whatever questionBank.q3.whatever
So to call them in JQuery and print them out I've been using
$('#questionDiv > p').html(questionBank.q1.t)
$('#questionDiv > p').html(questionBank.q2.t)
$('#questionDiv > p').html(questionBank.q3.t)
I need to add the arrayIndex after the letter 'q' to target the correct element of the object.
I tried:
$('#questionDiv > p').html(questionBank.q'[arrayIndex]'.t)
But JQuery doesn't line strings in the JQuery call.
I'm probably overthinking this. But I don't understand how to simply loop through my object and get to act on each one individually (like a regular array increment).
Gotcha. Try this:
.html(questionBank["q" + arrayIndex].t)
Nope, Says "parsing error. Unexpected token [ at line... " . Looks like it doesn't like interpolation in JQuery.
$('#questionDiv > p').html(questionBank.['q' + arrayIndex].t)
It's because you have a .
after questionBank
. It should be questionBank[
Yes,but I think I need the .
to get to questionBank.q1.t
That's what worked for me as hard-coded examples
is the same as questionBank.q1
OK. Now getting Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 't' of undefined
in Chrome.
Trying to move around the statement to see if scope is the issue.
This is progress. See what questionBank['q' + arrayIndex]
It returns this to the console
[p, prevObject: m.fn.init[1], context: document, selector: "#questionDiv > p"]
Ok - I called uncle and recoded the data into arrays. Much easier to call and iterate through. Thanks for the help!
I'm trying to wrap my head around looping through (what I believe to be) a nested object. I want to:
Here is my object that contains the data:
The best stack overflow answer I found suggests this:
I'll be heading into outcomes but will check in as soon as we are done around 3PM.