ga-wdi-exercises / to_oz

Navigate the directory tree using the command line. [cli, basics]
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To_Oz HW #271

Closed basssamurai closed 7 years ago

basssamurai commented 7 years ago

$ pwd /Users/XIAN Tue Aug 08 22:08:21 ~ $ cd wdi Tue Aug 08 22:08:23 ~/wdi $ cd homework Tue Aug 08 22:08:27 ~/wdi/homework $ mkdir house Tue Aug 08 22:08:37 ~/wdi/homework $ cd house Tue Aug 08 22:08:39 ~/wdi/homework/house $ touch dorothy toto Tue Aug 08 22:08:46 ~/wdi/homework/house $ cd .. Tue Aug 08 22:08:50 ~/wdi/homework $ ls house Tue Aug 08 22:08:54 ~/wdi/homework $ mkdir oz Tue Aug 08 22:08:58 ~/wdi/homework $ ls house oz Tue Aug 08 22:09:00 ~/wdi/homework $ cd oz Tue Aug 08 22:09:02 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ touch "good witch of the north" Tue Aug 08 22:09:27 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ touch "wicked witch of the east" Tue Aug 08 22:09:55 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ touch "good witch of the south" Tue Aug 08 22:10:03 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ touch "wicked witch of the west" Tue Aug 08 22:10:19 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ ls good witch of the north wicked witch of the east good witch of the south wicked witch of the west Tue Aug 08 22:10:22 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ rm "wicked witch of the east" Tue Aug 08 22:11:00 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ cd .. Tue Aug 08 22:15:59 ~/wdi/homework $ cd house Tue Aug 08 22:16:08 ~/wdi/homework/house $ mv dorothy ~/wdi/homework/oz Tue Aug 08 22:16:49 ~/wdi/homework/house $ ls toto Tue Aug 08 22:16:52 ~/wdi/homework/house $ cd .. Tue Aug 08 22:16:58 ~/wdi/homework $ cd oz Tue Aug 08 22:17:01 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ ls dorothy good witch of the south good witch of the north wicked witch of the west Tue Aug 08 22:17:03 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ touch "scarecrow" "tin man" "cowardly lion" Tue Aug 08 22:18:58 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ ls cowardly lion scarecrow dorothy tin man good witch of the north wicked witch of the west good witch of the south Tue Aug 08 22:19:01 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ cd .. Tue Aug 08 22:19:19 ~/wdi/homework $ mkdir "emerald city" Tue Aug 08 22:19:39 ~/wdi/homework $ ls emerald city house oz Tue Aug 08 22:19:41 ~/wdi/homework $ cd oz Tue Aug 08 22:19:59 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ mv dorothy /homework/emerald city usage: mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source target mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source ... directory Tue Aug 08 22:20:30 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ mv dorothy ~/wdi/homework/"emerald city" Tue Aug 08 22:21:18 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ mv scarecrow ~/wdi/homework/"emerald city" Tue Aug 08 22:21:33 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ mv "tin man" ~/wdi/homework/"emerald city" Tue Aug 08 22:21:42 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ mv "cowardly lion" ~/wdi/homework/"emerald city" Tue Aug 08 22:21:51 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ touch "flying monkeys" Tue Aug 08 22:22:29 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ ls flying monkeys good witch of the south good witch of the north wicked witch of the west Tue Aug 08 22:22:30 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ cd .. Tue Aug 08 22:22:34 ~/wdi/homework $ cd oz Tue Aug 08 22:23:00 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ rm "wicked witch of the west" Tue Aug 08 22:23:19 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ ls flying monkeys good witch of the north good witch of the south Tue Aug 08 22:23:21 ~/wdi/homework/oz $ cd .. Tue Aug 08 22:23:35 ~/wdi/homework $ cd "emerald city" Tue Aug 08 22:23:50 ~/wdi/homework/emerald city $ echo diploma > scarecrow Tue Aug 08 22:24:10 ~/wdi/homework/emerald city $ echo "heart shaped watch" > "tin man" Tue Aug 08 22:24:32 ~/wdi/homework/emerald city $ echo medal > lion Tue Aug 08 22:24:44 ~/wdi/homework/emerald city $ echo medal > "cowardly lion" Tue Aug 08 22:26:20 ~/wdi/homework/emerald city $ rm lion Tue Aug 08 22:26:37 ~/wdi/homework/emerald city $