ga-wdi-exercises / try-ruby

Instructions for Try Ruby
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Try Ruby HW - Elena Santana #155

Closed fanelenan7 closed 7 years ago

fanelenan7 commented 7 years ago


Ruby is very user-friendly (so far). Easier to remember syntax. Ruby is purely object oriented language. snake_case


Same data types, different names. Logic is very familiar. Methods are capable of doing similar things to functions (and methods) in JS. Operators are the same. If I had to guess ** that is the same as Math.pow() actually made it's way to JS from Ruby.

I feel like it seems a lot easier than JS to me, but at the same time I know that it's probably because we already got a good grasp on the JS and it's logic. I find myself constantly comparing Ruby to JS and looking for familiar things and things that are different. I took me 2 hours to get Fizzbuzz working right for the first time during the pre-work. The same thing had taken me 2 minutes with Ruby, but only because I already knew how to do it with JS.

amaseda commented 7 years ago
