Alright let's talk: I'm down with CRUD, I'm with firebase services, hell I even have been doing that ruby mounting lesson 3 times over just to try and understand how this might exist on a large scale.
I've been doing Angular for a week and feel like I don't get SPAS! I see Nick's hosted solution and can't even begin to think of the methods, directives, or things that go into that. I made this initially with more views then said forget it lets go for a SPA.
This is all probably a product of me being really sick today too. Trying to code while feeling like death is never fun.
I don't understand yet how to get the buttons to work to hide and show forms using custom methods in the controller but it's coming along.
Also custom directives? K..bye...learn that later for project 3.
Comfort: 4
Completness: 4
Needs moar Spabell and custom music playing directives
I can "build" an angular app in the same sense that the wright brothers could build an airplane:
It has wings? It glides a bit? But google over there is building the next f-35 stealth jet and I'm sitting here trying to figure out for and hour how to condense this all into a single page.
Hosted Here: Made my own Repo here:
Alright let's talk: I'm down with CRUD, I'm with firebase services, hell I even have been doing that ruby mounting lesson 3 times over just to try and understand how this might exist on a large scale.
I've been doing Angular for a week and feel like I don't get SPAS! I see Nick's hosted solution and can't even begin to think of the methods, directives, or things that go into that. I made this initially with more views then said forget it lets go for a SPA.
This is all probably a product of me being really sick today too. Trying to code while feeling like death is never fun.
I don't understand yet how to get the buttons to work to hide and show forms using custom methods in the controller but it's coming along.
Also custom directives? K..bye...learn that later for project 3.
Comfort: 4 Completness: 4
Needs moar Spabell and custom music playing directives I can "build" an angular app in the same sense that the wright brothers could build an airplane:
It has wings? It glides a bit? But google over there is building the next f-35 stealth jet and I'm sitting here trying to figure out for and hour how to condense this all into a single page.
Talk later - sleep now.