ga-wdi-exercises / wdi_radio_lab

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jays :: wdi_radio_lab #195

Closed xgironx closed 7 years ago

xgironx commented 7 years ago

comf: 2/5 comp: 4/5 man, i really need to do 2 things:

  1. re-read the lessons to understand the moving parts
  2. work more with this

Thu Mar 09 16:08:38 ~/Dropbox/3/x/wdi/exercises/wdi_radio_lab (master +) $ git commit -m "Mike helped me trim down lines of code and simplify down to 2 controllers, had to sync templateUrl, view files, URLs, controller names; didnt need to pass args into root '/' url route state; at first ng-model returned only array boxes sans data, then Mike questioned by song.text arg to ng-model; there was no 'text' field in the songs.json file i imported from the solution branch; also, while cumbersome i made object names the same, resulting in long/non-conventional --url: '/songsIndex'-- and --js/ng-views/songsIndex.html-- and --controller: 'songsIndexController'-- also learned that 'firebase.database().ref().child( 'songs' ' was ess the conn string to firebase" [master 471de7c] Mike helped me trim down lines of code and simplify down to 2 controllers, had to sync templateUrl, view files, URLs, controller names; didnt need to pass args into root '/' url route state; at first ng-model returned only array boxes sans data, then Mike questioned by song.text arg to ng-model; there was no 'text' field in the songs.json file i imported from the solution branch; also, while cumbersome i made object names the same, resulting in long/non-conventional --url: '/songsIndex'-- and --js/ng-views/songsIndex.html-- and --controller: 'songsIndexController'-- also learned that 'firebase.database().ref().child( 'songs' ' was ess the conn string to firebase