ga4gh / compliance

Compliance test suite for the APIs defined in ga4gh-schemas. RETIRED 2018-01-24
Apache License 2.0
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various pom rough edges #203

Open bwalsh opened 8 years ago

bwalsh commented 8 years ago

a) In order to force a rebuild from github schemas, it is necessary to rm -r ~/.m2/repository/com/github/ga4gh/schemas/*. Expected behavior, mvn clean should check git.

b) Inconsistent use of cts-java/src/main/resources/ vs cts-java/src/main/.../URLMAPPINGImpl

c) ga4gh.schema.version set in both compliance/parent/pom.xml and compliance/ctk-server/pom.xml

david4096 commented 8 years ago

a) Can we specify this behavior a little more? This might be a jitpack bug because it should get a new maven artifact for any new commit hash.

b) Yes, agreed. What is the reason for having both?

c) +1 to changing the pom so that you can set a single value for all the schema related dependencies. This will come with improved documentation for how to make schema changes and test them.