ga4gh / hackathon2016

Repository to track DWG hackathon 2016 projects
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Dockstore extension to include testing, benchmarking, and execution. #2

Open skeenan opened 7 years ago

skeenan commented 7 years ago


The Dockstore ( provides the capability of registering Docker containers described with WDL or CWL. This really aids in reproducibility because it standardizes the way tools are described and called. The platform also conforms to the emerging GA4GH Tool Registry 1.0.0 standard and, therefore, improves interoperability with other registries like Dockstore.

Specific tasks for Hackathon

The ideal candidate would be interested in Dockerization and Linux and would be capable of programming in Java. Experience with a few of the following would be helpful: Java unit/integration testing, REST web services, and SQL/JPA.