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Documentation for the MatchmakerExchange APIs
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Specify priority/evidence level for candidate genes #33

Open allasm opened 9 years ago

allasm commented 9 years ago least for candidate genes manually specified by name only; priority/evidence as in "5 star rating" or "not specified"/"little evidence"/"strong evidence" or [0..1] score

buske commented 9 years ago

This should also specify whether a candidate gene was manually curated or automatically prioritized.

Relequestual commented 9 years ago

Decipher stores two data points for this. Pathaginicty (class 1-5 with 4 including 4a and 4b), and Contribution (full, partial, uncertian, none). I'm not sure how this would fit in with our data, or what sort of data others have for this.

buske commented 9 years ago

@Relequestual, is that at the gene level, or at the variant level?

PhenomeCentral currently stores pathogenicity for variants (1-5), and evidence for candidate genes (3 binary items: related to mechanism, candidate pathogenic variant, known disease-associated).

mellybelly commented 9 years ago

@nlwashington, @AAMargolin, @wakibbe This is an example of the curation cats that I think we need to herd in GA4GH. @pgaudet can help with curation needs inventorying.

I think Matchmaker should consult the G2P group on this.

pgaudet commented 9 years ago

The pathogenicity score are interesting, but there is a lot more data in the literature we should make use of ! Admittedly it's more work.

Relequestual commented 9 years ago

@buske Decipher can do pathogenicity 1-5.

As for evidence for candidate gene, Decipher has morbid ids for genes, plus the DDD created DDG2P genes list (which contains Yes or Possible).

@mellybelly @pgaudet I'm not sure what you mean by this. From my understanding, we're talking about what our databases currently store. I've been told a 1-5 pathogenicity rating is pretty much the accepted standard. Is this not the case?

Relequestual commented 7 years ago

There has been a lot of discussion around this in the community! I think it best to remove it from milestone 1.1. Much more discussion is needed! For example how does each system currently record this property?

buske commented 7 years ago


Just FYI, within PC, gene-level rationale/strategy can be listed as one or more of:

Variant-level details include:


Relequestual commented 7 years ago

We have similar within DECIPHER. Regarding "chatter", specifically I mean the recent paper on new ACMG standards for interpretation of sequence variants.

jxchong commented 7 years ago

We have

Benign Likely Benign VUS Suspected Pathogenic Likely Pathogenic Pathogenic