ga4gh / workflow-execution-service-schemas

The WES API is a standard way to run and manage portable workflows.
Apache License 2.0
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Sandbox log improvements #214

Open uniqueg opened 2 months ago

uniqueg commented 2 months ago


The logging capabilities in both WES and TES currently do not provide good support for structured information, making it difficult for clients to interpret workflow and task run logs. It is not well defined where implementations log what and how, only very few properties are required, support for external (GA4GH or third party) schemas is missing and the the expected logging behavior between WES and TES differs perhaps more than it needs to.

Proposed solution

This issue is a sandbox for discussung, in a single place, improved logging capabilities provided by the WES and TES specs. For reference, relevant schemas are included in section "Additional context".

Improvements could consist of, for example (not exhaustive):

The primary goal of the improvements are to make WES and TES logs more useful for clients. Increase maintainability of the specifications and a better integration of WES and TES behavior are secondary goals.

Please open individual issues that address individual improvements, then link them in the task list below (more info on GitHub task lists).

In this way, we can keep track of all log-related issues and have a single place where we can consider how all proposed changes would impact one another.

Task list

Additional context

This section includes references to relevant schemas of the most recent WES (1.1.0) and TES (1.1) releases including minimal examples, preliminary notes and obvious issues that caught my eye when compiling this information.

Relevant WES schemas


Relevant TES schemas



@patmagee @kellrott @vsmalladi @lbeckman314 @briandoconnor @dglazer