ga4gh / workflow-execution-service-schemas

The WES API is a standard way to run and manage portable workflows.
Apache License 2.0
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Document versioning #71

Open david4096 opened 6 years ago

david4096 commented 6 years ago

The current versioning scheme does not follow semantic versioning. We should move towards a semantic version to make it clear when there are breaking changes.

jaeddy commented 5 years ago

@david4096 — are you and @natanlao automating this as part of the build process (e.g., with something like bumpversion? Seems like it might be nice, especially for patches.

jaeddy commented 5 years ago

We don't really have a clear concept of "patch" vs. "minor" version at the moment, but I think we're probably OK with clarifying breaking changes moving forward. Need to think about how to address this in contributing docs.

ruchim commented 3 years ago

@jaeddy -- I almost feel this request is more of an implementation detail for spec maintenance. It seems manually updating has worked out well enough in the past 2 years -- I'd be curious for your 2 cents on looking back, if you think adding a bumpversion would've helped catch any human errors or simplified the process of versioning?

ruchim commented 3 years ago

@david4096 -- do you feel gets to the right level of semantic versioning?

uniqueg commented 3 years ago

I think this is an issue relevant to all Cloud WS APIs and possibly other WS as well.

Two points from my side in favor of adopting fully SemVer-compliant versioning, one technical, one more "ideological":

When it comes to bumping versions, SemVer stipulates the following:

  1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
  3. PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

For the Cloud WS APIs at least, I would propose to translate this in the following way:

  1. Increment MAJOR version for breaking changes to the API
  2. Increment MINOR version for backwards-compatible changes to the API (e.g., add a new endpoint or add an optional property to a schema used in an existing endpoint)
  3. Increment PATCH version for any changes that do not alter the behavior of the API (e.g., refactoring OpenAPI document, update descriptions/documentation)

To me this seems pretty much non-ambiguous. Tooling could be used to bump versions automatically, given a keyword in the commit message(s) (adopting Convential Commits may allow us to use existing tooling) associated with a given PR.

vinjana commented 1 year ago

Note that adding an optional field in an expected request is backwards compatible. In a response, however, a simple non-optional field may also be considered backwards compatible, if it is assumed that the client is non-strict and ignores additional fields.

I think this assumption is reasonable, because a client that is so strict as to complain about added fields in responses will not be forward-compatible for an API that follows SemVer2 versioning. I bet client implementors will want to avoid an unnecessary exact version lock-in, but rather profit from the semantic versioning scheme.

uniqueg commented 1 year ago

There is (now) tooling for classifying breaking and non-breaking changes in OpenAPI:

The underlying classification rules are:

Breaking Changes that would make existing consumers incompatible with the API, for example:

  • removing a path
  • removing a method
  • changing a property from optional to required in a request body
  • changing a property from required to optional in a response body

Non Breaking Changes that would not make existing consumers incompatible with the API, for example:

  • adding a path
  • adding a method
  • changing a property from required to optional in a request body
  • changing a property from optional to required in a response body

Unclassified Changes that have been detected by the tool but can't be classified, for example:

  • modifications to X-Properties

We have recently included openapi-diff in the CI for TES:

Note that this can only assist in deciding which version to bump, because: