gab-ai-inc / gab-dissenter-extension Browser Extension source code
Apache License 2.0
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Dissenter refuses connection from #150

Open stpaulchuck opened 2 years ago

stpaulchuck commented 2 years ago

a little while ago the dissenter comments connection in stopped working (" refused to connect"). I used my vpn to come from another IP /country. I used another user. I used several browsers and computers. No luck.

I can log on, but if I try I get kicked over to What's going on???

Now that I think about it, it sounds like a circular reference issue ->>>>

tcreek commented 1 year ago

It's called an abandoned project

Thespikedballofdoom commented 1 year ago

Someone needs to make a different version of this that doesnt fuck itself by being involved with politics. Stupid fucking politics is a useless tumor that ruins every social media project it touches. I just wanna be able to swear in youtube comments and not get shadowbanned for it.

harrymmmm commented 1 year ago

Maybe I'm misunderstanding how this works but it looks like 'someone' just needs to host the comment database and fork this code to point to it. There's a hosting/bandwidth cost involved, but probably the main factor is the legal risk of hosting such comments (or a lot of work to moderate).

InklingGirl commented 1 year ago

Really hope this project or something like it comes back one day.

LingKuja commented 3 months ago

Maybe I'm misunderstanding how this works but it looks like 'someone' just needs to host the comment database and fork this code to point to it. There's a hosting/bandwidth cost involved, but probably the main factor is the legal risk of hosting such comments (or a lot of work to moderate).

Like with mastodon, use federated nodes and wash your hands. The legal risk is a non-factor on this thing, it's mostly that those people over at gab just lost interest because they weren't ready for it either. In theory, you can even use a matrix node to host this kind of thing.

tcreek commented 3 months ago

Maybe I'm misunderstanding how this works but it looks like 'someone' just needs to host the comment database and fork this code to point to it. There's a hosting/bandwidth cost involved, but probably the main factor is the legal risk of hosting such comments (or a lot of work to moderate).

It's more than just hosting a database, but also a web site. There is also a web site to host. The extension would display a frame of the web site to log you into the extension.

They never released the code for the web site as far as I know.

And further looking at the extension code, there is nothing special going on. It appears it is merely displaying what the web site is telling the extension to display. It seems the real work is going in in the web site.

tcreek commented 3 months ago

Looking at an old snapshot of the site from 2019, it seems it was just a news aggregation site at first with the ability to comment on the story on the web site, and display the same story and comments in the extension.

Doing a comment based on a URL seems to go to a different level of things.