gab-ai-inc / gab-dissenter-extension Browser Extension source code
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Can I disable the Dissenter new tab in the new version? #71

Closed Lyeco closed 5 years ago

Lyeco commented 5 years ago

As much as most people in Dissenter use DuckDuckGo as their preferred search engine. I am one of the few who doesn't like it would prefer the default new tab experience and the google search engine.

Can we please give us an option to use the default tab rather than the dissenter tab?

I can't use the extension right now because of it.

pickx commented 5 years ago

Let me disable this. This absolutely should not be bundled in with the extension.

Lyeco commented 5 years ago

Let me disable this. This absolutely should not be bundled in with the extension.

I agree. I know that most users using Dissenter hate google but you have to let the non-haters have to choice not to use the new tab as well.

MasterOfTheTiger commented 5 years ago

Hey. It isn't "haters vs non haters". And not using Google doesn't mean you hate Google or are crazy about privacy. Okay.

pickx commented 5 years ago

Furthermore, just because I want to use Gab's service, does not mean I want them to inject stories into my new tab page. If I wanted to see "popular stories" and "recommended tabs" (which I assume Gab has a financial incentive to show me), I'd go visit myself. Tying this into an extension focused on freedom is a big no-no.

gary9872 commented 5 years ago

As much as most people in Dissenter use DuckDuckGo as their preferred search engine. I am one of >the few who doesn't like it would prefer the default new tab experience and the google search engine.

While I have nothing against DuckDuckGo, I prefer and it hijacked that too. This concerns me. I also prefer Brave's new tab page, which I cannot use if I have dissenter enabled.

danielb2 commented 5 years ago

I'm using another tool to manage my tab page. Dissenter screwed me up. this should be optional.

Anyway, the fix is: edit manifest.json and remove the section which concerns newtab.html

IOW, delete ,"chrome_url_overrides":{"newtab":"newtab/newtab.html"} from the end of the manifest.json file in the root download.

gary9872 commented 5 years ago

I'm using another tool to manage my tab page. Dissenter screwed me up. this should be optional.

Anyway, the fix is: edit manifest.json and remove the section which concerns newtab.html

IOW, delete ,"chrome_url_overrides":{"newtab":"newtab/newtab.html"} from the end of the manifest.json file in the root download.

Make sure to leave the last bracket though. When your editing is done the last couple of characters should look like this ,"keyword":"dissent"}}

TehSViN24 commented 5 years ago

Anyone know how to disable it on firefox? i have my own riced up minimal homepage and do not want this JS flat design ridden mess. In any case i will have to uninstall dissenter until it is removed or separated to another add-on

danielb2 commented 5 years ago

This has been fixed in 0.1.7

Lyeco commented 5 years ago

This has been fixed in 0.1.7

When and how

danielb2 commented 5 years ago

Five hours ago:

Disabled new tab experience

mgabdev commented 5 years ago

@Lyeco, @danielb2, @pickx, @TehSViN24, @MasterOfTheTiger, @gary9872 in the latest release, r11, the Dissenter new tab experience has been made optional. It is off by default and can be toggled on from within the extension's options/preferences page.