gabano / studyGroup

Grupo de Estudos R - Nupem
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Hi! #12

Open bkatiemills opened 8 years ago

bkatiemills commented 8 years ago

Hi @gabano, thanks for getting things started here, and thank you very much for your translation! I mentioned you in this thread, which is a group of people in Brasil working on a Portuguese translation of all the Study Group materials; we were talking there about offering a Portuguese repo people could fork, and I'm sure they'd love your help with that.

I just added you to the Map of Study Groups - you're the first to have an event booked in Brasil, well done! Looking forward to many more.

The only other thing, is you should jump on the Study Group Leaders Mailing List - we use this to organize a monthly teleconference of Study Group leads, and it would be a great opportunity to ask questions and meet other people doing this. The next one is October 30; I'll be sending out a reminder email on that list before the date.

Thanks again, let me know any way I can help!

gabano commented 8 years ago

Hi, @BillMills thanks for letting me know about the group and for adding us to the Map, it's really nice. I already signed to the mailing list.

I will keep in touch.