gabdube / native-windows-gui

A light windows GUI toolkit for rust
MIT License
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I need to open a new thread to write log data to textBox #232

Closed lnnsuching closed 2 years ago

lnnsuching commented 2 years ago

I need to open a new thread to write log data to textBox;

but *mut winapi::shared::windef::HMENU__ cannot be sent between threads safely

What should I do?

gabdube commented 2 years ago

So win32 gui component are single threaded, so you can't share them between threads. Instead, you can send over the string itself to the gui thread and then update the text box in the main gui thread. Here's a small example:

    A very simple application that show your name in a message box.
    See `basic` for the version without the derive macro

extern crate native_windows_gui as nwg;
extern crate native_windows_derive as nwd;

use nwd::NwgUi;
use nwg::NativeUi;

use std::thread;
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver};
use std::cell::RefCell;

#[derive(Default, NwgUi)]
pub struct BasicApp {
    #[nwg_control(size: (300, 300), position: (300, 300), title: "Basic example", flags: "WINDOW|VISIBLE")]
    #[nwg_events( OnInit: [BasicApp::setup], OnWindowClose: [BasicApp::say_goodbye] )]
    window: nwg::Window,

    #[nwg_control(size: (280, 280), position: (10, 10), focus: true, flags: "VISIBLE|AUTOVSCROLL")]
    text_box: nwg::TextBox,

    #[nwg_events(OnNotice: [BasicApp::update_text])]
    update_text: nwg::Notice,

    text_receiver: RefCell<Option<Receiver<String>>>,

impl BasicApp {

  fn setup(&self) {
    let (sender, receiver) = channel();

    // Creates a sender to trigger the `OnNotice` event
    let notice_sender = self.update_text.sender();

    thread::spawn(move || {
      let mut counter = 0;

      loop {
        counter += 1;
        sender.send(format!("ID: {}\r\n", counter)).unwrap();

        // Calling the notice function will trigger the OnNotice event on the gui thread


    *self.text_receiver.borrow_mut() = Some(receiver);

  fn update_text(&self) {
    let mut receiver_ref = self.text_receiver.borrow_mut();
    let receiver = receiver_ref.as_mut().unwrap();
    while let Ok(data) = receiver.try_recv() {
      let mut new_text = self.text_box.text();

  fn say_goodbye(&self) {


fn main() {
    nwg::init().expect("Failed to init Native Windows GUI");
    nwg::Font::set_global_family("Segoe UI").expect("Failed to set default font");

    let _app = BasicApp::build_ui(Default::default()).expect("Failed to build UI");

lnnsuching commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much.