gabeg805 / NFC-Alarm-Clock

An NFC Alarm Clock app for Android.
GNU General Public License v3.0
18 stars 4 forks source link

APK download #2

Closed IzzySoft closed 9 months ago

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Are there any plans to make this FOSS app available outside of Google's walled garden for those without access there? E.g. attaching it to your tagged releases, or bringing it to F-Droid (would require a build flavor coming without the proprietary

BloodRaven0 commented 1 year ago

+1 would love to see this app on F-Droid or IzzyOnDroid repos without google bloat.

IzzySoft commented 10 months ago

Any word, @gabeg805?

gabeg805 commented 10 months ago

Sorry I just saw this! Yeah I can try to do that. Shoot, I just added Google's In App billing system which uses that dependency you mentioned. I should be able to make a version without it though. I'll add this to my TODO list. Thanks for the suggestion!

IzzySoft commented 10 months ago

@gabeg805 ouch, that billing library would be another culprit. I might be preaching the choir here, but maybe setting up build flavors is an option – having gplay for PlayStore and e.g. foss or libre for the variant sticking entirely with F/LOSS code?

gabeg805 commented 10 months ago

It's no problem! I only use those dependencies so that people can support development and the Google Billing system was just the easiest way to facilitate that. I can always remove that small part though.

IzzySoft commented 10 months ago

I can always remove that small part though.

At least for the libre variant, that would be great. Maybe then we can get the app even to (and not just to my repo. Please let me know when such an APK is available, so I can run it through one of the checkes used at

gabeg805 commented 10 months ago

Yeah I'll let you know! It'll probably be a couple weeks or so. I'm in the process of converting all the Java code to Kotlin, which will take me quite a bit of time because I want to make sure nothing is broken. Thanks for putting this on my radar!

IzzySoft commented 10 months ago

Great to read that – gladly done, and looking forward to your ping then. Wish you easy going and great success!

gabeg805 commented 9 months ago

Hey @IzzySoft, I should be releasing a version within the next couple of days. I just want to run a couple more day in the life tests, but I can also send you what I have now if you want to run your checks on it? Or would you rather download it via me creating releases? I just realized I've never done that for this app...sorry about that

Btw, I've never created build variants before so I would definitely want another set of eyes on it to make sure it works the way it should. Do you want to do a cursory check of my app/build.gradle.kts file to make sure everything is squared away? Or how do you want to go about checking that the app is F/LOSS compliant?

IzzySoft commented 9 months ago

I can also send you what I have now if you want to run your checks on it?

Sure you can. You can e.g. attached it here to the issue (if that allows no *.apk, simply remane it to I'll then let you know the scan results.

Do you want to do a cursory check of my app/build.gradle.kts file

I'm no Android dev, so I could not tell if something's amiss, sorry.

Or how do you want to go about checking that the app is F/LOSS compliant?

I'll have to go by the scan results.

gabeg805 commented 9 months ago

No worries! I'll attach the apk once I get home from work.

gabeg805 commented 9 months ago

Here's the apk! Sorry it took so long, I was working out some kinks on a small bug I found when two alarms go off back to back. This is still being tested, but it's very close to being finalized.

Like you said about the attachment, I had to add .zip to the end. I didn't zip it though, so you can just remove the .zip at the and you should be in business.

IzzySoft commented 9 months ago

Looks great! Here're the results from my library scanner:

Libraries detected:
* Android Support v4 (/android/support/v4): Development Framework, Apache-2.0
* AndroidX Activity (/androidx/activity): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Android Jetpack Annotations (/androidx/annotation): Utility, Apache-2.0
* AppCompat (/androidx/appcompat): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Cardview (/androidx/cardview): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Concurrent (/androidx/concurrent): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Constraint Layout Library (/androidx/constraintlayout): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Coordinatorlayout (/androidx/coordinatorlayout): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Androidx Core (/androidx/core): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Databinding (/androidx/databinding): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Android Emoji2 Compat (/androidx/emoji2): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* AndroidX Fragment (/androidx/fragment): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Lifecycle (/androidx/lifecycle): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Loader (/androidx/loader): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Preference (/androidx/preference): Utility, Apache-2.0
* ProfileInstaller (/androidx/profileinstaller): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Room (/androidx/room): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Recyclerview (/androidx/recyclerview): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Android Activity Saved State (/androidx/savedstate): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Startup (/androidx/startup): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Vectordrawable (/androidx/vectordrawable): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Android Jetpack VersionedParcelable (/androidx/versionedparcelable): Utility, Apache-2.0
* AndroidX Widget ViewPager2 (/androidx/viewpager2): UI Component, Apache-2.0
* Google Material Design (/com/google/android/material): Utility, Apache-2.0
* Dagger (/dagger): Utility, Apache-2.0

No offending libs found.

So may I suggest you tag your releases from now on, and attach the APKs to their corresponding release tags, starting with the current/next one (the one I should pick up)? I'd then add it to my repo. If your app is listed on Play (IIRC it is), I'd take description and graphics from there (maybe with minor adjustments like e.g. formatting), and if you accept provide you that in Fastlane structure via PR, so you can control how your app is presented (you even can use fastlane binaries to deploy that to PlayStore if you wish – so "one ring to…" err, you know what I mean :wink:)

IzzySoft commented 9 months ago

Repo Link (will turn from 404 to 200 with the next sync around 5 pm UTC) :smile: THANKS!