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ENH: modal during rt run with flot plot #11

Closed akeshavan closed 11 years ago

akeshavan commented 11 years ago

This is pretty cool - When you start stimulus a modal pops up telling you not to click anywhere and it has a flot plot! Don't merge yet, need to somehow start modal from the start stim button or clear the flotscript, otherwise modal shows up on each reload or form submit.

akeshavan commented 11 years ago

Ok so the issue for this is that if I attach the modal function to the "onclick" event of the Start RT button, the function runs but then the form is submitted, the page reloads, and my modal disappears!

sasen commented 11 years ago

@akeshavan, i had the same problem with generating the flots to begin with. i don't know what to do... @satra, ideas?

akeshavan commented 11 years ago

I can think of 2 things:

1) make Start RT in its own form, and the form has an onsubmit method which runs after the submit 2) for any button click that is not "Start RT" clear the flotscript (or the part of the flot script with the modal) altogether

For me 2) is easier, but I can dabble with the Mako template if I need to because 1) is cleaner

akeshavan commented 11 years ago

@sasen test my quick fix! The modal only pops up for Start RT. I think this is ready to merge for now, we can always clean this part up if/when we have time later

satra commented 11 years ago

take a look at: view-source:

as you will see, the button never does a submit, but the script responds to the onclick and can do anything with the server.

akeshavan commented 11 years ago

@satra see this branch:

if you cp /home/ak/subjects/pilot17 to /home/satra/subjects it should work