gablau / node-red-contrib-blynk-iot

Blynk IoT / Blynk 2.0 library implementation for Node-RED using TLS
MIT License
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Feedback on nodes after initial testing #3

Closed Peterkn2001 closed 1 year ago

Peterkn2001 commented 3 years ago

I've tested each node and here's my feedback/observations....

Working nodes

Write Event Works as expected.

Write Works as expected.

Set Property Works as expected, but not all attributes tested yet. Note that Blynk 2.0 now uses the datastream to define the minimum/maximum values, and all values outside of this range are ignored. As a result, the ability to set min/max values for widgets from the hardware/Node-Red side is redundant (although it's still currently possible and that can lead to confusion). Read this issue for more info...

I'd suggest removing the min/max attributed from the Set Property node.

LCD Works as expected.

Styled Button Works as expected.

Non-Working nodes

App Event I can't get any output from the App Event node, and don't see any incoming messages when the app is killed/relaunched. I suspect that this functionality is no longer supported. The question was asked here: but so far there hasn't been a proper answer.

Read Event I can't get any output from the Read Event node, but the pin number is available in the incoming data;

[blynk-iot-client:Blynk 2.0 test] writeEvent: -> cmd {"type":20,"typeString":"HW","msgId":15243,"len":6,"msgLength":11,"body":"vw\u00003\u00000","operation":"vw","pin":"3","value":"0","array":["0"]}

I suspect that this isn't being parsed and passed to the node.

LCD This node doesn't appear to send any data out to Blynk - there is no SEND -> output to the console. [EDIT] Ignore the comments about the LCD node not working, this was operator error!

ZeRGBa Once again, I can't get any of data sent from Node-Red to the ZeRGBa widget to update the widget is in Merge mode and I suspect that this is an issue on the Blynk side. Blynk allows data types of Int, Float and String to be defined, and the Blynk returns an "Illegal Command" if anything other than a String datatype is selected. I suspect that the data in the string isn't being handled correctly by Blynk. I will do some testing using C++ to test this theory.

Not Yet Tested

Image Gallery I've not had chance to test this yet.

Hope this helps, I'll add updates as I discover more.
