gabonator / DS203

DS203 quad oscilloscope firmware compatible with gcc
289 stars 86 forks source link

Compiled with arm-2013-4.7-Q3, DSO203 stopped with hardfault #22

Open msp8051 opened 10 years ago

msp8051 commented 10 years ago

Compiling with arm-2011.03 failed because of missing files and exec. (e.g. objdump) Compiling with 2013-4.7 are ok, finished with a hex-File of 462KB, ( your Hexfile (created with 2011.03) has a size of only 460KB )

Your File works perfect on my hardware (2.7B / Sys 1.52), but if installing my 462Kb file, DSO203 ends with HARDFAULT: SP:2000ff90 PC:08067c9a LR:08054a63

Could you please check wat's wrong with the actual arm-toolchain ? ( 2013-4.7.Q3 )

thank you, mike