gabonator / LA104

LA104 logic analyser alternative firmware and experiments
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LA104 WebUSB connection problem #77

Open fenyvesi opened 3 years ago

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

WinUSB driver installed (Zadig v1.5). WEBUSB RF Analyser started. When asks in a window, then I connect to USB, and I can see the LA104 device in Windows Device Manager. The Chrome detects the unit and starts the web application that can't connect to the device. The sigin in the last line rotates endlessly. Any idea? Did I do smething wrong? Thanks.

gabonator commented 3 years ago

What does it show in the debug console?

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

index.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: A transfer error has occurred.

DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for wasm://wasm/ HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME


gabonator commented 3 years ago

Do you see any available serial ports when you attach the usb? Can you open the serial port in putty and type: "DBG::Print('Test!');" or "LCD::Print(100, 100, 0xffff, 0x0000, 'Hello!');", what does it respond with?

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

Can it happen that as the Chrome new version(s) deleted the new-usb-backend flag and set-up, this makes it impossible to use it on Windows?

gabonator commented 3 years ago

I don't think so, I was using it recently on windows machine with updated chrome. I will check it during weekend. Just check if you can talk directly to the unit through any serial console (at any baudrate)

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

The messages crossed.

No other serial port. Only the USB Device with name LA104 Analyzer. The driver is WinUSB.sys

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

Shall I reinstall the driber with zadig?

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

The same after reinstalling the winusb driver.

gabonator commented 3 years ago

It is important to reconnect the USB cable after you run the cc1101 webusb app. If you just attach the cable while the GUI shell is running, you will only see the mass storage device, but the webusb app creates USB CDC Serial port.

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

I connected USB after starting the WebUSB interface on LA104. No Mass Storage device only LA104 Anlyzer with winusb driver. No other Serial Port. Is this a CDC Serial port?

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

I switched the driver to CDC Serial, trying to connect with PUTTY and assertion error and hard failure is the result on LA104. I switched back to winusb, the status is the original: the Chrome halts with error: Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: A transfer error has occurred.

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

The Chrome logs are the following:


USBError[07:17:11] Interface handle not available for control transfer.

USBUser[07:17:09] USB device added: path=\?\usb#vid_1209&pid_db42#386111574155383139ffd40#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} vendor=4617 "Gabriel", product=56130 "LA104 Analyzer", serial="386111574155383139FFD40", driver="WinUSB", guid=8373eda9-97ae-40b4-9a37-8f9bd4e80cd7

BluetoothError[07:16:58] Getting Default Adapter failed.

USBUser[07:16:58] USB device added: path=\?\usb#vid_043e&pid_3012#5&20a00f33&0&8#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} vendor=1086 "LGE", product=12306 "AN-VC500 Camera", serial="", driver="usbccgp", guid=887f7476-e00d-4fdf-ac37-6e1a9453d1cc

USBUser[07:16:58] USB device added: path=\?\usb#vid_0bda&pid_b812#123456#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} vendor=3034 "Realtek", product=47122 "802.11ac NIC", serial="123456", driver="RtlWlanu", guid=ba4f49a4-ca00-49df-8821-7626cf926df9

USBUser[07:16:58] USB device added: path=\?\usb#vid_09da&pid_f613#5&20a00f33&0&4#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} vendor=2522 "COMPANY", product=62995 "USB Device", serial="", driver="usbccgp", guid=ca6642b8-4ef1-405d-8076-751b15776af4

USBUser[07:16:58] USB device added: path=\?\usb#vid_046d&pid_c52b#5&20a00f33&0&13#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} vendor=1133 "Logitech", product=50475 "USB Receiver", serial="", driver="usbccgp", guid=47ac90ad-4fc5-4b45-baf1-b5bccf2f8755

BluetoothEvent[07:16:56] BluetoothAPI: 00001EFE002D6900


Bus Number Port Number Vendor Id Product Id Manufacturer Name Product Name Serial Number  
0 5 0x1209 0xDB42 Gabriel LA104 Analyzer 386111574155383139FFD40 Inspect
0 4 0x09DA 0xF613 COMPANY USB Device   Inspect
0 8 0x043E 0x3012 LGE AN-VC500 Camera   Inspect
0 12 0x0BDA 0xB812 Realtek 802.11ac NIC 123456 Inspect
0 13 0x046D 0xC52B Logitech USB Receiver   Inspect

The situation seems to be the same as in case of Erik Smit in March.

gabonator commented 3 years ago

Erik's case was solved by adding single line to the javascript code. There is also another discussion with similar issue ( I will try to check it on another windows machine, from this report nor from the error message I cannot find any reason why it shouldn't work. But as a most important step - try to configure it as regular serial port and try to send those messages I mentioned earlier - when does it crash? After typing single letter, or after opening the port, or after hitting enter key? If can show some warning message when it receives some broken request, but it should not crash in any case. Please drop here the assertion message.

gabonator commented 3 years ago

Just tried on windows 10 and usb connection works even without installation of zadig driver. But it loads usbser.sys driver and chrome 92.0.x doest not show any popup after connection. When I open the web application and click connecting, it says: "DOMException: Access denied" this error is fired on port.connect() in comm.js. When I open putty to talk to the device it generates hard fault after typing a single letter... I will investigate it deeper when I will have more time

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

I had the same here.... Thanks.

gabonator commented 3 years ago

Ok, I think I found the issue. The webusb implementation I am using is a stripped down version of some webusb driver I found on internet, I was removing all the parts while it was working on my computer trying to produce smallest possible implementation of webusb drvier. There is one part I removed called winusb.c which could be missing to provide support for newer windows versions. I will try to integrate the code to see if it helps during next week

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

Hurray. Thanks.

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago

Any development?

gabonator commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately I was busy with other things... I did some tests initially, but without success and then I gave up... I will definitely have to look at it, but don't know when.

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago
Thanks. Fenyvesi György Feladó: Gabriel ValkyElküldve: 2021. december 6., hétfő 22:26Címzett: gabonator/LA104Másolatot kap: George Fenyvesi; AuthorTárgy: Re: [gabonator/LA104] LA104 WebUSB connection problem (#77) Unfortunately I was busy with other things... I did some tests initially, but without success and then I gave up.. I will definitely have to look at it, but don't know when.—You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOS or Android.  
gabonator commented 2 years ago

@fenyvesi could you please try this app:

Use following web page to test the communication. Clicking on LED checkbox should show numbers '1' or '0' on screen.

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago

Sure. I copied the elf file in the root directory. Started through file manager. USB cable is connected. On the top of the screen: USB begin............. a lot and more and more ... On the bottom: Image loaded at 0x 080200000

Starting the Chrome with the given url I can see the connect [Connecting] mesage. If I pust the connect button, then the connecting message diseppears. In the mean time the LA104 writes the dots at the USB begin. No difference with USB connected before or after starting the program.

What shall I do?

The windows driver is libwdi (usbser.sys)

gabonator commented 2 years ago
  1. Run the app on device
  2. Connect to computer (it must be disconnected before running the app)
  3. Open the website from the link above
  4. Click connect (it should display list of available devices, only one should be available to select)
  5. Click on the LED checkbox and it should display '0' or '1' on the device screen
  6. If anything won't work, paste here the console log from chrome

I do not have windows machine available right now, so I cannot verify it... If there will be "Access denied" error in the console, try installing Zadig driver

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago

OK we crossed. I am trying.

Steps 1,2,3 are done. Step 4: "connecting" message disappears, nothing happens.

I try the zadig driver and coming back.

Chrome console: Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Access denied. index.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The device must be opened first.

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago

Replaced with WinUSB driver. The device name is strange: DABBoot DFU bootloader. Can't connect, log:

index.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: A transfer error has occurred.

gabonator commented 2 years ago

"DAPBoot DFU Bootloader" is OK, this project borrowed from and ported to LA104 OS. But the error message does not look good. Is it displayed every time you press the checkbox?

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago


gabonator commented 2 years ago

Try this one

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago

Practically the same.

Log each time I press connect: index.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: A transfer error has occurred.

gabonator commented 2 years ago

Ok, it seems that during porting the code to LA104 OS I introduced some bug there and the winusb component is not configured well. I don't know how to fix it, so I will try to port the latest version of dapboot tool again... As soon I will have something ready to test I will let you know. Probably tomorrow

...but it is a bit strange, when the device is identified and paired and shows an error just when you try to transmit data. Seems like this issue should not be caused by improper configuration of WinUSB support as I thought initially...

gabonator commented 2 years ago

I have an idea, try this:

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago

When I start the last elf, connect USB, open the URL in chrome I can see: Disconnect[] The log is empty. I can see the 0s and 1s on LA104.

I push the Disconnect button and the log:

index2.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: A transfer error has occurred

Does it mean it is OK?

gabonator commented 2 years ago

Great! That means it is working!! So we were focused on wrong side of the problem - the application on LA104 is working, and the issue was in the web page

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago

Yeah, the problem is not always there as we suggest. Hurray.

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago

One remark. Should the URL arise automatically or I have to type each time?

gabonator commented 2 years ago

But what am I confused now is, that whether it is necessary to do any changes in the LA104 app, please check this one:

This application is just for testing, so you should refresh the website every time. The webpage in popup points to the original dap bootloader. In CC1101 webusb it should open the right page automatically

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago

It works with the last URL. Your suggestion seems to be true. I saved the original web page and replaced serial.js with serial2.js and the RF analysis works.

It is not clear how to use it I try to undertand.

gabonator commented 2 years ago

AAaaah, hell. So it was working all the time, but I just forgot to add windows workaround into the web page javascript code. Pretty sad that we wasted time on this... I will push updated serial.js into the repo and consider closing this issue if it will work.

And thank you for helping with this issue

The RF webusb app is terrible, do not press other buttons than connect, init, start, stop. When editing frequencies just press TAB button, for the new value to be applied. When you have some clear signal in the scroll view, pause it with "Stop" button and highlight it with dragging your mouse. If it is some known protocol, it should display decode info in lower window. Open console window to see the precise intervals/timing of the packet

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago

OK. Thanks, once more.

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago

I can't really use it, unexpected serial errors occur.

gabonator commented 2 years ago

Send screenshots, the rolling window with signal works? When the errors appear?

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago

I downloaded the page locally and use it locally with the modified serial2.js. The problem as I see the rtl433.wasm is not downloaded and that is why is not found locally.

On the contrary in 1 case from 10 it captured and analysed signals but I can't repeat it.

The log: Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'file:///C:/Users/x/Downloads/valky/rtl433.wasm' from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, chrome-untrusted, https. decoder.js:18 GET file:///C:/Users/x/Downloads/valky/rtl433.wasm net::ERR_FAILED (anonymous) @ decoder.js:18 readAsync @ decoder.js:5 Decoder @ decoder.js:71 (anonymous) @ analyser.js:243

gabonator commented 2 years ago

Try the online version, I fixed the serial.js issue, flush the browser cache in case it will display the old version. If you want to do experiments locally, you need to use some sort of webserver and open it through localhost (I am using httpserver from nodejs package for this purpose). Opening just plain "html" from your harddrive won't work because of security settings of chrome

fenyvesi commented 2 years ago

Seems to be working. I tried the local web server version, too. I think that a local version can be useful in case of missing Internet connection.

It was unseccessful.

serial.js:4 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getDevices') at Object.serial.getPorts (serial.js:4) at HTMLDocument. (comm.js:73) serial.getPorts @ serial.js:4 (anonymous) @ comm.js:73 decoder.js:18 GET 404 (Not Found) (anonymous) @ decoder.js:18 readAsync @ decoder.js:5 Decoder @ decoder.js:71 (anonymous) @ analyser.js:243 WebUSB%20CC1101%20interface.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) undefined Promise.then (async) Decoder @ decoder.js:73 (anonymous) @ analyser.js:243

gabonator commented 2 years ago

When I start it locally with http-server -p 8876 . and open localhost:8876 it will show:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for wasm://wasm/ HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME

The first message is related to missing favicon.ico and the second one is missing which is just debugging file for web assembly package. Both are harmless. There is some issue in your case, even the webusb subsystem is not available. Try using different server

gabonator commented 2 years ago

@gumalexgum this thread is related only to webusb connection issues, please start a new issue. It seems that the shell.elf file is corrupted. Start the device with 4th button pressed (or 3rd, I can't remember exactly) to enter safe mode. Delete everything from the usb drive and copy the shell.elf again.