Closed hanselsen closed 12 years ago
what was your solution? please share, as i'm facing the same issue
Possible Solution: $training->ownMember = array( $trainer, $trainee ); $trainer->role = 'trainer'; $trainee->role = 'trainee';
In this case both trainer and trainee are members but with different role properties. Other solutions are possible as well. I cant tell you the optimal solution because that depends on the context.
that is very informative, but i'm not sure it's exactly right for me. here's my issue:
i have 2 tables: projects and users
users can be attached to projects as many to many (ie: a project may have many users, and a user may have many projects.
each user has a role in each project (ie: owner, admin, client, staff etc.)
i need a logical place to store the connection type, rather than just keeping a generic connection
any thoughts?
Whenever you need to qualify an N-M relation, you are actually using an 1-N and N-1 relation. In other words; you miss the intermediate bean.
Your domain model is telling you there is a missing entity. In this case this could be a participant. That makes sense. A user is never 'born' with a role. A role is only valid in the context of a project. So you have a user, referring to a 'person' and you have a participant referring to someone participating in the project. The participant then HAS a user (the real person) and it HAS a project thus forming the relationship. I often encounter this fallacy because later on the domain will require more qualifications (i.e. what percentage of the profit will a participant get? not the user, how much long has the participant been associated with the project? - not the user etc...)
The structure then becomes:
$project->ownParticipant = array($teacher,$trainee);
//or the other way around: $teacher = R::dispense('participant'); $teacher->project = $project $teacher->role = 'teacher'; $teacher->user = $user;
If the participant types have very different properties you can split them into two entities: teachers and trainees, which resembles my previous solution.
Sometimes you just want to qualify the relation. While I see this as a risky solution it is possible to do with RedBeanPHP. I hid this feature from plain sight because it often got abused in the past, you'll find it here:
Look for extended associations. With extended associations you can properties to associations. Personally I find that a very dangerous approach but it looks like this:
To retrieve:
R::$extAssocManager->related($project,'user'); -- returns the junction
The API for extended relations also might be a bit clunky at times.
Hope this helps, plz let me know if you require some more assistance.
Hi there,
I don't know if im at the right place, but I'm having an issue with my shared lists. Im having a 'training' which has to have 2 sharedlists with the same types. So I want something like this:
$training->sharedTrainer = R::batch('member', array(111,112)); $training->sharedTrainee = R::batch('member', array(222,223));
But I thing I only can do this:$training->sharedMember = R::batch('member', array(222,223));
Anybody know how to solve the above problem?Tnx in advance