gabordemooij / straight

The Straight Framework for PHP
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Documentation suggestion #3

Closed alystair closed 4 years ago

alystair commented 5 years ago

Although this framework is straight forward compared to others, it would be cool to have a basic diagram of the code flow for a page request utilizing all features (i18n, config) so it's stupid easy to comprehend at a glance when initially going through the doc.

browser request -> fmap -> ??? -> rendered page

gabordemooij commented 5 years ago

Sounds good, might be useful indeed...

gabordemooij commented 5 years ago

Would you mind creating this diagram? I have tried to make a diagram but I don't know what features you like to include. The diagrams that I created are either way too complicated or way too simplistic. Clearly, you have a nice picture in mind, so maybe you could draw something?

gabordemooij commented 4 years ago

Ok done