gaborsimon / WeatherStation

This project is intended to provide a self-made, basic weather station based on ATMEL AVR microcontroller and HD44780 LCD display.
MIT License
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Wrong LCD refresh condition #7

Closed gaborsimon closed 8 years ago

gaborsimon commented 8 years ago

Regarding DHT22 data the refresh condition is not correct. Currently it is: if (Signal_RELIABLE == XDHT22_DATA_QUALIFIER)

With this statement the data is refreshed in every cycle that is not good. DHT22 has to provide a flag that signs if new conversion is done and LCDManager has to update the display only in this case. Qualifier check has to be performed within this condition.

Additional todo: in case of first run "--" data has to be written to the display.

gaborsimon commented 8 years ago

This issue is already solved with the new DCF77 sensor handling and new scheduling.