I'll use JS alike comments // and /* */ instead of html - its easier to me
Comments refer to the code line below
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
// You should indent your code - head tag is inside html tag so it should be moved by one tab.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Przelicznik temperatur</title>
// code indentation
<h1>strona przeliczająca temperatury</h1>
<input type="number" id="number" placeholder="podaj temperature">
<h2>wybierz na jaka jednostke chcesz ja przeliczyc</h2>
<button onclick="celc()">przelicz na celcjusze</button>
<button onclick="fahr()">przelicz na fahrenheity</button>
// unnecessary space
<div id="temp" ></div>
// `celc` what? Use noun to name function. Also name should be more descriptive
function celc()
// https://medium.com/javascript-scene/javascript-es6-var-let-or-const-ba58b8dcde75#:~:text=%60const%60%20is%20a%20signal%20that,always%20the%20entire%20containing%20function.
let number=document.getElementById('number').value;
// `1.8` and `32` are "magic numbers"
let cel=number*1.8+32;
let wynik=document.getElementById('temp');
// never use ==. === is faster and better. https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/avascript-type-coercion-explained-how-to-avoid-common-pitfalls/#:~:text=In%20JavaScript%2C%20type%20coercion%20happens,and%20concatenate%20the%20two%20values.
// use template literals to combine string. Why you use `round`?
wynik.innerHTML=number+" stopień celcjusza to "+Math.round(cel)+" fehrenheitów";
} else
// DRY - this line is almost the same like in "if"
wynik.innerHTML=number+" stopnie celcjusza to "+Math.round(cel)+" fehrenheitów";
function fahr()
// I saw that line before. Move it to function. Eg `getNumberInputValue`
let number=document.getElementById('number').value;
// fah what? Magic numbers
let fah=(number-32)/1.8;
// i saw this line before
let wynik=document.getElementById('temp');
// Magic numbers. == instead of ===
if(number==34 || number==33){
wynik.innerHTML=number+" fehrenheity to "+Math.round(fah)+" stopień celcjusza";
} else
wynik.innerHTML=number+" fehrenheitów to "+Math.round(fah)+" stopni celjusza";
// wrong indent
[ ] Move <script> part into lets say main.js file and attach it into .html file. Separation is always good idea. Read about async and defer
[ ] Make this changes in separated Pull Request - its easier to comment there. Example tutorial video
and/* */
instead of html - its easier to meAlso:
part into lets saymain.js
file and attach it into.html
file. Separation is always good idea. Read aboutasync