gabrielbusarello / material2-carousel

A carousel component for Angular using Material
MIT License
35 stars 31 forks source link

Build errors with Angular 14 -- ivy/index.js Error: Emit and "@ngbmodule/material-carousel" has missing dependencies: - @angular/compiler/src/core #40

Open jimbarrett33 opened 1 year ago

jimbarrett33 commented 1 year ago

The component will not build in Angular 14. I get the following errors. I created a new app with Angular 14 cli..

`./src/main.ts - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/ivy/index.js):                                       
Error: Emit`
Error: Failed to initialize Angular compilation - The target entry-point "@ngbmodule/material-carousel" has missing dependencies:         
 - @angular/compiler/src/core`

Note that it looks like the path @angular/compiler/src/core no longer exists under node_modules in Angular 14. Instead the typings seem to be aggregated in index.d.ts is at the root of @angular/compiler.

Pioca commented 1 year ago

Could it be related to this?

jimbarrett33 commented 1 year ago

@gabrielbusarello are you still giving attention to this repo/code?

TomieAi commented 1 year ago

any news?

mm-pbr commented 1 year ago

same here there is local fix also