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arduino-web-server-mega-2560-r3-built-in-esp8266/ #8

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

Arduino - Web Server (Mega 2560 R3 built-in ESP8266)

This tutorial goes over how to use the Mega 2560 R3 built-in ESP8266 and create a web server by flashing the onboard ESP8266 with AT firmware which only requires programming only the ATmega2560. 📶

jewing18 commented 2 years ago

Well done sir. Worked flawlessly for me. Thank you for not spreading false information!

gabrielcsapo commented 2 years ago

@jewing18 let me know if you want to see any other content! Thanks for the kind words!

AmirSamanMirjalili commented 2 years ago

frankly i most say, this post is the only working guide for this board keep it up and THANKS!!

AmirSamanMirjalili commented 2 years ago

Just one question, and it's the hard one, I just figured out that it is possible to program mega2560 through wifi via a framework called esp_link and this youtube video shows how to do it. My problem is that the video worked with an independent esp-01 module. It is easy to figure out the connections between mega2560 and esp, but here in this Mega 2560 R3 built-in ESP8266 board, I can't figure out the relationship needed to program mega2560 via esp8266 through wifi. I appreciate it if you, please help me

googygreg commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the excellent instructions! I did fine till the test code from WiFiEspAT library - and I get a timeout error... AT+GMR returns good values. Then I get this error: Exit Status 1: 'mySSID' was not declared in this scope. I assume Exit Status 1 means successful UL of sketch, so I forged ahead to discover the TX/RX switch was already in the TX-3/RX-3 position instead of TX-0/RX-0 position for all of the previous code. Is that significant?

googygreg commented 2 years ago

SSID and PW must be quoted.

ReinierGielen commented 2 years ago

Do you have any suggestion how to fix the timeout issue during uploading sketch ? This randomly occurs. Sometimes it works every time and sometimes it always timesout. The boerd is still running my old sketch and I still get data in the serial monitor But at the moment I can not load a new sketch

googygreg commented 2 years ago

I had similar problem. Must use short, shielded USB cable that came with the Arduino. I never could get Arduino Mega with built in WiFi to ever: make a connection to my WiFi (client) nor offer a connection to (Arduino) AP. I went back to Arduino Mega and a cable. WiFi wasn't worth the hassle.

Astra04 commented 2 years ago

can you help me please mine is stuck at waiting for wifi connection

resmithn commented 2 years ago

Flash went okay received: Hard resetting via RTS pin. Changed the switches as described [5 & 6 ON] When trying the AT command. receive the following: 14:37:54.667 -> ready 14:38:07.420 -> AT 14:38:07.420 -> 14:38:07.420 -> ERROR 14:38:37.388 -> AT GMR 14:38:37.388 -> 14:38:37.388 -> ERROR Appreciate any help you can provide. Thank You.

igs3000 commented 1 year ago

Dear Gabriel J. Csapo, Thank you for your Excellent Instructions. Everything worked good as it is. I never saw such a clean instructions for this board anywhere else.

After purchasing this "Arduino Mega 2560 with built-in WiFi", I could not understand the way to use it. So, meaninglessly I kept that for several months. Your instructions simply gave life for that board.

Thank you.

igs3000 commented 1 year ago

Those who are not having gy-21p sensor, can comment some lines for testing the WiFi functionality and the web server code :

define NAME_OF_SSID "Tenda_D360D0"

define PASSWORD_OF_SSID "xxxxx"



//Adafruit_BMP280 bme;

WiFiServer server(80);

void setup() {

Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial) ; Serial.println("Setting up..."); // if (!bme.begin(0x77)) // depending on the chip you have the i2c address is either 0x77 or 0x77 // { // Serial.println("Could not find a valid BMP280 sensor, check wiring!"); // while (1) // ; // }


WiFi.init(Serial3); Serial.println("Setting up wifi..."); if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_MODULE) { Serial.println("Communication with WiFi module failed!"); // don't continue while (true) ; }

WiFi.begin(NAME_OF_SSID, PASSWORD_OF_SSID); Serial.println("Waiting for connection to WiFi"); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(1000); Serial.print('.'); } Serial.println();


IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP(); Serial.println(); Serial.println("Connected to WiFi network."); Serial.print("To access the server, enter \"http://"); Serial.print(ip); Serial.println("/\" in web browser."); }

void loop() { float temp = 10; //(bme.readTemperature() * 1.8) + 32; float pressure = 10;// = bme.readPressure(); float altitude = 10 ; // bme.readAltitude(1010);

WiFiClient client = server.available();

if (client) { IPAddress ip = client.remoteIP(); Serial.print("new client "); Serial.println(ip);

while (client.connected())
  if (client.available())
    String line = client.readStringUntil('\n');

    // if you've gotten to the end of the HTTP header (the line is blank),
    // the http request has ended, so you can send a reply
    if (line.length() == 0)
      // send a standard http response header
      client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
      client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
      client.println("Connection: close"); // the connection will be closed after completion of the response
      client.println("Refresh: 5");        // refresh the page automatically every 5 sec
      client.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML>");

      client.print("<h4>Tempature: ");

      client.print("<h4>Pressure: ");

      client.print("<h4>Altitude: ");


// close the connection:
Serial.println("client disconnected");

} }

gabrielcsapo commented 1 year ago

Dear Gabriel J. Csapo, Thank you for your Excellent Instructions. Everything worked good as it is. I never saw such a clean instructions for this board anywhere else.

After purchasing this "Arduino Mega 2560 with built-in WiFi", I could not understand the way to use it. So, meaninglessly I kept that for several months. Your instructions simply gave life for that board.

Thank you.

Glad it was helpful! It was a similar problem for me so I am happy to help others make use of the board!

arsant68 commented 1 year ago

HI Thank you Gabriel J. Csapo to share this tutorial. Following steep by steep your tuto, I was able to update the esp firmware ( running now 2.2.xx AT )and using as websever to monitor my solar panels. Just a question, did you managed to run a webserver and at same time posting data to thingspeak ? I´m struggling to run server and client at same time, as I used to do with ethernet shield. I can post data to thingspeak but only when not running webserver at same time. I´m using WiFiEspAT lib and AT firmware 2.2xx. Again, thanx to spend time with your tuto... well documented and explained.

XohaibQ commented 1 month ago

Hi Link is not working. Can you provide any alternative link, Please.