gabrieldwight / Whatsapp-Business-Cloud-Api-Net

This is C# wrapper of whatsapp business cloud api for .NET
MIT License
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WhatsAppBusinessCloudApiConfig Optional Parameter #90

Closed julianodev closed 1 month ago

julianodev commented 1 month ago

Hello Gabriel,

Don't you think it would be interesting to pass WhatsAppBusinessCloudApiConfig as an optional parameter in all methods?

gabrieldwight commented 1 month ago

Hi Juliano, I have added the optional parameter in all the sending messages methods since it is mostly used. I will see about the other methods that deals with business management api.

julianodev commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the answer. One method I need to pass was GetWhatsAppBusinessAccountPhoneNumberAsync as an example.

I tried to create the pull request to help. But I don't have permission.

gabrieldwight commented 1 month ago

You need to fork the repository then the PR can be submitted from your end, any other method for business management that requires the optional parameter