gabrielefilipp / SmartHunter

A complete overlay for Monster Hunter: World on PC
MIT License
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Crashing after update, mhw version 11.50.00 #26

Open unlightednetting opened 4 years ago

unlightednetting commented 4 years ago

Hi, the statuses started suddenly bugging, with the counter (Sleep(1) 0/100) climbed up into huge numbers, such as (Sleep(96128419) 0/100) and then crashed shortly after.

As you can see, I managed to play a little first, before it happened.

[2020-02-07 13:43:50] Started [2020-02-07 13:43:50] Config.json loaded [2020-02-07 13:43:50] Versions.json loaded [2020-02-07 13:43:50] en-US.json saved [2020-02-07 13:43:51] MonsterData.json saved [2020-02-07 13:43:51] PlayerData.json saved [2020-02-07 13:43:51] Memory.json saved [2020-02-07 13:43:51] Failed to load skin file 'Default.xaml' [2020-02-07 13:43:51] State Machine: None (61 ms) > CheckingForUpdates [2020-02-07 13:43:51] Searching for updates (You can disable this feature in file 'Config.json')! [2020-02-07 13:43:53] State Machine: CheckingForUpdates (1189 ms) > WaitingForProcess [2020-02-07 13:43:53] State Machine: WaitingForProcess (73 ms) > ProcessFound [2020-02-07 13:43:53] State Machine: ProcessFound (54 ms) > PatternScanning [2020-02-07 13:43:53] Found 'MonsterPattern' at address 0x14022FBF9 [2020-02-07 13:43:55] Found 'PlayerDamagePattern' at address 0x1418D3FA7 [2020-02-07 13:44:20] Found 'PlayerNamePattern' at address 0x155FC5547 [2020-02-07 13:44:20] State Machine: PatternScanning (27397 ms) > Working [2020-02-07 13:44:20] Match Range: 14022FBF9 - 155FC5547 [2020-02-07 14:40:04] InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource) at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare() at SmartHunter.Game.Helpers.MhwHelper.UpdateMonsterStatusEffects(Process process, Monster monster) at SmartHunter.Game.Helpers.MhwHelper.UpdateAndGetMonster(Process process, UInt64 monsterAddress) at SmartHunter.Game.Helpers.MhwHelper.UpdateMonsterWidget(Process process, UInt64 monsterBaseList) at SmartHunter.Game.MhwMemoryUpdater.UpdateMemory() at SmartHunter.Core.MemoryUpdater.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.b__23()

Restarting fixes this issue temporarily, happening to myself and my friend.

gabrielefilipp commented 4 years ago

I've should have fixed this issue with the latest commit. Can you please check if it is working? (If so tag this as closed :D)

unlightednetting commented 4 years ago

It will take a day of testing, since it wasn't every time, and since I'm a bit busy today. I'll get back to you on it :)