gabrielelana / vim-markdown

Markdown for Vim: a complete environment to create Markdown files with a syntax highlight that doesn't suck!
MIT License
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Mapping conflicts #2

Closed zhuochun closed 10 years ago

zhuochun commented 10 years ago

I used Shougo/neocomplete.vim and set Tab to do completion:

inoremap <expr><TAB>  pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<TAB>"

vim-markdown's insert mode mapping on Tab conflicts it.

Is there a way to solve it? Thanks.

gabrielelana commented 10 years ago

In you .vimrc you can disable all mappings with

let g:markdown_enable_mappings = 0

Or you can disable only insert mode mappings and solve your problem

let g:markdown_enable_insert_mode_mappings = 0

This solves your problem? Can you confirm that the conflict is only in markdown files? Otherwise this would be a genuine bug :smile:

zhuochun commented 10 years ago

Thanks. Tab works again after I disabled mappings.

Yep. It only happens in markdown files.