Closed oblitum closed 8 years ago
Thanks! Why not, it should be easy to do, I'll give it a try but it will be under configuration the default would stay like it is now, is this ok for you?
Is there any update to this? It'd be awesome to have an option to conceal the markup chars. And yes, this is the best markdown plugin I have found so far! Thanks.
Thanks @NachiGithub I don't have time right now but if you want to give it a shot... :wink:
Although not directly configured in code but I've been able to change the style of bold and italic text by changing vim terminal options (more see :help terminal-options
To remove styling to words surrounded by * and _, add this line to your vimrc:
set t_ZH=
Or one could change the styling of the word by setting t_ZH
one of the ANSI escape codes
This line set words surrounded with * or _ to green:
set t_ZH=^[[32m " Note ^[ is the escape sequence output by pressing ctrl-v then ESC
Similarly, to change bold mode use set t_md
Your plugin is the best I've found, thanks.
Would it be interesting to add vim conceal support? Personally I don't like to see bold and italic text surrounded by
, it's a bit of duplicated information, so I'd like to have*
concealed instead.