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ANAC Talks: Transformações digitais no RAB - 2022-10-10 #1

Closed gabrielmacedoanac closed 1 year ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago
Good morning everyone, my name is Roberto
Honorato Barto as superintendent of
aeronautics and today at anatox we
have the theme digital
transformations digital transformations in the
Brazilian aeronautical record I will be
here today until the next one hour and 30
with Luciana Ferreira who is the manager of
Brazilian aeronautical registry with
Júlio Chabel who is a server at Rabi and
also with Samir Down who is from STI and
our objective is to talk about what has
happened in the Brazilian aeronautical registry
that configures itself as
digital transformation it is important to
emphasize that the transformation  digital
was not mind we transformed a
document into a document in
electronic format it goes it is much more
than that we refer to improving
the user experience with the agency is
understanding what the user's perspective is
and providing it in the service that is
fast it's easy to access
it's transparent it's easy to
understand how it works from the point of view
administrative activity list
Our administrative bus
also means to reduce this bus as much as possible
so that in Ideal the service can
be provided right when
possible automatically in a fast way
also if possible instantly
and for us to make  All this
is possible, it is necessary that we
have the support of
Information Technology so we will discuss and
detail here in this event what
these tools are and how
this topic has evolved here in the general navigability relevance

and it is important to say that as
the  people are moving towards
digital transformation we have the opportunity to
provide a service that is more
robust from a security point of view
for our regulated sector it is not the same as
security I mean
information security because the most
efficient measures to protect yourself in giving yourself
fidelity information that what the
public service is dealing with they are
given  through
information technology and all this
work opens the way, it opens the
possibility for us to delve into the
subject of user experience and go
even further, as we
have an IT tool that is
prepared to support all these
ideas that I said
so as I said we will be here with
a team
very involved in this matter we will
explain What are the premises What
are the current developments
we will try the
digital rabbi registry portal there and at the end
we would also be open to questions
so important  is to check what the
code is here on the left of the screen. So
whoever wants to ask questions,
please send them that we will be happy to
answer at the end.
That way I'll pass here to Luciana and I
wish you all a good event
Thank you Honorato Good morning everyone
colleagues, right It's a pleasure and not even on the radio
here, right, to talk about the
Brazilian aeronautical record, right, I'm already a
as much as a fossil in the aeronautical record,
right Working for a long time
and talking about digital transformation, right for
a person like that, he's been at home for so long,
right, it
a pleasant surprise, right It's today starting
to reap the fruits that were planted
in the past I have a
presentation here  I promise it will be
short, right, let me share it here with you, it
's very interesting,
so let me see if I can get
digital transformation using a fossil.

my presentation
Honorato Julho helps me make a little finger
there on the positive positive
So come on, gentlemen, I'm going to talk a
little bit about history because I
can't look forward without
looking back and having lessons learned, right, the
Brazilian aeronautical record is
95 years old and  A Vanguard Story of
vanguardism, that is, of taking the first
step, right And then why do I say that
first, because 95 years because  and the
first aircraft registered in the country, right,
it was In 1927, then what happens, right,
another historical fact, right? We were the
first Civil Aviation Authority in the
world to have registration certificates
And it was already digital navigability
and I'm talking about  2017
that's why it's a Vanguarda story,
we're going to get to the digital tail and
then, right, hi,
invert your presentation, which is with the
how do I do it now Good
question, there it was, it worked It worked,
I didn't do anything
I believe I didn't do much here, it
didn't work, I'm all

orange.  CNJ, right, an
administrative act of the National Council
of Justice, right, that said, right, that it provides
for the reception of digital born documents
by notaries across the country,
it's the tail is a sui generis notary.
or talk about it further on, but the
reception not only of the documents but of the
digital signature, in short, of all this
digital transformation that the
entire federal government has been going through,

right?  of the pandemic, right,
we all had to adapt to

owner of
Brazilian civil aircraft constituting
rights and guarantees right in rem rights and
guarantees over aircraft right We have
this operational function registers
aeronautical it also issues certificates of
registration of airworthiness and
takes care of technical information right
among them Oxford certify filed
in the registry right data  of inspection type of
operation of the ae  Brazilian civil
ronaves right And then I have a little display
down here right that the gtgi people we
have a specific privacy notice
services of the Brazilian aeronautical registry services
right Based on the lgpd because the
tail is a public notary right then
get you  looking for the information on the
certificate is public information ok
let's start talking about digital

transformation digital transformation gentlemen it is a
process it is a maturation ok then
to show that in the Superintendence it
all started right back there we have the
first rabb procedural consultation system
developed  in 2009
we were already on the way to
showing efficiency, in 2010 we had the
systems for booking brands online,
so the
user can go to the platform and
select the brand they are interested in,
anyway, and then paint their aircraft and do
all the  registration process with the
Brazilian aeronautical registry that's what we
're talking about the year 2010, okay
?  This is news, it's not all
Civil Aviation authority
And this happens so we had I
like to talk about history, right in
2012 2013 saves memory, right we had
a technical visit to the
French aeronautical registry and France was
delighted right there  time, so I'm
talking about it, it's been a long time, right, she was
delighted with online brand reservation
while theirs was still in the book, right
physical, physical notes are in 2017
Big step is step to economy for
efficiency for effectiveness, right The issuance
of digital certificates, right so much
registration and airworthiness
allowing these documents to have
on board the aircraft in an
electronic device does not need to be printed
savings for us too, right because for
those who remember the registration certificate,
a little piece of paper, anyway, the
little piece of paper is not the paper of the Mint
cost, right a  relatively high cost, right
for the agency and then the obligation to
carry a physical document in the airlines  you
see yet another evolution 2019 release
of papa-serra gentlemen the
Papa Serra nationality mark it was
there Luciana well anyway it was predicted a
long time ago since before the last
change of RBS 45 we already had the
nationality mark prediction  to
take a walk to
implement Papa Serra gentlemen I
had a huge help from you ok so I
have to thank Samira here for the entire
information technology team that
long before the digital rabbi everything started
there since 2019 here is an orchestra right
gentlemen so nobody works  alone
if I don't have the support of the Teia, nothing
2020 reception was bad there from the
digital and dematerialized Natu but it
actually started in 2019 But it's not to
repeat the year formalized there in 2020 with
the revision of resolution
293 that provides for registration
Brazilian aeronautics and that we
will revisit the 293 again now,
gentlemen, after the internalization of the Provisional Measure,
right that a simple flight that
gen  there were more simplifications
initiatives in progress right replacement
of the petitioning of the online rabb of sei
by the online rabeline by the rabeline not by the
digital radio sorry for my
spelling mistake here it's already
a novelty ready right now it already has the
digital tail anyway  working there,
not 100%, but we are on the
way so I won't skip it, I won't
take Samir and Júlio's speech here,
because maybe it's live, right And then
we have a reduction of the documents
necessary for presentation
simplification with the adoption of the
simple flight, right, with the internalization of the
Provisional Measure, we managed to do that,
ok We are on our way there, also within the
theme four of the regulatory agenda is to
end up extinguishing the category of registration
this is our purpose so it is
documentation you don't need to present
insurance more later I'll talk
formal procedures signature of
testimony found are also
dismissed finally
the great novelty gentlemen like Honorato
scoring well in the i  beginning service automation,
right, digital transformation
is more than just receiving
digital documents, right?

right, and with the
very low cost, right for the agency for the
aeronautical registration and a
very high efficiency gain, we already have
two Auto Services implemented,
tested and auto service and it
arrived on the platform and got it.

what's in progress
ok gentlemen I use brands A lot of people
ask me but Luciana
Samarco has already been used
this registration has been canceled for a long time
and I can't reuse it today, I still can't,
right there are specific criteria
for us to allow this reuse
of brands right This reactivation of brands and
reuse of brands is nothing more
than an aircraft gives an exe  mplo here right
real it was a Boeing the registration was canceled
And now it's a Cessna it's the same
registration it was a Boeing now some fessna is
still not allowed But that's what
we Mira It's about reusing brands
first because the brands are finite, right
and second, that it doesn't make sense, we
have a database that ties the
aircraft brand forever and you
can't reuse it anymore, so the reuse
of brands within the integrated naka base
will be
a big step, a great improvement
, brand reuse  It's a
real thing, right, it already happens in other
authorities, right And especially in the
United States, whose Fleet is the largest in the
world, you know, and we here
also want to implement it because it
would be a gain for everyone, okay, but come
on, I'm going to talk about flights here  simple,
right, we hitched a ride on this
rocket tail in this
window of opportunity, right What did
we get there I'm going to talk a
little bit here about drones, okay, gentlemen,
for those who don't know  well, when
94 Eco came out, it's about the
regulation that deals with drones in the
country It was very restrictive a
certain category now saves
memory and class 2 class 3 finally the
category that is for drones that flew
outside the Visa line above 400 feet
they had to be registered and have the
same formal procedure as if they were
large aircraft, right, we saw
that this was a beam, right, even by the number
who goes to look at the platform, there are more
than 20 thousand drone aircraft
registered, right That's not it.  it makes sense, does
n't it make sense, for the use by
the added value, right, you
need to have size the
legal certainty in this issue of these drones
of their use anyway, right And then we
put this as a measure and it passed
so today we have the new  platform
of the new gray right with the emission of the
caer there by the new gray for the aircraft
for the Class 2 drones doesn't save the
memory right finally flying outside the
dividing line and such I know q  that the norm is there
process of new revisits new
revisiting so I'm here I may be
eventually committing a prorated here
in my speech but gentlemen the fact is today
the Drone is the only one that really needs
legal certainty that has an
added value a much more cost
much larger that need to be registered
And then I'm talking about class 1, those
over 150 kilos, right?

right But let's go
registration categories gentlemen we went
first in the idea of ​​simplification let's
reduce the category And then after a new
study a new phase we realized that
Oops is actually an aggregated information that
we can that we cane still have and
that we can eliminate, right, we don't
need the category of registration
so the category of registration is in the
study within the theme 4 of the
regulatory agenda the  Rabi is part of this
study group, right? I think it was a
very nice job, a job that started
with a vision and we built it and we
're going to the best way.

be here July to know to explain
everything but the digital tail without you
wouldn't be anything but I have to tell
you guys that I really speak right I'm one
of those I talk about right
the digital tail project was born in
2018/2019 Actually  I already thought about
digital ass there since I started in
in a more simple way and then we start
gaining the body he is learning,
having lessons learned and my
chips gentlemen that I bet all on her
all I bet all is that the
digital tail in the future it is not now now it
is already implemented there is already a service but later
on we will do more and
more understood is this
user experience it will be more than laughs
it will be very rich  you understand, it will be
a transformation of things that I think about,
but I can't stay here talking
too much because I think about more technological things for the
future, right, but
connectivity with more different databases,
not only from the agency.
right I
'm going to talk about
anaki judit sorry I can say rabuda
to you aircraft registration
gentlemen we designed this
process we had one it
was 2020 the person is already losing the screen
the timeline that we had to
revisit the entire process of
aircraft registration and it is inside
the digital tail, what we reversed the
order is in the registration of aircraft
airworthiness registration certificates
will come out in
zero time for the regulated one when we
launch this system which is almost the same
as Santos Dumont's bidding  right, as
the Crown Jewel will be one of the last
services but surely one of the best
that will leave the market very
satisfied and we will enter the  the
process You have the certificates and
subsequent analysis by Luciana But if the
person did not comply, it's not right and such
we have the mechanisms to finally
suspend certificates and etc and such,
but then aircraft registration we will
reduce to zero time already one  short time
but it will be a wonderful experience

of zero time and I'm sure it will
be the first Civil Aviation Authority in the
world to do this ok
aircraft registration we made it simple I already mentioned
receiving digital Nato documents that
was not allowed with the simple flight
we waive recognition of
signature by witnesses And then I go back
in the past gentlemen so that witness
found, right because there was
testimony found because witness
would serve to validate for you To
prove that you were not coerced into
signing a certain contract That's
why there is the  Witness figure today
in the digital world everyone has their
certificate I'm signing the contract
at one end the  the other is at the other end,
we no longer need this
rigor, so the waiver of the
witness signature is a
basic thing and the receipt of aircraft insurance,
right, the tail kept sealing insurance
when there was a process that gave rise to
an airworthiness certificate
new and never received insurance again
so it was a document that had none

the Rabbi registering an insurance in
the aircraft book it didn't make sense right
It makes sense to have insurance Yes we are in favor
of operational security yes right of the
aircraft but the insurance has to be
presented  in a ramp inspection, right,
the insurance has to be ok there when the
person goes there to do their CVA anyway, but
not You have to present it once in your life and
once in your death or aeronautical registration,
ok, let's go, I'll talk about the digital tail
so quickly I love it  this slide
that I love this little robot understands that
it's a little robot already shows us it's
efficiency is the future ok And that's the
big difference for the
aeronautical registry servers is a more
efficient work more serious because the service
comes with structured petitions the user
when he enters he has guidance of what
he requests right and shows him the
way that for when the
server needs to analyze this
documentation he receives it from  a
structured form also facilitates decreases,
right, increases safety and
efficiency because our focus is to reduce
the overlay rates that
historically are around 50%,
right, and 50% is a lot of people, right when
I'm talking about a volume of process
in the house of the  500 to 1,000 cases per month,
you know, you have 50% that didn't have
compliance, it's very complicated, okay And then,
gentlemen, but then we have it, right? Pearl,
the development of High services, right,
the provision of the certificate in real time
was the first self-service that the  We
went with focus and blood in our eyes that the
staff will present to you because
there is no need to have a server
to receive  r a request to generate
a certificate to issue it had to be
everything in that sense, right automated self
service, you don't need to have anyone behind the
counter to deliver this service to you right
The truth is this,
let's continue the news gentlemen
that we just signed
ANAC Jude will be published a
technical cooperation agreement between ANAC and CNJ
That's what this ANAC Jude provides for all
constructions and judicial releases, right in
the cold, they will be done
directly by the Judiciary This will be a
huge efficiency gain because  the Rabbi
accepts all court orders
Let's take a classic example here
making an aircraft unavailable the
person has a littdance there in the
judiciary the judge decreed
availability Luciana
unavailability means he ca
n't fly doesn't mean the guy can't
afford he can't  sell aircraft but
fly it can be so there I have it
while I register when it receives
this order I don't do it
I just do it, I go there and
Register So this is a work
of a reasonable order, not to
mention reasonable, not to
mention a lot, it's a very large amount,
it's every day of the aeronautical registration and it's
a work that Oops  judiciary can
make these constructions, right?

the accounts block values ​​etc and
so on and then this will be a delivery Wow
and a goal of plaques gentlemen I put
two green checks right consultation
of the rabbi's database and extraction of certificates
we already delivered last week to the
CNJ it's still not missing  there's our
part, which is the api's part, and there's their part,
right, that makes this front-end for the
judge, the power of fact, right, the court clerk, the
power of fat  going there and doing
your didactic-based research, the
consultations with the Habib database, gentlemen, was
a very cool development of the api there, I
have to thank Crispim, he
's on my side there in the development of
ANAC Jude, right, the office that did all the
point interface to arrive and show
what we had to do, right
What we had to offer And
with that, relieve me a little bit of the
burden of service of the registry that is not easy,
And then the consultation to the judiciary
gentlemen, it is more specialized because
the judiciary does not come to search and
sometimes comes but not often to
search for aircraft he wants to search for the
assets of a particular
legal person so the search for them has
to be by CPF CNPJ ok And at the same time
extract the  certificate search Luciana's CPF button
there Oops she has an aircraft now
that I'm going to take it understand I want to pull
the certificate to see since when she
has been the owner And then he already
downloads this certificate what's up  in little black
that we are still going to start,
this work is going to be crap, okay, gentlemen, imagine
in 95 years a database, right, with
judicial constructions recording each one
in a way that we format it, but
we accepted the challenge, we signed the
cooperation agreement and we are going to do it  We're going to
deliver, right. These constructions and
releases will be done directly, right
at the times and servants in the
eventual servants And then I put
an attention in red
attention issues involving
aircraft operation aircraft operation
gentlemen is more sensitive, right, restricting the
flight so they will have the  guidance on
what is property of what is operation Look,
this guy is an owner but he is not an
operator and
orders that directly impact the flight,
right, flight restriction, airworthiness certificate suspension,

a pop-up will open and we will intervene,
then questions  ANAC ANAC Deals with matters
exclusively for the Judiciary, right, anyway,
construction on top of the good or release
on top of it  the judiciary deals
directly with matters that
involve aircraft operation, we
will be careful.

there will be
knowledge and control of that, so it's ok not
that we don't have the releases and
Constructions of goods But this does not
impact the operation of the aircraft so the
Rabi always pays close attention to all
the records in all the actions he
takes in the matter of operation  of aircraft
and I tell you, right, the Rabi doesn't put a
plane on the ground,
you don't put a plane on the ground.

I could do another touch of this
just to explain ok
gentlemen we have new ideas new
projects I'm going to enjoy that I'm
here and I'm going to ask for votes vote for our
idea  this transversal idea is not just for the
rabbi, you change everyone on the straight line. What do
we want, right?

the aeronautical record, right for ANAC And
then we make this data available on
habi online, in addition to straight insurance, the
famous station license, right, to know
if it's in agreement or the equipment anyway,
this technical part, gentlemen, I can't go
down too much into detail, but  anyway,
you agree, you're happy with
the blue whiting, because the tail appeared online,
gentlemen, you already know that it is the second
largest access that the first largest
access, right,
on the page inside the agency where
everyone will see the real-time situation
of airworthiness of a  aircraft
she sees the real-time
airworthiness situation she sees the owner
the operator some technical data right see
if you can allow it with the safe flight right the
app  For the safe flight we made an
integration So if you can operate in an
air taxi, if you can't have the little red blue,
that was a great success,
right then The idea is to receive the
insurance data, little red has insurance Ok
red is not ok that's it  bringing
more security is more security for
everyone for those who walk correctly
who have their insurance, right for the
population in general that consults
everyone and in the same way the license It's
ok to receive data from Anatel It's ok
green is not ok  The person is red,
right, keep an eye out, oops, I didn't touch
that what's happening mentally, it
happens, right, and runs after and solves
So it's a very cool idea,
so that's why I'm here, I ask for your
sto server has FF server in
this bank of ideas, right, it was
captained by the sfi people who came
to look for me and I said I was going to ask for
votes online here live and in color
because I'm one of those, right Let's go  s there
international performance Gentlemen, the tail has
international operations the tail is the
entry point for the international registration
the rabbis serves as a means of
interlocutor with the convention that was
internalized in what comes 10 years after the
internalization of the convention of the city of
corporal what is it I can say that right
today it is the international treaty of
private law I think it is the most
important in the world ok how about
you don't have it is not just about aviation
keep Town is a bigger treaty
an umbrella that  there are several protocols
one protocol is the aeronautical one that
Brazil is internationalized in 2013, right And
that put the Rabi right there as
an entry point In addition, the person
who speaks to you, right, participates as a member of
the expert committee of the
supervisory authority of the international registration
César What do we do Oops when the
international registry wants to change a
rule we experts aren't we called
by the baker to give an opinion Ok it's cool You
can do it authorizes  Ireland, the
international registration is in Ireland, ok, it's a
private entity, finally making the
adaptation that's it, and Brazil, sir, they
're one of the 15 we have more than 52 countries
that adhered to the Cape Town convention,
but the expert commission is  the 15
members of the Aeronautical Authorities,
anyway, who are appointed, it is a
three-year appointment and they work there, so
it's not all countries So they are

in the SESC commission and
I brought here in laranjinha whoever wants to
write this time I'm here asking for a
vote here asking for a paper we launched the
public notice right next year will be the year
of da Sara the year of the tail year of Capital
10 years in internationalization  we are going
to hold an event and I hope it will be a
very cool event because we
have good ideas to
bring it closer together, right?

ademia, right, when you say academy, it's
the colleges, right and we publicize
because aeronautical law is a
very small niche that's what this publication is,
this public notice of ours, I'll go straight to the point,
right we're making a
public call for articles on capital So
whoever wants to  please take
a look at public notice number 24,
we are super nice, right, we
just have to adhere to the theme, use the
cultured norm of language and you participate in
our compendium that, if God willing,
we can get a book signed
gentlemen, about the ten years
of capital internalization in the country, we
have impacts, right, it's very positive, I
'm sure there will be
very positive impacts, not only with the
launch of the compendium, but with the event, it's
going to be a very nice opportunity,
right for us  show the importance
of legal certainty in the
aviation market that capital is nothing more is to provide
legal certainty an
aviation market the international market
Finally, I have to talk
about query systems here I don't even know how
long I've been talking about
query systems available that we already have
the fleet database it is
available in Excel for you to
download and be able to  consult finally being able to
make your filters and Studies this is already
open to the public is
the rabbi's online consultation system I already said I
don't need to emphasize the importance of the
value and the real time of the situation it was already
navigability that you see on the screen
everyone already knows and  for those who don't know, even
though we have the ANAC Jude,
the first step began, we
supplying a clearance certificate
of aircraft ownership, right.

a fundamental piece of being
able to have a service available this
service has been available since 2018 and
it has been open to the public, I just don't
think it was so publicized because a lot of
people don't know when  what I say, the
person says oh yeah, but there is,
anyway, gentlemen, I can't help but
talk about two emblematic terms, right
because we fight one in favor and the other
against what is bureaucracy, gentlemen, an
organized structure with rules and
procedures, okay?  what is bureaucratic is
an ineffective system, slow and
characterized by lack of concern,
slowness, everything bad that you can
imagine, right then, gentlemen, what the
record, right, in this digital transformation,
it struggles, right, it struggles to end the
bureaucratic aspects, right but not to
end  the procedures are not
yayyyyyyyyyyy because at the end of the day Gentlemen, what
matters to the Brazilian aeronautical registry
is to provide legal
certainty to the aviation market this photo is
beautiful right there of the Boeing 777 right in the factory
garbage factory building for
what I need  legal certainty
gentlemen Because without legal certainty
I have a shortage of
aircraft financing and then as I like to say and
everything is a big  orchestra, right for me to
talk about
aircraft having a flight to have legal certainty,
but I have to have funding there
at the base, so the role of the aeronautical registry,
right with all this
digital transformation that happens, is to
end, right, with the slowness with
ineffective aspects of the system but guarantee and
continue to guarantee that we already
guarantee and continue guaranteeing more and
more legal certainty gentlemen I
thank you for this time I don't know if I've already
studied I think I'm already blown away,
right I should have said less I'm going to
end this presentation here and I'm going to
pass it on to Júlio now and to Samir
Samir said he was going to talk in five
minutes, that's why I relaxed here
I said more about
mine too
Embraer right Luciano
that was it was in honor of Brazil at
you show it and you say what you
think  better I don't know because I don't know
how you're going to do it for you Are you
accessing the system developed by the
you can see it well
is What matters  I
'm already seeing your screen,
what's important to mention is that the
Initial development started
when we started at the
factory, right?

even because of the transition,
right, there was an interruption, the end of the
contract and in the bidding process, when they
returned, they also did not return with
full load, and because of that, the IT itself,
in fact,
according to the superintendent, even the directors
sought an alternative for us to be able to
develop and went to seek precisely the
ministry of  economy and with teams that
the Saber team was set up,
this part will also show here
now in the
are what people have already developed
in the other sign of the other system they
are developing the certificate that will
be incorporated later Here is also a
single system  Nowadays we have
two entry doors
and what makes us make a
adjustment  in our on the quick page to be
able to correctly identify the
need for the service so
self-service services, right now,
we have two
high-service customer services,
let's run one here in the
development, right?

International registration, it
is also important to mention that
we made
some improvements to the system, for example
the direct search, in fact,
together with the Ministry of Economy, we carried out
a survey of Experience and that
resulted in a series of recommendations
that we in the few
Samira is in direct contact
so that we can just comment
on these films that may be of interest
to people from other areas here at

very good
for other things that is not
necessarily what is being
developed saw Ach  what is this
comment worth for other areas sometimes
someone has a little system or has an
for us to use this
evaluation team to improve another service
that is not necessarily here on the radio,
only an
attorney would put the data of the
issuer of the power of attorney  to know if the
issuer is one of the legal entities
involved with the aircraft, right operator of the
not being an operator, he can proceed to
do a mission of the code there
prefix of the aircraft
it will fetch the aircraft data the
the aircraft data then you have to  make
a certain verification the time criterion
of verifications aircraft this one Did
it come out anything is impossible request
the international registration is nothing more
than seeking an
international financing right And some types of
aircraft is just that they are
accepted from an international point of view
so  the user here who is interested
he needs to answer some questions
to qualify as if he were  a pre-
qualification for him is no
problem when he tries to
of his aircraft under warranty there and some
business in the urn so moving on then
he answers some questions
ok France
here comes the aircraft
has to Insert the documentation
and here it generated  a certificate
just a comment here there is already a stage
of evaluation of the services with the
ministry of economy it is all well
done and here in the certificate that
we turned out very beautiful it
was also cute so I didn't really like

all the models
I'll show it to the
authentication staff because just
understand how the model is working here in the city
if you want to issue it here I'll get it I'm already

thirsty you created it later right You don't need it
you got the aircraft prefix it's got the
authentication number look
Imagine that, you  got the prefix here,
I'm saying to remove this process
from you,
it's ok, calm down, then
you can regain the certificate
in the original,
maybe L
uciana opportunity what I wanted people were
thinking that it was Caio and
he was able to remove it I can
still not in a little while
the forecast is very fast he already has
all the structure in place I think we can do it very
Ok  so let's make a certificate of the
records so that you also already know how to do
the same thing Júlio guys
the next Look I can make a
suggestion to some groups as the staff
commented before that the self-service
you have a part that checks the
authenticity of the record and  some a
large group of services that nowadays
we actually provide an improvement of the
user experience exactly this would be
the problem is the following generates a
real right and then i will show here i
have it here also under development i
have a process  generated here, also not
having an idea of
what they are, how the documentation will look,
I'll pass the process number
then it will be
will  put data on how it is a service of
alienation Who is the new owner
that is being added exactly
if this is the summary of the service
that is being done and here if Nick leaves
some documents to move on,
the following is important  it can be No
it doesn't need it is not important that it
shows that this documentation is
mandatory No in fact it is the
administrators who can
even insert more documents and
remove more documents The idea is that
for each type, for example, only
leasing Mercantile pot is available  we put a
different range of documents there and thank you and
also define thank you and all this will
be able to be managed by someone from the
same ass ok so the system offers
this flexibility also
just remember that this is a
structured form right the person is seeing look
add  x y z understood
one of the benefits when I managed to make
a different experience for the user
What are we doing to  Luciana
even commented just now, five had
processed I don't know if this rate has
decreased but the expectation is that it has been
decreasing because it has already been more than 70%
The idea is the following, you take it here,
you have a list of the necessary documents

only if the user is really crazy To not
start forgetting documents, right because
he has to put things other than that.

well-structured process, for
example, a dispatch will come a
dispatch from the do I wanted to show that
my screen here you saw
is the screen of 6 already with
a process already preparing a process of
fiduciary alienation,
you see, this is the process that
we did it, I did it for a few days, it's also under

development, right, but the documentation
was all placed, you know, you know,
fake documentation, right, but
anyway, here's the control, I don't
attach one  contract, right
, the encumbrance release instrument,
each one of them comes out exactly
with the label, which is important for the
analyst to already know what kind of
moment he has to consult, it's much
easier, his time will be well
structured, right, an individual person,
that's it  here it is possible even here I attach
a power of attorney and here the
order for now this
initial order is coming out like this in an
unstructured way our idea is that and in the
right we should we should get it
that's it  half implemented, see Júlio, this
part is already well underway, you
haven't seen it yet, but I imagine
so, but just so I'm just going to show that people
have an idea of
how they're going to have it, and how the
term is going to come here in  The truth is, for
example, first-degree mortgage So
the data is this data here that the
rapid digital will collect Some are
Data that he already has straight from the aircraft,
so he searches and assembles a minute u  a
pre-draft that goes to Analice for the
analyst, if there are no major
changes to be made, he can already
use the term mortgage itself,
there they are already fiduciary, there are
all of them.

dispatch of this type
nowadays Realistic he is forced to
make another dispatch because this
is not
the space that can be used in the book,
so people need to restructure
and well this is just for you to have an
idea of ​​how this will make it easier
for both sides it's interesting now
too I don't know if you let
me either I can show it here
just so I don't miss it
I'll ask
I'm just afraid of getting very
tedious guys see Júlio it can be but it
just has to be fast right it
's important to show it to  the staff is
intern everyone has access
I believe Júlio that we can
take it off the air see ah I hope
so what they take the air off is to go through the
system we will already have s  service to be
implemented within the next month so
I made many examples here my screen
should be loaded
my screen didn't work
but we will see
a new system you will
force me to enter the period
here all the
aircraft that are in  pending Okay,
maybe instead of getting a new one, we
can continue a pending request
because then I'm not you should take
less time,
do the following,
there's a time of responsibility, right?

it's already concluded for you for the certificate
and I should be receiving it myself as a
user I should be receiving this
in two minutes
I'm just going to take advantage of the time it's loading
there just to make it clear to people maybe
they will be confused Júlio is
showing a part that is not  it was made
by me by our team there
are two projects Both have the
same name this causes confusion
and then it was a project  that started before
I don't know how long it was I think 2018,
ok, there
was a very long time to be
part of the form of the contract as it
was done by the
independent factory create find What is to
blame or not the point is as follows  this
year we started to develop
another version of digital radio that will
incorporate this service that are already there,
what you saw on the other
previous screen is what our team did was
a contract that came from the Ministry of the
economy with  load Júlio
I'm waiting for him here
[Music] it
's a certificate I really
think I don't need to have it no
I just want to show I just want to show
something else that I'm not anymore I'm going to
the evolution
of the evolution of  requests for processes
here the evolution of the spirit of
certificate we had until May 2022 before the
server was made available to the public
it had an average of 50 60, which is
perhaps more than two requests per month
and ex  it exploded ok it exploded today
we are already in this last month of
september it reached 5
between 5600 and the average time and responses
also obviously it has been falling
I would say that the certificate means
we had we had a
repressed demand and it's easy  understand why this
repressed demand when someone is going to
do the business a transfer little
important thing
related to a certain
aircraft it is important that he
is sure of the aircraft he is
buying what he is doing a
regret something like
that and that normally he  as it was,
the user did not have time to look for this
information because our certificate
took a long time to come out so he entered
even without a certificate
so In addition, we are
also increasing legal certainty and
the average response time Clara is less
than a day because in fact  it's time right
so basically this is what I wanted to
show let me see if  the system
should already be receiving the certificate
here let me see if
I haven't received it yet but
if not soon it would be there
Wow but you can take the screen again
I'll take it here I'm just going to do one
I'll show you see  my screen
Now I
think I'm going to show the initial screen
here just to give an overview of the service
because I have to go through and
complement what you said well
there's this part of the service this one is
starting in fact it goes Popular
including this one  part of the certificates
that Júlio showed now cnca
The idea is that all these high
service are done the person clicks
he goes through a flow where he will
fill in all the data but so
if the person is slow to fill
a deal in 5 minutes he  you will have the
certificate is very fast,
on the other hand, we are able
to verify authenticity of the
certificate that he is seeing to avoid
fraud, right And this group of services that
are not few  you
allow the person to have a
more friendly access so we are
talking about usability for the
end user which is what to keep filling in I know
and on the other hand Avoid what Luciana
commented earlier that I know
that I rework you can see  this danac
is work but
within our project we have
economy what you have to justify any
project is the gain for society
for society the gain is that it will decrease the
average time of processes if
the citizen who wants to  he sees
talk like this wait for the time I
have I already sent the right document he
doesn't want to know if he sent it once
one document is missing he sent it again another one was missing
in practice and easy I've been
trying to file a process here since May
that spent a good part of it was his mistake
if he already sends it with the right scope
his average time decreases and he gives the
feeling of a
gain in his total time ok so
go What removing the cos
ANAC specialists, this burden of
issuing things that would be
automated, you also generate gain,
I think it's not worth
showing the program a lot, which I
think is worthwhile today, as people have already
commented with even Luciano  Because
before I talk a little bit about
this agreement with him because directly people come to
me in private to find out
how it was, how do you do
something similar, so enjoy
exhausted, then we need to address
the questions here
and show the Ministry of Economy
that there is a social gain that has an
advantage that
you will have it will have an impact on
society we did it there Assunção did it back there,
right I wasn't even in the ICU there are
even some things to be thankful
for for me I wasn't  it wasn't right
before Luciano when
the people from Taí who made these gains there
from papa-terra
are representing you are representing
ok so this part here was a
project  What was done back there and the people
who are actually working are
the people who are doing it, the people from the
Ministry of the economy who are below
so they came on loan at the
Ministry of Economy and it is something that
other areas can do  so
if I have a gain with
automation but digitization of
this service show that there is someone
for society not paranac it is
important to emphasize it is possible to make other
gains maybe it is even possible to try to make
an addendum to the current project ok our
project I don't even go simple but to  from the point
of view of the Ministry of Economy, the
project calls Startup gov, which has the
possibility of entering new projects,
maybe even these two that you showed
Luciano We may have talked in the future
but just so you know, it's cool to
know, it's important to mention that, right?
actually this measure,
the final split here for us to
implement the services on the portal, right, it
was part of a larger project.
the STI is for all the
collaboration there for us to be able to
develop well folks thanks for
the presentation by the demonstration of the
service we were able to see it
right there, it's a portal that has
all of our processes, right that already gives the
guide for the regulation of what should be
presented, in short, it also facilitates the
structuring of the process here for
our analyst to evaluate.

here the order of thumbs up on the slide
first place I thank the people
who expressed support there, who
praised the measures that are being
developed in Raabe, right, I also give
leather to these congratulations, right so
thank you very much
the first question that has the most votes
here is the  next I'll stop by
Luciana you drive Or pass it on to
Júlio, right too, if you want to add feel
free to stop recording insurance with Rabi
and have an agreement with  the CNJ are great
positive impacts, could you comment on
what had to be changed at ANAC and what
was done
Come on, people ask a very pertinent question,
right, the signing of the agreement did not have
to change anything at all, we
need to provide IT structure, so the
development of api  meeting, right
now, to stop recording the insurance in
the aeronautical register, it was the result of the
simple flight, right, within its Provisional Measure,
which was, anyway, converted
into law, so it was
extinguished, right, it ended with article 283
of the CBA, which expressly said that  the
Brazilian aeronautical registry had
to register the insurance to be able to
issue a certificate It was already
airworthy so this was the big
ok jewel there's one more question here from
Haroldo a hug for Haroldo in the
import or export of aircraft the
use of digital documents received or
provided What types of
digital certification or lack thereof
are not accepted
come on Haroldo very pertinent  your
question has two aspects when you
document it when the document is issued
by an aeronautical authority, right?

we have, right, a link, a
QR Code, anyway, you validate the issue is
fundamental and that for this we
still can't
accept is the signature of a
private person, right, whether it's a
legal person within a Nato
digital contract because the rule that the  what we have
today in the country is the reception of
digital documents with a digital signature
certified by the CP Brasil Institute,
so if a foreigner is out there, even
if Siri is from a
well-known platform of digital signatures
, we have no way of
receiving it because the rule in  Brazil
today is Clara and still says that the reception
of documents produced abroad
has to serve the criteria of
notarization  And the apostille according
to the area convention, so there are developments
I believe that in the near future,
anyway, Brazil as an authority will
review many things because the
aviation market It is dynamic and not just
aviation but others, right And we are not
in the world  globalized, what
there is most is international contracts but these
are issues that we are on our
radar and we are attentive to Any
change like this Legislative
Ok Luciana thank you
another question about
the importance of the radio in
providing information, right
the person who sent it  put it here right
Every time you have an accident
involving an aircraft because the first
thing the press announces about this
aircraft is recorded on the radio
that means that this information
means come on two very
important things right,
the press is watching, first to know
who  is the civil person responsible for the operation
and then all the legal implications that
involve it right Who is responsible  el
for the operation of that aircraft and the
main thing is the airworthiness situation of
that aircraft on the
day of the accident, it has a certificate
of normal airworthiness So it
is normal before the agency to be able to
operate, right, anyway, we have these issues
today we still have the category  of
registration there In addition to knowing if this
aircraft is normal if the type of
operation I do not want the aircraft was
carrying out is in line with what it is
actually registered and authorized
by the agency So
airworthiness situation situation
of the operator if he could possibly
be providing a service if  he was
paying, right, and the civil person responsible for the
is that cool gem, and usually the
press also questions ANAC, right, but
some press agencies
already know the way there and it's
interesting because
when we have an accident there,
usually there we have  a spike in
to the jewelry registration page Let's go to the next one  here
then the person also points out here it's
nice to have the list of what the customer
needs to send to order an order, right?
It really gives a guide and then the question Is
there any of the system there from you that
Checks if your sent document is the
one that should  be sent and
not another document, for example a
recipe Let's go cake recipe mother's photo

questions artificial intelligence
is what needs registration and analysis
by servers it doesn't have
Artificial Intelligence so it needs analysis from
a server to see if it checks and  if it's
Exodus if that document is ok to be
registered then if he uploaded the
recipe for grandma's cake or a
lease agreement a
difference title this needs an analysis
no It's not required, what we have is
in the highs  services, right, I'm going to give the
simple example here of the international registration code
when the person goes to
sue, then he provides the information of the
model manufacturer, serial number of the
aircraft, such as  attricula puts
her documentation, the Ok system,
to see if that aircraft is the
one he is requesting And then provides it,
so there we have an intelligence
already from you, you don't need an analyst to
see this is because Luciano only
greets you  these then the
documents there is no document
attached that would be necessary all are
optional understand And the
certificate request what the registry needs for
ANAC security purposes is to have the log of
who requested and this we have
kept as soon as who requested a
certificate  perhaps but the certificate has
always been and aircraft status that is
valid for the type of certificate she
is asking for That is, we already have the
necessary information, it is not the document
that will generate this
legal guarantee if it is the case to punish a
person who  repeatedly how does
this happen there Luciana complementing
the question here so a person who
repeatedly puts it,
anyway, that it doesn't make sense, that it's
not  compliance agreement, right That's it,
we still don't have this study, but
what is my goal for the future, right?

most of
the registry services are requested via the
dispatcher, ok, it's a lot, the vast
majority I would say something around 80%,
ok, and 20% directly by the
owner himself by the aircraft operator himself,
but I understand the dispatchers is to
sit down and talk, right?  This isn't
eventually until you implement, look,
you can't petition, so we'll
take measures that you can't
petition, it's possible to act in this case,
we have to keep knocking, right,
and not the registration certificate, people, in the
case of registration, this is a very
important case  emblematic for people that
we are changing the logical order of
processing delivering the certificates in
zero times if the person had any
documentation problem we will
suspend  der ca and not allow registration ok
Not finalizing the registration concretize
so there are ways for you to take care of it
isn't alavontê
great a question here from Flávio
crushman first big advance planar
example to the world and then the question the
documents that go to the CEI they are
signed, for example, the dispatches, the
spaces, yes, because they are evaluated
by servers, anyway, Júlio showed
an example of what you will see in a dispatch
to be prepared, right, but let's assume that the
person didn't put it right, don't
agree, analyst has all the duty, right
Nice to change to make the
changes and put it as he
signs I think he's asking for the
document that comes from the digital tail and that
is attached I know those there don't have an
electronic signature didn't see no no
but the document the pdf for example one
transfer title that the person
contributed to the I don't know in the digital ass and then
goes to the I know what he has or he
has to be Nato digital the document is
Originally N  digital act or it has
to be a dematerialized document in a
notary's office, right. Digital tornado and then it has
it goes through a validation by
the agency's server, the dispatch, which is what the
server produces, which is what will be
inserted in the book, anyway, there will be
a pre-ready draft that the analyst will
check this analyst signs he has
to give his OK anyway, the management
has ok too
great the next question here it is
directed to Samir but I will also give a
referral here
to the person who sent her  was
interested to know what the system
is that involves the ministry of
economy and how do you ask
to get the contact etc. It's called
Startup gav And then I recommend looking for the
superintendent of the area, because the
superintendent knowing what it is about and
presenting  the proposal What do you think
could be implemented has some
rules has some limitations right
friends he has already introduced us here the
form of organization is limited right something
that  it gives us infinite resources, you don't have to
follow a sequence there, but it is something to
be considered, even as you
told me in the back seat, that
we are now going through this
process of
choosing a subject to be developed
by the agency
the next question,
what people will assess is the
social impact you have of your idea
or your need
if the impact justifies the effort is
always a sense of digitization Ok,
whoever is providing this is digitization
you take it out and if this digitization
it comes to generate a social impact is nice
but as Nonato said people go
if you want you can also look for me
too what I can help is also
Great then Startup gov
one more question from Marcos ledu about the
reuse of brands you mentioned in the
presentation  Luciana, it would be interesting to
keep the history of the aircraft's profile
on the
mask's open pages, so the reuse of brands isn't
widely requested by the market, anyway, it
's a  work, of course, we
need to have the history in the same way
as today, as in the fa, I'm going to
talk about our North American brothers, right, if
you do a search on their database for
one November one two three four it will
appear all the time  history of who was
November one two three four was the skies
not Boeing anyway any other aircraft
and such all this history of what it was and
year is the beginning and year of end that
brand was used by this aircraft
here we don't understand we have  a whole
history of it, so there's all the part of the
book that we really need to
protect from what it was like today it's
done, today it's
practically it's totally manual, right
in the specific cases of the resolution of
Article 85 that are granted, right change
of brands  right, we change the brand then
what we do Cancel the previous brand

open the new brand I'll give the
classic example loss in drug trafficking this
aircraft was seized Union gave the
loss  nto and it was a person there in good faith
and acquired this aircraft at auction she
has, according to the term of the resolution, the
right to see here in the one in which she asks for the
change of brand will be granted
so what do I do the old brand
used there  in drug trafficking, I
cancel the registration. So
whoever asks for the certificate will see that that
brand has been cancelled.

there is no loss of traceability, which is
important for the agency, so
that aircraft is different today,
so it's very manual, but our intention
is not to leave anything manual,
and it's important to emphasize that, right?

which is the bottleneck that we have, right to
take shape, so it will only go forward
to have a Wide reuse of brands,
mainly to have a way to track not
in the inspection system but in
all systems, right, it involves a lot  the thing
many times, lawsuits appear
in the future, you know, we really have to be
able to separate the two things there in
a very clear way,
right, guys, I, once again, like this I
appreciate some manifestations here
that appeared in the slider
congratulating the work that  is being
done I think that the questions here
are they are over
And then I want
to close here, right I
wanted to highlight this issue, right so
we have a work that has been
done for some time that was facilitated
with the edition of the Provisional Measure  that
removed some constraints
that we had in terms of bureaucracy
that made it possible for us to improve the
process here, it also had strong support

from the Information Technology superintendence, that always dedicated all the
necessary attention for us to move forward,
right I see that they are  they are not Samir but
Assunção and several servers are
enthusiastic about this whole subject that
we are talking about transforming
digital action as I said before, right Much
more than we have, right, being, I think
it's a very important first element
for our
digital transformation, but it's not just that it's a
conversation to customize and
improve the user experience.
reducing our
administrative bonus is part of this
script and moving forward even further, seeking to
make automatic simplified
what is possible I think this is the
way to go, right?

it's the interaction, right, it
's often very easy for us to
keep looking at our
view of the process from our own perspective and not consider
what the user who is dealing with
on a daily basis there with our systems that
has a question that needs answered
that needs to know  what needs to be
done, anyway, we have to understand
this user perspective so I
thank Luciana for the presentation,
also Júlio and  Samir for the
explanations here for
demonstration here of the system and
we hope to bring other news soon about
the aeronautical record
and improvements, right simplification and also
the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the capital
Convention, right, it's going to be a party,
thank you all very much.  to
everyone who followed the events here
all the people who sent
questions and the demonstrations
once again and have a good week
I thank you too I know I would also like to
thank Júlio publicly who
has shared with us
Luciana also at heratically ok
I also wanted to  I would also like to thank
Samir because he also forces me
to reflect on the
procedures that we had
previously adopted.

in the
processes that we do this is a
writing, it did well
So let's close  I'm here that we
arrived at the end of the allotted time
Thank you very much, have a nice week everyone, see you later