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Webinário Experiências em Transformação Digital #9

Closed gabrielmacedoanac closed 1 year ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago
Good morning everyone, welcome to This
seminar of
the ANAC digital transformation program is a pleasure for me. I'm
this event here today.

several aspects are
operators with various degrees of
complexity in their operations
different difficulties So we
will have this very comprehensive view
here of how this process has been
happening within these operators and
mainly the benefits
that this process can bring to
each  one of them is evident for the agency the
benefits that this brings to the
system as a whole, including
aspects of operational safety and
our expectation is with that so
the expectation of this
digital transformation program of the agency is to
support those who want to follow  on this
path of digitization, they want to
take advantage of the benefits  skills that the
process can bring to day-to-day
operations and support everyone on this
path and understand those points of
friction that maybe another operator
is facing to
adhere to this novelty. And the agency is
here to support to understand these
difficulties and try to clarify
doubts and eventually remove these
problems difficulties that may
happen even within the
normative structure So I would like to wish everyone a
good event to
invite other operators other
participants there who also have
experiences to share that
Bring it to right, get in touch with
ANAC to  we this will probably
be the first event of a series here
in which we will discuss this subject
so bring this experience too
for us to include in the next editions and
I invite everyone so now we take advantage of
presentations doubts about the ANAC processes there
is a website already  dedicated to this
program So there are already many doubts there
that can  m to be clarified directly is
related to the digital
logbook maintenance record a lot of material
already on the website but we know that this is
a process always under construction and so
always bring additional questions to
our communication channels here at
Nike and we will  use this
information for sure to
update our regulatory
processes the processes the information we have
on the website so a good event for everyone
so in the implementation of
management solutions when we talk about digital transformation
we generally think
of the direct gain of transforming paper into records
electronics but the digital transformation
goes far beyond that the data collected
can be used for
maintenance management control stock of parts
coordinate aircraft stop manage
scales and crew training
simplify interactions with the
aviation system and everything else you can
imagine digital transformation reduces
costs for the operator brings the
po  possibility of new business and most
importantly guarantees the decorability of the
rules and consequently the safety of
civil transport and it is with this objective that
we seek the safe and
sustainable development of the Brazilian civil application
and today we bring some
guests who will tell us about their
experiences in the process  of
digital transformation, the event will
last a maximum of two hours, we will start
with four lectures that will address
electronic tools for the
Logbook and registration of maintenance service orders,
at the end we will try
to answer the spectators
' questions as many questions as possible within the
time limit  of the event to send
questions online speakers we
make the slide platform available the
link to the platform is in the
description of this video thank you for the
participation of all speakers and
spectators I will invite our
first solo guest Góes Galdino
director of maintenance at Líder Táxi
Aéreo S  aulo space is yours good morning
thank you thank you for the invitation thank you
Elton I'm going to
share the screen
just for a moment
can you follow it here on the screen
presentation mode yes
'm here at the aviation leader
in the helicopter operations unit
since 2005 right when i started as a
mechanic and managed  going through it through
all of Líder's digital transformation process I
actively participated I was able to
follow everything, right I remember that when
I arrived in 2005
the technical controllers' desks,
right As well as
pamphlets for the crew's capeletti
Diary of edges for the
maintenance staff maintenance staff and
sometimes the records weren't
so readable there was a delay in
processing that data and then

in 2011 we started this process of
digital transformation, bringing Lídia's service orders from
the physical to the electronic medium
of the maintenance record.

they were certified in 2017,
right, we developed the helix in 2017
like this  how we certified the
electronic playback for the operations
what brought this benefit right from the role of
the physical means to the electronic but we did not
stop doing those work order
processing activities which
were often time consuming the aircraft
were often ready right to
return the service but waiting for the
processing of the diseases that there in
in 2019
exploring a little more here in
2017 in 2017 an internal system was developed
at Líder called helix to
keep and record maintenance records

and helix is ​​the platform that
maintenance uses to make the
maintenance technical records in
service order
in 2009 which I say is our
second phase
these service orders started to be
fed back
so when the mechanic signs a
task he executes a task
the credits for the due date of the next
task  were already computed in the
computed investigation, they are now
computed in the map of c  components of
my aircraft when I change a
component I have the removal table there for
installing the component the replacement of
that component via the system also
started to be done
automatically by the system So my
technical control is no longer a
technical control of
data processing  and it became a technical control
to verify the conformity of the
processing done automatically by the
with that I was able to
release the maps daily, update and
release the maps of the aircraft
daily, which before were done
up to five working days, you know, many times
I performed a  task today and in 5 days
only in 5 days that task would be
processed and computed in the
maintenance control of the aircraft components
and with the implementation of the feedback
of the Work Orders that was already
being digital, right, I started to have a
daily report of the trends  of the
warnings that I had on the maps
that we say today  and it's our newspaper, right,
every day today at 6 am I
receive a newspaper, right, my daily report

verifying all the activities
carried out by processing data
from the system feedback
in 2019 we started to feed back
in 2020 we launched a project
trainer for the development of the
logbook this logbook of our electronic logbook
was not just the
transformation of the physical logbook
to the electronic medium, it started to be
integrated with the other systems of Líder,
as the helix says, the sky, the Horus and the  sol
are the systems developed by Líder
operate all the
employee's systems here at the company So this
here is a page from our
flight logbook
the information about the departure of gluing,
landing and cutting
started to be
received directly from the aircraft
automatically from the aircraft  so it
's departure information cut take off
informs this the data these times these
hours pa  our system and the pilot
no longer needs to fill
in the departure times from cut-off
just confirm those times that
those times are correct
the hours
made by each leg, our
operation is a little
peculiar because we take off and return
to the same base and we leave an
aerodrome go to an
oil and gas platform return to that same
So the hours computed in the
departure and cut or takeoff system started
to be
automatically accounted for by the
systems our flight report caught
started to bring the
flight planning information
and then the electronic flight report
became a journal also for the
crew member
check confirms the departure times of
collage octopus cut and fine-tune the
electronic logbook the
electronic logbook also brings
information from the
maintenance logbook we call it tlb here
if there are
from maintenance to operations and
identifying s  and there are those What
are the items Sr that there is
pending maintenance for that aircraft and
can also accept that aircraft
to automatically prove it
and after the flight if any discrepancy is identified
the pilot also records in the
electronic logbook
the discrepancy was observed and this
discrepancy is  automatically noted

in the tld
that ours this one here is a
blank copy of our
maintenance logbook and this discrepancy
is now noted
down also noted the time they are able
to follow me
a colleague of mine told me that I stuck on
page 4
it is not on  page six
it is It is automatically filled in the
maintenance logbook
and this discrepancy
observed by the maintenance after the
flight to the handover of the operation of the
crew for the mechanics for
our maintenance personnel this is done
physically in person and electronically
with the  necessary notes
and maintenance after corrective action has the
option  to fill in the corrective action
in the electronic logbook itself or
via the system to open a uf to correct
that discrepancy
automatically I don't need to manually open an
OAS for correction to
record the corrections made
So this is the architecture of our
Starting here with the helix which is the  our
maintenance record system is the
platform that the mechanics work on,
they keep the maintenance records
and the tlb today enters as a helix module
after the prepot after the release for
return to service of my aircraft the
crew has access to this
maintenance data through  do Sol
is where the crew talks
about flight planning checks if there are
items in the ACR which
maintenance activities were performed on the aircraft
previously means some
pending maintenance to be performed
And then here at sol
the crew is able to approve the aircraft
to execute the flight and proceed  for the flight
using the electronic flyback today the
gen  you use an iPad for the crew
each crew each crew member has
an iPad with all the
systems installed configured where he
can access the technical library
also of the aircraft
the charts all the flight documentation
is contained today in the iPad which made it
very easy for us to  with regard to
updating mainly the charts
before it was a problem when
document revisions came out having to update
these documents on board is a problem
given the number of
units that have the number of data that
we operate today
after the flight and filling in the
flight report the  data from that flight Are
computed for the sun and for the helix
in case of discrepancy as I said
earlier or in case of occurrence
Normal is also this information goes to
the helix
and that it returns here to the helix for the
performed maintenance activities whether
they are corrective  whether they are programmed
with this flight and
maintenance information
the map of our aircraft s  are
updated in the databases in
the sky database, which is another system
used by the database leader
to control
the expiry dates of inspections and Life of the
components used in the Fleet
and today I say that
our system has become very interesting
because of how the data  they are all digital and
we are able to monitor in real time
the activities that were performed on the
aircraft as well as the removal and
installation of components and how I
can monitor

how many hours the component was
removed and the reason for removing
the installed components.
obtains valuable information
Mainly for Sasuke that we
want our accounting system
and this we
use our registration
and maintenance systems

and what before we
collect some components when before
we choose some
problematic components to be studied for
the  our SAS for our Sasuke today
we can follow practically
we manage to monitor and
evaluate the reliability of all the
registered in the maps of our
aircraft, right,
the benefits
with this whole logbook system
Flyback electronic service orders,

we managed to optimize the time of

CTM mechanic pilots with the
latest project  the electronic logbook
we managed to reduce
the crew's journey by 20 minutes
we managed to solve production costs
transport and storage for
both the
electronic logbook and the West logbook
we brought
automation in filling out the
flight report we  There is
automatic generation of flight data from the
reliability data of the components
installed on the aircraft, among others.

that before
that's what I had  Thank you
for your attention
for your time, in the
case of Douglas, I'm here at your disposal.
Thank you very much for the presentation. There
was actually a crash there on
slide 4.

ask the questions
towards the end we clarify the doubts
now I'm going to call
Captain Nogueira for the second lecture pilot
manager of statistical operations of
the Military Police of Minas Gerais Captain
Nogueira as we agreed when I
have 10 minutes I'll give you a warning ok
OK, thank you very much for sharing my
screen here, just a minute,
you can see it, yes, that's great.
Good morning, everyone, I'm

Captain Nogueira.  Minas Gerais
on this digital transformation of ours
make a brief introduction here and we will
move specifically to our
s  electronic voting machine diary system
Minas Gerais has 853
has all these municipalities with Total
capillarity the type of operation that
we do the military police operation
of the environment is health operations as
well and other operations of various escorts

we currently have
bases of  regional aviation being 5 by
helicopter in the interior and one in the capital
and an airplane base in the capital also
today we also have an approved workshop
that is here in the central in BH and
we operate the new rbac
and the reason for all this because who
feeds all our  change is the
electronic logbook like all of them
has this capillarity this integration
we need to make a correct
management that these data are
passed on in real time so this
our electronic logbook will help us

today we operate a system that is  the
integrated aircraft management
system this siga system will

manage flights for us.  the
maintenance department handles supply management

and we also ingest
operations all within the system as a
friend from Líder said just now
this architecture where one system
feeds the other our
electronic logbook system it is in the
middle of the architecture  and it feeds all
the other Fields operations maintenance
supply and all this then goes back
to operations already with the data
updated and verified.

We also
have the follow on the planes that automatically feed
the on-board air
system with
start-up flight landing and cut-off data, all of this is
fed automatically, also
leaving the pilot with less workload in
this documental part
so I'll make a brief passage here
that by the summary presentation of the diary
How our database
works how ours work  the
management reports management of
discrepancies wide access by
system users and control
inspection and file
here on the right side there is a print of
what would be our final product
of the logbook it is presented this
way and it has several Fields there that are
highly integrated  its first
feature is that it is
filled out in the computerized system it
manages to bring us this
data integration another feature
of our logbook that it has a
drop-down list so from the airport
that the pilot will fill in when he
starts typing
almost 99% of the  Logbook fields are
filled out to make it easier
to save time and also to avoid
typing errors.

In the end, they are generated in PDF in
case we
need this physical diary in hand
or also to send it to other units
that I  I will explain further on How
our work logic works
in Minas
Gerais  presentation of the Fields in the diary
this one here is our header
those data that they were already
filled in on paper it remains in the
air header on board it also has the
date of the flight that was made and the last
interventions the last and the next and
also us  responsible for
filling in this data in the case here
I made a red stripe because
of the personal data of the professional Yes but
here there will be the ANAC Code it will have his
function his full name and this in the
case of this Field here is filled in by
the CTN officer
we have  also here in the water at the bottom
a discrepancy I will talk about later
on how we fill in
just below this header we have
the flight record
this top part that is filled
in in the drop-down list in the locations and the
times is filled in automatically
by the  device that is on the
number of people on board this here
with the list of passengers it already comes with a
pre-completion where the pilot only
you need to click on those passengers who
are boarding
and the crew with a presentation time
to control the workload and journey
but below we have the maintenance part

with hourmeters cycles total hours
flown this maintenance total here is the
time from takeoff to landing
the fuel that was refueled and all
this data here will feed the other
Tabs of the
passenger list system it comes in this
format the pilot or the
Volvo dispatcher has at the moment will
click on this dropdown list to
confirm the boarding of these passengers
and who fills it in  these passengers in the
system These are operations that already
receive the prior demand and put this in
the mission order so that the pilot already
receives via WhatsApp and email
and finally the mission data that is the
footer of our logbook these
mission data they are important
for us in the Military Police
Mainly in the coordination and control
of expenses Because as we  we serve
all bodies in the State of Minas
there are flights requested by the Secretary of
the Environment there are faces requested
by the secretary of health and at the end of the
month we do an overview of these
wasted hours and the transfer of funds to
share the costs So this
last tab here.

transporting a
lock to the Minas Gerais Police, but
we can also
transport firefighters to fight

fires.  in the following way it
is our database it is
fed we managed to
extract the data that were inserted in the
diary of  and on board in PDF for some
rendering of accounts or Excel or even
feed and if it were the user who wants to
use this data,
these data have the possibility
of correcting errors in filling in
as I work in operations the pilot
makes the first launch after the
mechanic of  night service, it
reviews the data entered by the
pilot and then the operations session
makes a second review of this data,
so any discrepancy and error was
detected in this filling, we
are able to correct it
and this correction is saved with a log
of all changes and  Versions in the
document so when we went to
homologate this logbook with
ANAC This was one of the requirements and it is
what brings reliability in the system it
virtual just to warn just to warn the
ten minutes
It is virtual without space for storage
and also allows  an immediate query
with broad temporal responses so if
I need to do some data clipping
I need  iso of operations maintenance flight from
I manage to make
the management reports they are made
by hours flown type of machine type
pilot Civic of the pilot all this data
I can extract through the reports there
are more than 40 types of reports
possible course report  by bodies
supported logbook not murdered
by Commander list of air back by
machine per period I advise access
to all
and management discrepancy but
We launch the discrepancies in the
post good as soon as the pilot has just
landed he launches discrepancy of him and of
immediately, the maintenance team already has access
and the service already gives the
immediate response as soon as the mechanic performed the
analysis, he gave the answer in the logbook,
it is like Goal or in goal, stopping the
machine or putting the machine
according to Mel in  operation again and this
already automatically brings an alert in
our operations situation card if
the machine is in the goal we do not
Col  oca it to grandmother that in addition all
the crews that are registered in the
system have access
to the operations and
aircraft status
chart here is just a demonstration of
the aircraft status chart I can see on the
map where the aircraft are at the moment
if  they are in a bag they are What
kind of Mission can you look at here on the
left side there is a
dispatch number that I can click on it to
know exactly for that pipeline you
are doing at that moment we have the
hour meter of the aircraft and we also have
the aircraft that are available  for the
discrepancy release, give an example
here of our M3 that at the time that
I made the print it is well available for
some discrepancy that he would have to
open to verify which is
the broad access of the tribulations receives the
Mission orders by message of
messages of  WhatsApp or also by
email and also by
email from Lucky Mission he can
log into the system and check the situation
of aircraft check hours
locations of the aircraft
he goes he can check the
previous diaries because our
crews they change we have several
crews that fly the same aircraft
according to this guy on duty
we also have online data for
ramp inspections in the case of  ANAC and
we also have the passenger list
online which is accepted by the
the last tab here inspection control
and file maintenance control
our CPM here it manages the
interventions of clerks online
and this avoids paper it avoids those Orders
of service that accumulated on
the Mechanic's desk and every intervention that is
made on the aircraft is seen by
all users of the system.

it is the bodies
supported by the state that make the
requests and then make a
winter transfer via the bank of  logbook data
is our file via
online server in real time can be accessed
by cell phone anywhere and the
inspection facilitated both by
both internal audits
so I finish my speech here as
the time of 15 minutes it is very short
just gives  just to mention how
the system works but it is a system
that has generated a great gain for us in
flight safety reliability and
operations time
precisely because it avoids
document wear and tear and tasks are more
precise and accessible to all
system users  as I work in
the operations session my
system password I can see everything that
is happening in the
maintenance sessions supply session
requests and a decrease everything falls
on my screen and we manage to
provide a more adequate service and with
fewer errors  more and more looking for this
flight safety and the Good Spending of
public money
is finally I leave a sentence here look
friends can't improve what can't be measured
So our work logic is to measure
more and more to make good use
of taxpayers' resources
thank you very much for your time
Captain Nogueira Thanks for the
presentation our next
guests are Gabriela Silvério
analyst  of quality and Leandro Santos
, planning manager at Sana Agro,
I'm also going to give that little touch of 10

with Viação Aero Agricultural
right so today we are going to bring
the new implementation that Sana announced
to everyone right in the year 2022 which
was the digital operational report as
it is not so common for us to see talk about
Aero Aero agricultural right in the
in this digitization part, I will
be careful to bring some
terms that we usually use,
trying to describe the s  iglas for you
Okay, well, currently we
respond to HR which is an ANAC 37 right and
the normative instruction 02 of the Ministry
of Agriculture that we always
comment on the acronym map right in this case
These are the two normatives that we
Pay close attention, obviously, there are
more regulations that we comply with, but
these regulations are what we are going
to pay attention to. The digital operational report

basically brought a big one.

our operation happens very far from
our administrative office, and
due to complying with these regulations,
we had to generate a
very large amount of paper.

to deal with
operational reports that have to be
generated for each application area, so
each area had to
complete a document  printed form
that was very complex to fill out
because it had to meet the items of
the Ministry of Agriculture regulations
for you to have And then we brought
here some images of what we
ended up generating in a harvest, right because
we end up saying that the sector ends up
working by harvests, right? So this is
a number of harvest blocks that
we generated, we had to do
all this planning before the harvest
started because we couldn't run
the risk of working without having the
report block for the pilots to fill out,
right?  for the pilots and for the executing technicians to
fill in and in the other
image we have an average of reports that
were generated Every two months for only
one client so we worked with
the information Every 30 days because
they work away from our
office  and we depend on receiving
this information for the administrative part to
touch the billing for the
commercial management, we end up taking it
there  from 7 to 15 days to receive
information, then another two or three
days to evaluate the information only to
then bill the
customer so our cycle of
information, we did an internal study, it
took an average of 30 days for the information to
be concluded and closed  all right, right?
We even had a person
specifically from the company just to
receive the reports to confirm that they were
filled out correctly because
we were very concerned about how
they filled it out in the field, right?

quickly then
he knows how to dig and fill it out again
so we had to be very
careful with all this information and
often redo something they
had already done, right, it is worth reminding
you that each operational report is
generated by a pilot was usually
accompanied by  more or less five
pages more So we dealt with a
lot of documents, okay, people,
and we started to act  Finally, the
more information that appeared, the more
documents arrived, the more we
felt overwhelmed with documents, we didn't know
what to do with them and sometimes it ended up
taking a long time, as the team
was already used to dealing with this
amount of documents to deal with
analysis  we didn't
feel that we were
wasting time, but we felt that
we could improve, right? And then
we started to see the changes in
other sectors as an opportunity for
us to change too, right?
we did an
internal survey at our company and
we realized that all our
employees had a
smartphone, right?

how to get 3G but today that has
already changed we have the performance of 4 and
5g in most of the locations outside
that when  we have to move
our team of pilots and
agricultural technicians to operate in a
far away city, we have already started to realize that
the hotels that received them already had
wi-fi, right? And as our operation is
divided into planning that can be
done can be filled in before the
application And the rest during the
application we realized that we
could also make their lives easier
if they filled out the documents beforehand,
right, we also started to notice
that other sectors started to use and
accept digital documents  the great
example that we used internally, right
to bring everyone to this idea
of ​​digitizing the digital operational report,
was the CNH, right that we
renew it, it generates an application on the
cell phone, it has a QR Code So if the
other bodies are using it, they are
accepting digital documents why not
try to digitize a document that is
very important for our company, right? And
then in 2020 we had the rea  The reality of
covid-19, which meant that a large part of
our administrative team had to
work remotely, was another factor
that we realized that you can
work remotely in an active way,
so you can be remote But you're
doing your job, you're doing
this  data management and
using digital certificates as a
signature, we started to realize
that customers were more adept at
digital signatures, agencies
were also starting to accept
digitally signed documents, so we saw
an opportunity to move forward
with the digitization of our  company even
because the scene has a double
approval, you know, we are approved for
the rbac 137 which are the Aero
agricultural operations and also approved for ribac
145 which is the maintenance today Sana does the
maintenance of the aircraft itself so it
was a lot of information for the  people
manage alone in a physical way,
let's say now I'm going to pass the
floor to my colleague  Leandro, who
was a more operational person, he will be
able to explain to you more about the
development of our database
and the system.

to be able to
do all this management, we got as
far as starting The project of making a
company's own system, but over
time it became sent Even
because we wanted a system that covered the
whole company, from the financial
part, to the CTM, supplies and the
operational part  of the report So after
that we found this cavoque theme
that in this case we saw that it had a
good base, the information talked to
each other and we saw the possibility
of making the entire operational report through the system
also digital it
is a report  which had a lot of
information, so we needed a
system that already had
a good connection between the parties,
so through the system  theme cavoque we
managed, right, over
a little over a year, right to do this
migration, the first part that is
financial, part of supplies, that
's already calmer because we already had
a system that managed this part, but
the  the biggest challenge really was the issue
of the operational report because we
had to make the system so
practical that it could meet
both the younger and
more senior staff that we have in the
company So if we made the
system  that it was difficult to
fill out that it didn't
take up more time than the
physical report already took maybe it wouldn't work out
right then talking to the team right
we getting the idea of ​​everything
experience that our team had
we managed to make this report it was
more or  at least three months working with
the two reports, both digital and physical,
to have that confidence that
none of this data was going to be lost throughout the
process, right and Atra  As a result, we
even presented it to the Ministry
of Agriculture, which attested to how the
information is ingested in there,
which does not lack anything that already had a
report, the physical report even
today is even better, right in
terms of filling out that  as well as
other reports, many fields that were
filled in today already appear
automatically, which sometimes was even
difficult for our team to understand,
even sometimes a report even if
we needed to generate it was for
weeks or even months today, right with
a  click us Sometimes there is
information about the productivity
of a client, right What was the
productivity in a certain crop?

OK, I'm going to move on to continue
well, guys, continuing
Continuing here basically with our
new work reality, we
managed to collate  put it here on this chart,
so we After these 15 months
of hard work, having the certificate from the
Ministry of Agriculture that it
was within the parameters, we
brought this data, right, for people to
see how much the gain was, right today the
we can see how much
time we wasted generating paper and let's say
managing these papers,
so today we can say that
the rework is over because in a launch
you serve five sectors of the company, right?
I put it down here and we
managed to integrate  five jobs in one
because the pilot makes the launch and this
information automatically goes to the
commercial that that
operation is over to pass it on to the customer for
the customer right to the financial
to bill this
information the operational because the
pilot it  do you have access to the income of
his area if he had an income in
agreement or if there was something left
unfilled, right, the part of management of
operational safety that is required by
rbac 137 which says that we have to
evaluate our runways, right because they are
specific runways for this type of flight
they only have access to the information
of the Runways they can fly So it
also shows which runway he is flying  and
the Ministry of Agriculture, because in the
past we had to compile
all this information to send it to
the Ministry of Agriculture and today, as soon
as they release the information, the
system automatically starts making a
report that we have to send
to the map, right?  Currently, our
team is much more focused on analyzing
data, capital Nogueira said,
we can measure what we are
doing and I think this was the great
gain that we had, as I mentioned
up front, right before the cavoque is  this
red line, we used to take up to 20
days for the information to arrive at the
office, so we put there,
like, 20 to 30 days to do it  the management
of this data right and currently we have
the information at the time because as soon as the
pilot launches the company already has access to
all this information and to finish,
we would like to show
you how our operational report is,
let me see if I  I can switch here to
share the share screen so I
can show you
why our operational report is,
let's say, our biggest our biggest
victory currently uncle can only find it
So today this is our operational report

We were even commenting It found it
very similar  with which Captain Nogueira
shared the logbook,
all the information here is in
accordance with the Ministry of Agriculture and
as we commented with you at the
beginning, each document of this needs to have
several other documents together, right
agronomic prescription map of the application
that comes  of specific equipment on the
aircraft So today we have access to
everything with just one click  ueh And also the
signature because the
customer's encryption and all the other information from
each sector of the company so here we
did a simulation this information here is
for the financial sector right the
commercial information so linked
more here at the top than
usually  there's the customer code,
so we managed to reach this
common denominator by building a
robust database to improve, let's
say, the lives of our employees
so that everyone can analyze
data that's it
Gabriela Leandro thank you very much for the
presentation Vou Chamar Agora our
last  guest Fernando miui director
of maintenance at Gol Linhas Aéreas
good morning everyone good morning everyone who
is watching first I would
like to thank you for the invitation and the
opportunity to speak a little about
our interest here at GOL and
congratulate ANAC for this
initiative  as we heard here from
colleagues, there are many benefits, great
efficiency here and ga  nha in quality, you know,
that's what we're going to talk about here a
little bit about the gout experience.

I'm just going to talk a little about my journey here. I started in Aviation. Even some of you probably won't know what I'm talking about.
see the evolution that we went through
in the 90s in the 90s, where there was
still a micro manual file, it was that
little machine and you printed it on
thermal paper there and Look how we evolved, you
know, and we went there through companies
like Vasco VASP Via Brasil  and I passed to
ox at the time of technical representatives
here for Gol specifically where I
spent 15 years and when we
started talking about digitization with gol of the
services they had there I came in
to implement this system not
only that but it was  the
engineering area in maintenance of and that's where
our story begins one of the biggest
headaches we had at GOL is
exactly the free network process, right, the
value of the plane is totally  linked
here the quality of the documents and you
know that a commercial plane a
free network here in a return you arrive
2020 30 bunches of document then you
imagine that these 30 boxes of document
already reduced because those that have already
passed the period of time of protection
you  already removed from the file but imagine
that in our 55 maintenance bases
you did line maintenance, right forum
CS that are done in the main bases
he returned by maintenance control
by CTN and the document face was looked
at one by one by a quality team So
you already have a first filter, no,
we couldn't have 100% according
to the city, right? There's always a
manual error there, the loss of a document and
you corrected it so you could imagine
that this document was loaded for 15 and 20
Years 30 boxes  at the front the
free network process the lesor sends
his representative here spends a month
looking box by box you looking
for example an HT component looking for
81 30  box by box and if you did
a Shop you imagine that all the work
for you to find this component and when
you don't find it
you end up having to redo this

maintenance sometimes a maintenance package sometimes maintenance on
my component So this is  one of the
big headaches that we
wanted to solve here at the beginning and we
had two phases So the first phase
was exactly to solve this first
problem that is the protection of the documentation,
how do you
do a document search at the time of the
audit to send a sheet today?

hence this system,
you index it automatically You have
a page and it indexes by
aircraft by date by type of maintenance
or flexible package So imagine what the
technician is doing

When he scans the
system he reads that alpha check he
knows the aircraft he knows the date and he
puts it in the right folder inside his
computer there in the cloud in the  true, right,
so that document is extremely protected
and then imagine now that we
make this a free network and you search
for a component for an HP document, right?

made in the cloud
in these millions of documents if you
look for a combination of a Paty Number
as nander would look like in a few seconds
it will find all the documents in a few
seconds in these millions the documents
where they appear on the same page as he
partin Number and that serial no she
amazing thing  now even the lesor
now doesn't even need to come here to
audit this documentation he's there in
Ireland in the United States sitting down we
give him access  it's on the system,
there's a specific page for him that
he'll only see the documentation for that
aircraft and the system creates an
approval flow Look how cool So it
starts there today
our technician performs the
maintenance package these tasks are scanned
and go automatically  for folder
creates an approval flow in our
quality control where he will look
inside the computer already document by
document and gives a blue green then it is
archived when lesoro will see we
do it also created an
approval flow he will check all this
documentation and it will give an ok or not for
that document then let's assume that he
didn't like a document he thinks
he has a doubt there he puts
a red ball and goes back to
our quality team now we don't have
to have a team  here separated with a reader
here all day seeing
document box boxes he looks at the digital and today
most The vast majority of readers
are already accepting the  all
digital documents no longer needing to be protected
by paper, okay? And this process we
have also been doing in our audits,

CTM gain from
the CTN quality team, we
managed to reduce by up to 30% the Our people
did not reduce because we
reallocated this team to do the
free part which is more complex the
preparation of the aircraft as a whole and the
documentation for  people see and look for it
and at the end of the day we solve not only
the problem of duplicating maintenance
on the free network but also we make the
process much smaller so the aircraft
spends less time on the ground to do a free one,
imagining here that in the  average
20 costs 10 thousand dollars per day of lizem
so you pass the account here if you
manage to earn three four five days
in each free network it is a
significant amount at the end of the year that
we manage to reduce ok so this was
the great first phase you digitize
all those
legacy documents right and now this system
automatically inside the anus already generates
our anus is the Maintenance Control System
already generates the tasks with a
cover sheet like me  I said when the
technician scans That package That
package from the correct place so this is
the first step that we did the
digitalization of the documents and the second
phase was exactly the adoption of a taxi
Electronic card with digital signature, right? And
this step was extremely important, the
participation of  ANAC and again I
thank you for all the involvement and
support that we had to implement
this because we started thinking about
implementing this back in 2018 19 right, we
started the process in 2020 and 2019
saving from the pandemic was still a certain
Taboo not only  here but to read for the
operator for authorities around the
world but we received a
very nice activity from ANAC in us
help in this process, especially in
validating this digital signature, right? And it
was the critical part of this process
so we started there in 2000 at the end
of 2019 in 2020 we accelerated the
process and today we have the tasks
within the design of a system that
it calls fitsico from a processor that
calls in Power Max it takes the tasks
that come out of both the
known maintenance information system
it packages these tasks right within the
maintenance program it
creates this digital task where the
technician will access it on the tablet today
our mechanic uses the iPad
and that's cool Look if the technician let's
assume he's on vacation he's back from
vacation he didn't see that his poroscopic course
expired two days ago and
he thinks everything is ok he arrives
the supervisor assigns him
like the person who will perform that
microscopic the system pulls the hostel and
does not leave the assignment of that task
So today the system automatically
picks up all the c  certifications of
qualifications of all technicians and only
allows the designation of that technician if
he has all the certificates approved
in the certifications to carry out that
task so any
compliance problem that could exist
exactly due to a process GAP this
is covered by the system now, right?
we create a digital signature where I
gain in the projection that we expect
is that the system
has actually shown in other operators it is
10 to 15% mainly within a
check being
where you have it is like the people who
said card here Nogueira  You said what
if not, on average, you don't get better, right?

more specifically in continuous improvement,
so we're
talking about a 10 to 15%
in print productivity improvement  of paper, we're talking about
4 million sheets
a year here, and the cost here of
printing is about 500 thousand reais a year
within the board just for the
maintenance board, so that was the
second step of the project  and on the other
hand, it's not the topic I'm going to
bring up here today but it's the part of the
crew that has already worked on the
manual books all inside the iPad too and
we'll end up meeting in the
last phase of the project which is exactly
the  logbook RT to this last phase will
seal all the scanning part of
our maintenance and
crew documents ok guys I think this one
These were the big ones here
so just remembering in scanning the
speed one that we find the
documentation the quality that we
earned within the process of
auditing the documentation
on the free network, we also earn
10 thousand dollars a day from
a process that is totally accepted here by the
lessors nowadays, right?  I think it's
cool, I don't know if we can say
how cool the pandemic is, but this
greatly accelerated the digitization and acceptance process,
right, because it's no use for an
Emperor to do what he does
if others are like injuries, right?

people are not going to be able to
accept it, okay, I think this accelerated the
whole process between the operators,
Aeronautical authorities and the sheets and
finally this final part of
digitizing the data and card and the
execution, we also gain a lot in
quality control there and
the day people are still reducing the
paper printing a lot ok so I think that was
basically what I had to
bring here from our Gol experience
we are finalizing the implementation
of the check to be in our
Confins unit our aerotec unit which is
better here in São Paulo Congonhas has already
been turned the key we have already made all
the checks are already in this standard
of electronic billing and so on
naturaeletronica and the interesting
thing is that I think that one thing that I think nobody has touched on
here has to change, right?

second check now
you can't touch his tablet this
here we can't live without it anymore ok
so girl I think that's what I
had here to share thank
you again for the invitation all the support
here from Naque for these
digital projects here
before  moving on to the questions I
would like to introduce you to
Oscar Miyagi who is the manager of the
digital transformation program at ANAC Oscar
would like to make a few comments
I would like to thank all of our
guests here for kindly
sharing their experiences with us here
their experiences and the
advantages of the
digital transformation process that he's been
following for some time and here
I'm actually going to take advantage of it  even to
leave an invitation to other
institutions, other organizations are
also interested in sharing
their views with the community with us, their
experiences because after this
webinar was announced, we
received access from several
institutions, but it was very complicated
for us to fit in  right, but I
think we already have material
for other editions.

I found it very interesting that I
think this was something that came up
common in all the presentations on the
issue of the phases of the process is that
really the digital transformation
is not an event in itself, it's the process like
that, it's something that actually already  it started a
long time ago, right? I think that
practically all
companies have already internally  working on eliminating
manual records and increasingly moving
towards electronic records,
which have
countless advantages, several of which have already been
mentioned here, but it is also a process
that does not end simply with the
elimination of paper, but in fact I
think it  it's a very
important milestone, right when we can
say, no, from that moment on, a
certain process of ours is now
paperles or certain areas now we
are, I think it's a very
important milestone, but I think that from there onwards
, the transformation actually begins.
From then on, the processes actually
start to change. From then
on, optimizations begin to appear, then
we start to reduce rework,
reduce errors.

we live a
very interesting moment here in our
aviation environment where it's all this,
right?  Making the
inevitable is something inevitable as mine
just said
there is that fear of the new,
so when we make the transition
from what was paper to digital, the
person always has a certain fear, right, the
person responsible for that is so satisfied
Wow, but that goes  it works like it used to
before, no, but the paper is no
problem, no, the Tablet is going to be a problem
anyway, but from the moment the
transition is made, that
question comes that feeling of
Wow, how could we
work Before that, right, how did that
it was tolerated, right, so it's very interesting
that I think we're living this
and I think the term digital transformation
is quite appropriate because of that,
so we're living this moment in
Aviation, I think it's very
remarkable for us, it's a historic moment
that  people are living because of that and
we have here, you know, another thing that is
very interesting, right about this
involvement of our tanakina with
requested clothes  digital tion As a group of
companies and even internally it is
inevitably It is kind with
very complex matters it is a complex matter
the version looks at the complex matter the
business area of ​​each organization is
bone it is a very complex matter it is so much
that today we  there are the
civil attraction specialists the
maintenance exercises the specialists and the
IT specialists and sometimes it is very
difficult for you to put everyone at the same
table to speak the same language in
fact in fact
specialists you understand a lot of
your niche but sometimes they  they have
little knowledge or little vision
of what these other specialists have and
even another language another
language so it's a very big challenge to put
everyone at the same table to
speak even to speak the same language
to establish a ground
common and from there to start working
so much of what we intend
with our digital transformation program
is co  locate a place where we
can place all these
specialists, each student in their area, but
we also have
people who can do this
midfield between these different languages
that are spoken, so we are here,
right, within our television program
in  we make ourselves available to help with
this communication internally we
are doing this inside the machine
externally we are making ourselves
available to the operators also to help
in this field, right sometimes a
company this is a fact this is a concrete fact it has
already happened that we realize
the company came to talk to us
it brought an IT team and we
realized that they were not
getting the finalist area
could not convey to the IT area
what it needed to have and could
not convey to the finalist what
the challenge was  where were the
limitations and we felt that we
had a role to play there in the sense
of not  guys let's do it
from the technology point of view this is what we
need to be fulfilled from the point of
view Business diary this is what we
need So let's talk about
what is important for us to establish
this we have a common goal
so the possibilities are endless
we really another topic that I found
very interesting like this is the breakdown of the
mindset really when we break
this limitation that the role imposes on us is
a difficult process, right a change of
mind is always a very
difficult process but  once it is done
the possibilities become practically
endless so now we are seeing
this moment of a really
great transformation, the mindsets
are now starting to break up,
starting to open up and not only
externally is the person living
this  moment too so the
message I wanted to leave is that
we are here with an attitude of
partnership in the main subject is  help
make us available to do
whatever is necessary to help
companies in this transposition process,
they even receive from the public our
external public so what we
need too, what are the
barriers that we may
be putting on the market to  that
so that we can also
work on them, you know,
we already have some regulations that
were published. They were published.

in Norma today maybe you are suitable for the
time but maybe it is not more
suitable for now so we
really need this feedback from those who
are actually affected by this Norma so
that we can
analyze what makes sense to keep
what I withdraw you for  that doesn't make
sense what doesn't make sense anymore that
doesn't add up And so we don't want to be
a population barrier because of the
co  ntrary what we really want is
there helping to push the world of
civil transport in this process of
digital transformation so these were the
words I wanted to leave you guys
once again I wanted to thank all
the participants here thank
all our listeners and  again
invite all those who have
experiences have things they want to
share with us who come to us
we will organize other
webinars we will organize
technical visits talks or that's the word
if it's cooperation so once again
thank you for
the word
So let's start with the questions
In the Salmo order, we have a
question for you here, how is the issue
of returning the alessor aircraft or the
sale of the aircraft?

have a digital certificate with an
internal link to the leader and an external link to
see  verification of the authenticity of that
record and we are also implementing a
QR Code because the document is an
electronic document but if
you have to print it, it
will be accompanied by the QR code to
verify the authenticity of that
both in the work order and in the DBS
and  People have been implementing
flights 001 and 003
the same digital certificate
and QR Code
the next question is both for the balance
and for Capitão Nogueira I'm going to
start taking advantage of the room you
already have the word What are these
devices that inform the
electronic logbook after engine shutdown
is something that needs to be installed
on the aircraft.

in the Fleet the Blue Sky and Sky
track and these devices are
integrated into the good takeoff system of
these ae  ronaves and send short codes in
this text message
from the aircraft to our system
to register people take off
start and cut
thank you Captain Nogueira I
would like to add something to the
answer and this is what our system
calls rock Air it also has a link
satellite text message link that
he manages to feed our
system with a GAP of 5 to 10 seconds
between Each message
Captain Nogueira,
your electronic logbook system was
developed by the
Minas Gerais Military Police or was hired and then they asked you to
to inform the developers if
we had a
hybrid development for an
information technology company that was hired and
we had a group of Officers who were
pilots and already knew the activity for
at least 15 years also knew
all the requirements of the bodies  of the
State like access to interaction And then
the themes were developed follow the
integrated system  of aircraft management and
initially the focus was on the electronic ball diary
but the system grew and
today we are in the management
of pilot training we have
maintenance management financial course management
we have several tabs that are covered
in this system is a contracted company
this company is already in 14 states of
Brazil the military police there call
TSA aviation and every two years we
open a tender to renew this
contract or for another company that
we could provide the service
now a question for Sana Agro
Gabriela Leandro the customers  they have
had easy access to the 4G network in the field
, satellite link,
for example, our
operation today is 100% in São Paulo and Minas,
I believe they are the most
distant regions with internet difficulties,
but this year we are.
with a digital report operating since the beginning of the
year so far we haven't
had a problem with the
internet so I believe that the answer

yeah, we really don't have it That's good Fernando Mila I think there was a
doubt here if there are still
physical documents at the end of the processes
C is still physical ok we are
pressing all for electronic now
in the Confins unit and the
line documents a  line will be the third or
third point that we will turn the
key to electronic document So
in a while we
will actually be producing all documents
digitally but it's still not
great and one more doubt Gol
uses both for documentation  electronics
let's go to the information and
control system right it generates the system
maintenance right and generates the electronic task
ok so the electronic task is not
through the anus despite the anus I understand
that they are trying to develop a
similar solution
ok great now we have a question for
everyone so let's go in the order of the
presentations to start with the
question room is the investment was very high in
this implementation and the return f  hi it
took a long time
our systems were developed
internally with the IT team at Líder and
there is a very high investment of hh by the
IT team of users and
the return
has been
that this here Valente regarding the
investment like this
and  it took a long time to get this feedback
as we are doing it in stages
electronically, it
took a year and a half to
implement it
so we observe that the feedback will be as soon as

it will not take long,
no our system it started to be
developed in mid  2016 and
January 2018 it was already complete and operating
the only thing that was missing at the time for
us was the homologation of the
electronic logbook by ANAC that I came
over the subsequent months and then
I even participated I followed up in fact I
did not follow up  of this homologation and I saw
on the part of the Military Police the
financial investment was not great,
we invested more in the availability
of our time.  our team Because as it was
a laboratory it was the first company it
was the first state agency
that wanted to carry out this digital transformation
the company that was providing us with the
service it worked together
and did not require a financial glove
for this to be done that it  they already
knew that up front they were able to
sell to other bodies so we
paid the same during that time then the
monthly fee for normal use didn't have
any more courses than that now
about the return The return is notorious the
return it is very  in addition to what was
invested for us, I believe that in the
first year of use it was already worth it
because today the system works for
us as a matrix, it feeds
all sessions and today all our
services related to aviation do not
produce paper anymore
so we gained time, gained
quality, gained effectiveness and safety in
that, I believe the feedback was
very positive, it's hard for me to talk
about Pro like that  how much it was but the gain was
much higher than invested
Thank you Gabriela Leandro I would like to
talk about the investment and the return on
good in relation to the investment right about the
return is the system from the beginning
we paid the monthly fee, right also
because anyone thinks  that today to
acquire this one than to acquire the system
would have been more the monthly fee, ours
had an initial investment there also
with the issue of the operational report, right
that we implemented and did it
in partnership with the people of
the cavoque system, right, it was over there
approximately  25 thousand for that part,
but other than that, it would be just the
monthly fee and the time, because like it
or not, I think that the biggest amount that
we believe we spent was the time
because the team really mobilizes,
you have to do a test, right?  And this
really was what else has the greatest
in terms of return, we already saw it
right from the start, you know, in terms of
impressions, like almost all of them dropped  sis,
all the toner was renewing, now we
practically go months without
recharging all of it and without buying that
bunch of paper summaries and not to
mention productivity, you know, today whether or
not a person manages to manage a lot more
data and sometimes before we needed
to  a much larger team for the same
amount of data as it would be today that the
system already compresses and
makes access easier,
's great.

of the
documents, the biggest investment is in
digitizing the liabilities, so we
had this doubt: are we going to
make the liabilities or not the liabilities,
but we decided to do it and the
investment pays for itself in up to two years
by the number of books you produce
there is, so you reduce the number
of people who are working on that
delivery thing a lot and you reduce the number
of maintenance reworks because you can't find
a suitable document t  so for those who
are going to make my suggestion now and have
this process to render free, it's very
intense, my suggestion is to really
start doing all the liabilities,

okay?  in this first one because the
second process which is the
digital part and digital signature it does not have
an initial investment so high is the
price of the system but it has the
investment of resources, right of people
to do the integration the integration is
more complex But even in this process
too  we see a return of one year to
18 months there on the initial investment in the
system and then it pays for itself

it doesn't do it automatically This is
another cool thing that we will
start to get into when you put all
the log book and this p  art within the
digital and people can type
this one, you can put intelligence
that is the next step that I think
companies are thinking
about artificial intelligence to make a
heavier journalistic program, right
today a great point is that we
can analyze the number of Emotions  right
, reliability program, we can't

easily analyze what the technician
wrote so today it's the system that doesn't
capture what's written by hand, it
captures what's in print,
whether it's a photo or a Word
document, a PDF document.  But
then the next step in
digitization segility is this technical thing, put there
standardize the reporter and put it in block
letters on the report itself And then we
can use an
artificial intelligence program to improve
reliability but today it's not the
numbers  really And then you when you
Define a problem within the
potential problem within the
Reliability Trigger Then yes  the
reliability team enters the
individual texts of each sex task Ok
but the future is these people I think the
digitization the
standardized formatting of the technician's impulse so that
we can get better information to
be more assertive in the actions of
maintaining the Culture
people now  we have some doubts
about the process with the ANAC Ok Saulo
What are the differences or difficulties that
the leader experienced in the approval by the
ANAC in relation to the approval of the fpa for

example we obtained the certification only
ANAC and
there was no objection in relation to other
authorities  Aeronautics

the question is
not very clear but in relation to the
difficulties that I bring, it is related
to the signature of the chief pilot to
close the pages of the DDD
she is the chief pilot in the digital environment the
chief pilot needs to sign to
close the pages of the  DVD within a maximum period of
15 days while I have the
signature of the pilot-in-command of the
co-pilot on the logbook pages of  and onboard
electronics in addition to them, I need the
chief pilot to also be like this
for all these pages and this was something

that we had to think about how to
operationalize, you know, and I had some
difficulty with that but we managed
to meet the requirement.

what I said in the comments that
this is all turbative today that supports
the rules that are put to the
staff at the time of implementing the
digital record they were written in
a really innovative way and then
by characteristic right that I think it is
a  characteristic of our market,
the Brazilian web market, it's
very strong in terms of
all the
technologies that we have, right for
security protection, from the point of view, they
are very strong, right, and that applies
not only to you but  even in
paper records, the authenticated signature
is a figure that maybe doesn't exist
in some other countries,
right?  there is a very strong requirement in
this issue of the credibility of
the signature so,
as a result of this
requirement, until the day that the whole
Brazilian context our rule of our
rules also end up being quite
demanding, right in that sense but what I
I would like to emphasize that this is
everything that comes up new and I would say that the
whole normative set related
to Digital Registration is something new, yes, right,
that we at nac that we brought here to the
market is something that is hardly born
Redondo in a first attempt, right, so that
's all  what we understand that
for whatever reason is not adding
or that does not justify its presence to what
is passive of evaluation, we will again
reinforce here, seeing this perception
that the rule does not contribute but that it
penalizes without bringing a
corresponding counterpart is very  It's important that
we receive these inputs for those who
evolved our rule, if that's the case, in
fact, it's something other than that  we
can't foresee it, we'll explain the
reasons for that, but if it's not the case,
we'll start the
process of no, this needs to be
modified, this isn't adding to this, it's
actually in the evolution, so we're going to
work on this  so I want to reinforce this
message, that's for those operators
who have this kind of feeling,
I want you to feel very
comfortable criticizing our rule, you know
that it's not something that was like this,

pulling here, so be patient, live
with it, no  this is not the idea, the idea
is that what is not adding
is brought so that we can
I will even take advantage of Oscar and there is another
question here about
electronic signatures, you know, in Brazil there is a
requirement for an
electronic signature and CP Brasil, this
is required  also by other

Aeronautical authorities our market has its peculiarities
right And this is not specific to the version it
is not specific to the electronic signature  nica
is specific to our Brazilian context
again, right?

but the fact of existence of this difference
It may be that it is necessary it may
be not So that's what we
intend to do so if there is this
difference, right Mainly for those
operators who operate companies that
end up having interfaces with various
authorities that being
civil  I think that here this ends up being
almost inevitable, you know, the same
small companies deal with
foreign suppliers. So this
contact with other countries ends up
being intense.

if this
difference really has to exist,
today I believe that our rule  Well,
my perception is that it is
quite robust But it is quite
robust, which makes it
very reliable.

in certain electronics
eventually It may be that for
most of the records we don't need
the compliance to
be higher, it is more it
is very robust but as a result it
ends up being very demanding, its
development ends up being very
difficult sometimes its implementation  it's
very difficult, so there may be cases
where we can't appreciate
this level of demand, but I think it's
quite likely that in
most cases, if not most of them, we
don't need to
demand it in its entirety and we
can establish a
means there  term in which Our trust on
top of the carrot is sufficient for the
degree of security that we want and at the
same time  u implementation course
this difficulty is not so
high I think this ends up being a
very interesting training session

is what came up here is there a difference in
the acceptance process by a
public body of Public Security force
as was the military police of a
private operator
I will bring a curiosity it was not
mentioned here but the Minas Gerais Military Police
was the first logbook
approved for use in Brazil was the
first body that we approved and no,
it is not like that, from the point
of view of rules, there is no difference
today There is no difference in the
rule that would be applied, for example,
to the public forces, right?  operate
on r Park 190 from a
private operator that operates on 191 or
large operators
commercial operators operators vai 37 or 135 or
121 There is no difference in the rule what
can end up insisting are some
particularities and it is inherent to
specific operations, right like George
for example
it is common to all these segments
but within each segment it has its
peculiarities so what ends up
happening is what
peculiarities do  with the approval
not being exactly the same but the
difference is not in the rule the difference
is not in the process the difference is
in these peculiarities attendants there in
each segment
thank you we have one last
question for everyone again there I
ask you to answer the question like this  and already
put your opinions your
final comments ok
so this is how was the acceptance by the
collaborators regarding the new
technologies Saulo we can start with
since the implantation of the

electronic library we had to go through that
mindset rupture, right before all the
manuals were  on paper I just had the
habit of consulting the papers and
suddenly passing  to consult
publications in electronic media, right, so
every moment we go through
every phase we go through, we
had a transition period
the electronic logbook we
started it at the beginning of 2020
it we had an outline of it
in the first six in the first six
months of the project from the six months
onwards we had this
we brought the users, the crew The
mechanics to participate in this
transformation and only when the process
was mature and the system was mature did
we start with the certification together
ANAC and change in the
physical logbook to electronic so
there was this difficulty in moving from
the physical to electronic means But in
the certification process we brought
the main users to participate
which made it much easier
thank you
Answer this question about the mindset
we also had  this moment of break
here in the Military Police I even believe
that our this break of ours c  With
Paper's old thinking, it is
easier compared to other companies
Because today our officer completes
30 years of effective
public security service with around 50 years
of age, so there is a faster renewal
of the workforce and  the new
generations are generations that have been
using computers since
childhood, so this part of
switching to electronic media
tends to be a

little easier.  suspicious user resistance

electronic temperatures type of
question like this and if I forget my
computer open at home and someone
signs the logbook for me for
more when signing you will have to
enter your password Your child knows your
password then  it was kind of the type of question
that there was but it was easily overcome there
and there was even the question there it was not possible to see
anonymous here about the facility or not
of the machine  uine approval As it was the first
with the construction of a process, it was
much more laborious to develop
the process together with the analysts, we didn't
send the process, we produced it
together with Ana
So it was a long journey,
but there were no legal barriers  there
was no more or
less requirement, right? we complied with
rbat 90, it's a standard that
demands a lot from us because we operate on
unregistered runways in unapproved locations,
so it poses a
difficulty, a danger, right?
operation risk in our operation that has
to be managed through
training and compliance with
stricter standards so I think the most
difficult thing was adapting to the RBA that
90 than doing the digital transformation
is to conclude I thank you for the
opportunity to present our
work and we also make ourselves
available to companies so that
other public bodies can
watch those who want to do a
benchmark see  how it works we are
we accept suggestions
also technology it is never ready it is
always evolving migrating beyond the
best and here is my hug my
thanks to all the participants
Thank you very much
thank you Captain Nogueira only at Agro
Gabriela Leandro I would like to say good
at the beginning  it was a little difficult, although
everyone was looking for this change,
we felt a little afraid, as the
Captain said, a lot of people asked, right,
because we didn't change only the
digital operational report, we started
using this Natura for
digital certificates in the company So  this kind of
question we had to deal with
almost every week, right

?  company's internal rule
that absolutely no one has
access to anyone's login and password
just to bring  r this security
for them, right, but as we did this
adaptation period of three months, right,
physical report with the digital report,
they started to realize that the
backpack was getting lighter, they
didn't have so much time to fill in the hand,
it wasn't getting sore because they
they complained a lot, right that sometimes they had
to fill out the document so much that they
got very tired, right, so it was in addition to
the workday of the
agricultural pilot, right, being very different from that of the
other pilots, they had to spend
more time analyzing the
documentation because they always came here
it was wrong, I hit it back to them, right,
so after they realized that
their time gain was greater, today
we have the scene pilots who say
they don't want to trade for anything, you know,
and we have older people
in the company, right?  we were
very afraid of them not wanting
to adapt to this new reality but today
they are the ones who understand the most, sometimes
they understand the  There's more than the people
who created the database And then
they give a silent suggestion in the field and
we're going to work together,
but the whole team really adhered and doesn't want to
change anymore, that's
great, thanks Gabriela Leandro, do you
want to put something in
or would it be more like what Gabi
said I just thank you for the

opportunity we
think it's great to be able to even disclose this gain
because one of the lines even from our
director even if he would be unhappy and
even more companies is also
this system to the other Because
as people go, right, being in the system,
the system is better, so for us
it would also be good because more people
using it, more people testing it,
different situations appear, so it would be a
gain as a whole, right, it would be good for
everyone, so thank you again for the
opportunity and that would be it
Thank you
Gabriela Leandro Fernando
good girl I think people said
everything here but I would summarize the
concern is usually two things,
right people  s are worried about being
replaced by the system and the other is
to adapt to the system is replacement
I think we see here how the
example paid of people
moving to other positions Because
at the end of the day we can't
fight against this technology
same as a later company And then
six months a year five years
is inevitable, right so I think
our team's awareness
help them look for another position
extremely important multiplication then
I think we have done How we
have to work
this is the first point second point of
adaptation today the systems or
suppliers have been careful to
design an extremely simple system,
right, super intuitive so that's what
Gabriela said that even the
oldest people can pick up a tablet and
simply touch to  back and forth the
logic of the iPad, everyone has mastered
little finger up down inwards
a button is very simple So I think
that we have seen here that all that
fear that people had has already fallen to the
ground and that's what I said here, our
team from Congonhas, for example, said no,
this system here doesn't lie anymore, right?

taking the opportunity just to close here
I would like to pick up a hook on what Captain
Nogueira said I think first of all the people
here congratulations for being
pioneers right but the cool thing It took work
but as Captain Nogueira said there was
no barrier in fact they are
in a very great partnership  with anak
during this process and it was a little
more laborious I think exactly
because of learning a lot, right?

this transformation is happening now, it
's important that they start doing it,
like Leandro here said, the more
we have acceptance in the market with  the
whole but we will see the benefit even
for each company Because as the person
says if the operators don't do
that we start having to do
what the operators want in general
ok so call the message here
tell us  also if you need any
information we are very open here
to receive any company to
and congratulations to Naque here for the
initiative big hug to everyone there I
would like to say some final words
again I think I don't need to
thank all this group that is here
I'm very satisfied with the reports. In
fact, even some may be surprising.

this does not only happen in
companies internally here
we are also in this process not only with
our own with our people in
our induction team  spectors but
even with us sometimes, yeah,
personally, at various times I find
myself with a certain resistance with
some things but what
really is is the price of pioneering spirit
and I don't know if you are feeling that,
right, but we are already participating today
groups formed by authorities the
relevant authorities from the world of
aviation and we are at the forefront
few authorities and with our pot
comparable to ours to our invention system

are with Audacity take it forward in the
process So I'm really expecting a lot from
the world  going from there trying to
keep up and we're actually trying to
do it differently, right, we're
trying to move forward from calling
many operators to do this
walk together.

posture and it's good to know
that this posture was recognized by the
market there people want to build
together And that's what we want
m  more than being aligned with the world
we want to be a reference for the
world we want to make this
evolution we want to be ahead we
want the other authorities to
come and ask us Ana that you
've been through this how is it
like  is that this was done how is
this what do you recommend and we
are already doing this so I would like to
leave this message for everyone like this
and again thank everyone
special thanks to my colleague
Elton here he is a little shy he is
not  showed up but he went to that
key to make this event happen
here Thanks a lot to the girl for
making this event happen and
once again guys Thank you to all
participants and listeners we are at your
disposal look for us this subject
interests us we want it to fly a lot
thank you all
thank you Oscar well we have reached the
end of our event certainly very
productive thank you again for the
participation of  speakers, your
experiences are very valid for those who
want to enter this process, right?

digital transformation in your company in
your maintenance organization
we are here
to assist you in this process on behalf of
ANAC we thank you all for your
participation and we look forward to seeing you soon in your
digital transformation process