gabrielodom / Bioc2019pathwayPCA

Workshop repository for pathwayPCA at the 2019 Bioconductor conference
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Write vignette rough draft #2

Closed gabrielodom closed 5 years ago

gabrielodom commented 5 years ago

Draw from the vignettes at to create a 50-minute long interactive presentation on pathwayPCA. Use this outline:

Activity Time
Introduction to pathwayPCA 10m
Case Study 1: Estimating sample-specific pathway activities 10m
Case Study 2: Pathway analysis for multi-omics datasets 10m
Case Study 3: Analyzing experiments with covariates and interactions 10m
Summary and Conclusion 5m
Questions and Comments 5m
gabrielodom commented 5 years ago

I need help from @jamesban2015 for the biological motivation.

gabrielodom commented 5 years ago

@lxw391 comments:

  1. SummarizedExperiment to tidy data
  2. Explain that the samples for ovarian are from primary tumors (I had removed the "-01" from the sample ID)
  3. Clean up (mostly remove) package library calls and descriptions
  4. Remove the intercept term from the CoxPH hazard function (case study 3)
gabrielodom commented 5 years ago

@jamesban2015 comments:

  1. For Figure 5.3.5, change "PC1 Value for Each Sample" to "PC1 Score for Each Sample"
  2. Add label to Table 7.2: remind reader that these p-values are for the interaction term
  3. For Figure 5.3.3, pathway label text far too small
  4. Add the flowchart from the manuscript to section 4.2
  5. @lizhongliu1996: update the Circos plot to include labels. Flip the colours (red > 0; blue < 0).
gabrielodom commented 5 years ago


  1. My presentation was not a workshop. Make sure to give users time to follow along with the code and execute it.
  2. The ovCNV_df object has class spec_tbl_df in addition to its regular "tibble" classes.
  3. The ovProteome_df object has data.frame only.
gabrielodom commented 5 years ago


  1. Explain that the samples for ovarian are from primary tumors (I had removed the "-01" from the sample ID)
  2. Clean up (mostly remove) package library calls and descriptions
  3. Remove the intercept term from the CoxPH hazard function (case study 3)
  4. For Figure 5.3.5, change "PC1 Value for Each Sample" to "PC1 Score for Each Sample"
  5. Add label to Table 7.2: remind reader that these p-values are for the interaction term
  6. For Figure 5.3.3, pathway label text far too small
gabrielodom commented 5 years ago


  1. SummarizedExperiment to tidy data
  2. Add the flowchart from the manuscript to section 4.2
  3. The ovCNV_df object has class spec_tbl_df in addition to its regular "tibble" classes.
  4. The kirpRNAseq_dfobject has class spec_tbl_df in addition to its regular "tibble" classes.
  5. The ovProteome_df object has data.frame only.
  6. Sort sections by "OPTIONAL" tags to ensure that people have time to follow and code along.