gabrielodom / pathwayPCA

integrative pathway analysis with modern PCA methodology and gene selection
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vignette example - multi-omics analysis - circos plot #48

Closed lxw391 closed 5 years ago

lxw391 commented 5 years ago

consider circos plot for pathways identified in both copy number and proteomics datasets. see

and figure 7 in PARADIGM paper. we can draw the CircleMap for each pathway, since sample specific estimate for each pathway can be estimated for each sample.

lizhongliu1996 commented 5 years ago I think this shiny app is a easy and good option to draw circo plots

lizhongliu1996 commented 5 years ago

packages available including "circlize, RCircos, CIRCUS, and OmicCircos",

"RCircos, CIRCUS, and OmicCircos" are designed specially for genomics data which include column named "chromStart" and "chromEnd", circle plot is drawn based on these two columns.

In our multi-omics example, consider to use R package "circlize" Reference:

Also, try Shirley's code

gabrielodom commented 5 years ago

Are these data sets recording samples from the same subjects? From the Vaske et al. (2010) paper: "Each tick in the ring corresponds to a single patient sample while the color corresponds to activated (red), deactivated (blue) or unchanged (white) levels of activity." If we don't know that the same subjects were kept between copy number data and proteomics data, I don't see how we can create circle plots.

@lizhongliu1996, please check the record IDs from the two data sets to ascertain if an overlap exists.

If we cannot join over subject, then perhaps the ticks of each ring can be a pathway. This means, however, that a single-pathway circle plot is not possible to create.

lxw391 commented 5 years ago

They should be matched samples. Definition for TCGA sample code is at

gabrielodom commented 5 years ago

@lizhongliu1996, here is some code to get the pathways and loadings for the RELA gene: \Xena Multi-Omics Ovarian\RELA_gene_loadings_20181127.R"

lizhongliu1996 commented 5 years ago


gabrielodom commented 5 years ago

@lizhongliu1996, ask Shirley for help making the colours continuous.

gabrielodom commented 5 years ago

Colour palette: plot(1:100, col = colorRampPalette(c("red", "white", "blue"))(100), pch = 16)

Or, to have negative from blue to white: colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white"))(50); and positive from white to red: colorRampPalette(c("white", "red"))(50).

lizhongliu1996 commented 5 years ago

have a look at this one circleplot5

gabrielodom commented 5 years ago

Good work. Move edits discussions to Issue #49